Paralegal Voice
Paralegal Voice
Paralegal Voice
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Paralegal Voice


The Paralegal Voice covers the latest issues and trends in the paralegal world. Hosted by Jill I. Francisco and Tony Sipp, The Paralegal Voice is an award winning show where leading paralegals and legal professionals discuss a range of topics from career tips and tactics to writing skills and hiring trends. The Paralegal Voice is a comprehensive educational resource for paralegals and all legal professionals at any level of experience.

More Episodes
May 3, 2024

The Year Ahead For NALA, Plus A Preview Of The 2024 Conference

Hear all about the July 2024 NALA annual conference and the year ahead for NALA from CEO Vanessa Finley.

Feb 15, 2024

Tackling Tech, Getting The Education You Need To Advance

Guest Joy Murao is an expert in teaching others to learn, and apply, the latest in legal tech. Get inspired to take a course and advance your career.

Dec 14, 2023

That’s A Wrap. What A Year: AI, Mental Health, And Conferences!

Co-host Jill Francisco returns just in time to help Tony Sipp wrap up the year that was – from AI to hybrid working from home – and peek ahead to 2024.

Nov 30, 2023

Career Pressures, The Holidays, And Taking Care Of Yourself

It’s great to pursue success. But at what cost? Guest Sonya Sigler helps legal professionals prioritize their lives and build their brand while taking care of themselves.

Oct 19, 2023

Litigation Support Skills, eDiscovery, And Advancing Your Career

Guest Cheryl Garner, CEDS, walks through not only becoming a better paralegal, but pursuing higher career goals, earning credentials, and specializing in eDiscovery and litigation support. She’s a litigation manager overseeing her...

Sep 28, 2023

Paralegals Rise Up! The New Opportunities In Practice Management

Today’s modern organizations and law firms are creating new management opportunities for paralegal professionals. Take charge of your career today.

Aug 10, 2023

Courtroom Tech: Increase Your Value By Perfecting Presentations

Guest Shannon Lex Bales shares his experiences learning, and keeping up with, the latest courtroom tech and presentation software.

Jul 20, 2023

Live From The 2023 NALA Conference: An Inside Look

Greetings from Day One of the NALA 2023 Conference and Expo! Host Jill Francisco joins NALA past president and experienced paralegal Cassandra Oliver-Divens and paralegal student and first-time conference attendee Joey Jones...

May 25, 2023

Overcoming Subconscious Bias, How We Can Do Better

We all have hidden biases that affect our decisions. Learn to identify and counter them with employment attorney Al De La Cruz.

Apr 27, 2023

Keep Up With Today’s Legal Tech (Or Be Left Behind)

Legal technologies wait for no one, including you. Guest Joy Murao is the Founder and CEO at Practice Aligned Resources, a legal tech support firm that offers a blend of services including...

Apr 13, 2023

The NALA Paralegal Jobs Report: Get Paid What You’re Worth!

What’s new for NALA in 2023. Start by getting excited about the 2023 NALA conference with NALA’s chief executive officer, Vanessa Finley. This time in Boston in July. You don’t want to...

Mar 30, 2023

Show Us The Money: The Art and Best Practices Of Time Capture and Billing

Let’s talk about the art, and science, of billing. We’ll go ahead and say it, billing isn’t fun, but it’s crucial to the success of your law firm. And tracking many of...

Mar 16, 2023

How Paralegals Can Fill Legal System Gaps, A Panel Discussion

Our justice system is changing as demand for access to court services grows. Are specially trained paralegal professionals the answer? Across the country, states are looking for ways to grant special licenses...

Feb 14, 2023

New Cohost Tony Sipp Helps Kick Off A Year Of Big Upcoming Events

Host Jill Francisco is joined by NEW Paralegal Voice cohost (and a longtime friend of the podcast) Tony Sipp. Together, they kick off the new year with a rundown of upcoming events...

Jan 20, 2023

Paralegals: This. Is. Your. Year! (So, What Do You Want?)

In 2022, so many things changed. If you don’t love your job, this is your year. Find out if your pay, and job, measure up. Is your work arrangement still fair? Get...

Dec 23, 2022

Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen: Host Carl Morrison Departs With Words of Wisdom

A year-end farewell as co-host Carl Morrison steps away from the mic. It’s been a great ride for the past five years, and Carl closes with a look back at 2022. Have...

Oct 7, 2022

Paralegals: It’s Your Mind. Use It Or Lose It

You can never know too much or learn too much. In this inspiring episode, learn to build your skills, your knowledge, and your career.

Aug 31, 2022

And What, So What, Now What? An NFL Star And The Power Of Positive Thinking.

In a very special, and very personal, episode host Jill Francisco is joined by her good friend, NFL star and Super Bowl champion Vinny Curry of the New York Jets. The power...

Jul 28, 2022

Contract AI, The Game Changer for Corporate Paralegals

Guest Memme Onwudiwe was a speaker at July’s NALA 2022 Conference & Expo delivering a presentation titled “Corporate Paralegals in the Age of Contract AI.” It’s an exciting topic as the role...

Jun 16, 2022

Incoming President NALA President Talks NALA Conference 2022

Guest Debbie L. Overstreet, the incoming NALA president, gives an overview of the upcoming NALA conference – a return to the in-person gathering after two years of virtual, but with a remote...

May 27, 2022

A Solution for Firms Seeking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Guests Mark Harris and Super Bowl Champ Emmanuel Smith of JusticeBid share a new platform that helps firms boost inclusion and diversity.

Apr 28, 2022

Expand Your Horizons: Standing Still Is Not An Option

Guest Bobby T. Rimas is a man in motion. Hear how he has used professional organizations, networking, formal classwork, and teaching to stay ahead.

Mar 31, 2022

Tame the ELM Beast: The Secrets of E-discovery and Data Management

Paralegal professionals are by default case management experts. Take a deep dive into Evidence Lifecycle Management, data flow, and e-discovery.

Feb 24, 2022

Modern Legal Project Management: Agile and Scrum Processes

Alicia Mitchell-Mercer breaks down modern legal project management by applying the Agile philosophy and Scrum management techniques.

Jan 31, 2022

2022 for Paralegals, 12 Big Trends!

Host Carl Morrison delves into 12 trends he expects to drive the paralegal profession in the coming year. Are you ready?

Dec 23, 2021

The “Great Resignation” Is a Great Opportunity for Paralegals

Guest Tony Sipp, paralegal manager, predicts 2022 will be a great year for paralegals to break into the profession or move up.

Nov 25, 2021

ALSP: A Paralegal’s Friend or Foe?

The growing move in Alternative Legal Service Provider (ALSP) specialization may be the next big thing for paralegals.

Nov 1, 2021

Get Up and Get Out There

Paralegals, you have even more to offer. Explore opportunities in writing and presenting for peers and advising and teaching the next generation.

Sep 30, 2021

Justice For All, the Paralegal’s Role

Americans are drowning in a complex court system. How will paralegals protect our access to justice?

Aug 30, 2021

Paralegals Back to School: It’s a New (Tech) World

It’s back to school time. That means for paralegals, too. New software, new online processes, new ways of doing things.

Jul 15, 2021

Paralegal Pathways: Legal Operations

Carl Morrison and Tom Stephenson detail the myriad ways paralegals can leverage their skills in the growing field of legal operations.

Jun 30, 2021

Job Growth Alert: Paralegals In Demand

Given how fast the paralegal field is growing, it’s no wonder NALA expects record meeting attendance. CEO Vanessa Finley offers a preview.

Jun 4, 2021

Distinguishing Diversity from Inclusion

William Murphy explains why so many companies and law firms get it wrong when implementing diversity, equity and inclusion programs.

Apr 23, 2021

Cultivating Curiosity

Educator and trainer Amy Johnson shows how simple changes in work habits can save time, increase productivity, and add value to a legal team.

Mar 31, 2021

The Value of Certification

Carl Morrison reviews the changing paralegal certification landscape as states weigh and test limited licenses to expand access to justice.

Feb 11, 2021

Navigating Law Practice Post-Pandemic

Partner Marc Williams recaps the rapid litigation transition from in-person to virtual and what he expects will be the new normal.

Jan 28, 2021

When Vaccines Cause Injury

Lawyer Drew Downing explains how those injured by vaccines can file claims with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

Dec 17, 2020

Labor & Employment in the Age of COVID-19

Lawyer Brian Moore details evolving regulatory changes that impact employers and workers as the pandemic rages and vaccines hit the market.

Nov 30, 2020

Military Trained and Combat Ready

Master Sgt. Albert Perez Oyola details career paths and, for some, intense assignment twists for those trained as military paralegals.

Nov 12, 2020

Stand Up, Speak Up

Creating a diverse and inclusive culture requires action. Jill Francisco explores big and small ways to support diversity in the workplace.

Sep 30, 2020

The 5 Ps of Legal Six Sigma

Host Carl Morrison shows how paralegals can integrate process improvement techniques in their day-to-day work.

Jul 30, 2020

Eyes Wide Open: Social Media Law & Legal Ethics

When it comes to social media, legal professionals should tread carefully, but actively engage friends, clients and peers in these new spaces.

Jul 10, 2020

The WILLOW Project: Helping Wrongfully Convicted Women

Anne Geraghty-Rathert discusses the mission of the WILLOW Project and prevalent issues in women’s wrongful convictions.

Jul 6, 2020

Get Ready for the 2020 NALA Conference @ Home

Carl Morrison, Jill Francisco, and Brian Moore discuss the exciting experience in store at NALA’s virtual conference.

Jun 11, 2020

Sneak Peek of NALA Conference & Expo 2020

In this brief announcement, host Jill Francisco shares some of the details about NALA’s first virtual conference.

Jun 11, 2020

What a Legal Recruiter Can Do For You

Jillian Kuehl outlines how the recruitment process works and how to find the right recruiter for your needs.

May 14, 2020

Embracing Technology: How AI Helps You Work Faster & Smarter

Nicole Clark explains AI basics and how it can help paralegals work with greater efficiency.

Apr 23, 2020

The At-Home Paralegal: Tips & Tricks for Remote Work

Debbie Hrytzay offers remote work tips for paralegals.

Mar 31, 2020

Paralegals At Home: Carl’s Tips for Healthy Remote Work Habits

Carl Morrison shares remote work tips and his perspective on the ABA’s changes to the definition of a paralegal.

Feb 28, 2020

The Power of You: Building a Paralegal Career That Will Move, Touch, and Inspire

Kristine Custodio Suero shares career development insights for paralegals.

Your Hosts
Jill Francisco

Jill I. Francisco, ACP, received her BA in Criminal Justice, (concentration in Legal Studies), from Marshall University...

Tony Sipp

Tony is a highly accomplished and results-driven Legal Professional with 17 years of legal industry experience.  He is...

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