Legal Talk Network On the Road covers the latest conferences, bar meetings, industry events, and trade shows. Often recorded live from the conference room floor our hosts interview bar presidents, committee and section chairs, and other leaders to offer an exclusive look at the biggest events in legal, as well as what is on the horizon for those who practice law.
Forget ads on billboards, buses, and in the Yellow Pages. Building a law practice today requires a new approach.
In its fifth year, the Startup Alley Pitch Competition showcased a new group of 15 emerging companies in the legal tech market.
Josh Leporati and Ben Schorr give a quick overview of how Microsoft Teams helps lawyers collaborate with ease in a highly secure environment.
A U.S. Army general and law firm partner offer their global business and national security perspectives on using AI legally and ethically.
At the intersection of legal need, a pandemic, and tech is the opportunity to develop a niche practice. This Atlanta lawyer has directions.
The CEOs of Clio and Fastcase break down what it takes for lawyers to be innovators. Guess what? There’s no need to be a tech whiz.
From the National Conference of Bar Presidents Midyear ( Judge Michael Burton and Ndidi Moses converse with Farrah Fite about how using design thinking led to major shifts in communications and access...
From the National Conference of Bar Presidents Midyear ( Karen Korr highlights steal-worthy program ideas in this conversation with Russ Jones.
From the National Conference of Bar Presidents Midyear ( Dana and Keith Cutler talk with Alisha Udhwani about anti-bias strategies and tips to spot microaggressive behavior.
From the National Conference of Bar Presidents Midyear ( Terry Hill and Logan Cornett demystify data, metrics, and KPIs with moderator Patrick Palace.
Lawyer and speaker Mitch Jackson explains how building meaningful relationships builds trust and leads to referrals and increased business.
Tom West shares the importance of using online payment systems in law firms to keep pace with the increasing virtualization of the practice of law.
Legal Innovators CEO Bryan Parker shares why it’s important to make diversity and inclusion a business imperative rather than a nice-to-have.
Paula Davis-Laack shares tips for helping law firm teams communicate well and to develop a culture of resilience.
Mike Whelan shares tips on how to think through problems in your law firm and create purpose-driven solutions.
Clio’s COO shares the three things law firms did to succeed during the pandemic, making 40% more revenue per lawyer than their competitors.
Clio’s Jack Newton reveals key integrations, a game-changing client-centered app, and what works/doesn’t work with a distributed workforce.
Sharon Nelson and Lincoln Mead discuss both current and potential impacts of deepfakes on legal practice.
Jess Birken, Ben Sessions, Gyi Tsakalakis, and Erin Gerstenzang discuss the format of the new Un-Track for Doers at this year’s TECHSHOW.
Brett Burney and Paul Unger share app tips for mobile legal practice.
Mary Shen O’Carroll shares highlights from her keynote address focused on shifts in the legal economy.
Honorees Matt Homann, Pegeen Turner, Colin Lachance, and Sofia Lingos share responses to the topics chosen for their luncheon table talks.
Warren Agin and Benjamin Alarie offer highlights from their presentation at TECHSHOW 2020.
Darlene Tonelli and Stephanie Everett share tips for acquiring the right talent for your law firm.
Shannon Salter and Jonathan Verk offer public and private sector perspectives on how online dispute resolution technology creates better outcomes for clients.
Jack Newton discusses strategies for keeping your law firm in step with current client expectations.
Matthew Stubenberg and Kenton Brice discuss their presentation ‘Seeing is Believing: Virtual Reality Preparedness’ and the impact VR can have for the legal industry.
Co-founders and brothers Alcide and Armond Honoré discuss the origins and ongoing development of their mobile call billing app Billseye.
Judy Perry Martinez shares updates on her presidency and current ABA projects.
Christian Lang, Matt Homann, and Dan Linna share their thoughts on how Inspire.Legal 2.0 facilitates conversations to better define and address the most pressing challenges in legal.
Carlos Gamez, Sanjay Kamlani, Lucy Bassli, and Haley Altman share guidance for easing the process of tech acquisition.
Laura Safdie, John Scrudato, Andrea Alliston, and Jeff Carr discuss the need for experiential training that prepares students and practitioners for the tech-driven future of law.
Jason Barnwell, Peter Krakaur, and Basha Rubin discuss the obstacles to the creation and adoption of new legal service delivery models.
Zach Warren shares highlights from Legalweek 2020.
Dan Linna, Patrick Fuller, and Gina Passarella offer the biggest takeaways from their panel on what 40 years of data says about the state of the industry its future outlook.
Cynthia Brown, Michelle Dewey, and Jennifer Mendez discuss the benefits of robotic process automation in law firms.
Michele DeStefano, Bill Garcia, and Ari Kaplan share insights on the elements of successful change management in law firms.
Rose Walker, Zach Abramowitz, David Lat, and Chris Wilson discuss the growing opportunities for nontraditional careers in law.
Nicholas Bruch, Luis Fernando Guerra, Gina Passarella, and Karl Kong share insights from their panel on the large law firm shift toward providing alternative legal services.
James Sherer and Jordan Thompson discuss the implications of algorithmic malpractice.
Wendy Curtis, Joan Holman, Samuel Whitman, and Dominic Crosby offer key takeaways from their panel discussion focused on increasing law firms’ ability to adapt to rapidly changing technology.
Legalweek panelists Rebecca Sandefur, Vice Chief Justice Ann Timmer, Andrew Arruda, and Justice Deno Himonas share highlights from their panel discussion on current reforms that aim to enable greater access to justice.
Daniel Pink offers tactics from his book, “When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.”
Andrew Gay, Jesse Harink, and Molly McDonough share details about the Launch//Code Competition at the 2019 Clio Cloud Conference in San Diego, CA.
Katy Goshtasbi shares insights on creating a fulfilling legal career and personal life through a clearly defined personal vision.
Chad Burton, Erin Gerstenzang, Jennifer Reynolds, and John Strohmeyer compete to discover who is the ultimate master of Clio’s Legal Trends Report.
Shaka Senghor shares insights from his time in prison and discusses his efforts for criminal justice reform.
Jack Newton shares highlights from his keynote address at the 2019 Clio Cloud Conference in San Diego, CA.
A panel of legal media representatives discusses their interest in the Clio Conference and what content they hope to bring back to their audiences.
Deanna Van Buren talks about restorative justice through architecture and how peacemaking centers can help transform people and communities for the better.
Jared D. Correia, Esq. is the CEO of Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, which offers subscription-based law...
Christopher T. Anderson has authored numerous articles and speaks on a wide range of topics, including law...
Laurence Colletti serves as the producer at Legal Talk Network where he combines his passion for web-based...
Patrick Palace is a plaintiff’s trial lawyer with an emphasis on workers’ compensation, personal injury, civil rights...
Gyi Tsakalakis founded AttorneySync because lawyers deserve better from their marketing people. As a non-practicing lawyer, Gyi...
At Galente Law, APC, Renée N. Galente offers robust representation to clients throughout the San Diego region,...
THE ORRICK YEARS Ralph served as Chairman & CEO of Orrick for nearly a quarter century, leading...
Michael Semanchik is the Executive Director of The Innocence Center (TIC), a formidable national legal institution dedicated...
George Psiharis is the Chief Operating Officer at Clio. Specializing in customer development and data operations, he...
Robin Wolpert, JD, PhD is treasurer at the Institute for Well-Being in Law and an accomplished appellate...
Carl Smallwood is director of the Divided Community Project at the Ohio State University Moritz College of...
Ed’s passion is developing innovative market-leading products and bespoke solutions. As InfoTrack’s CEO, Ed plays an integral...
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