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Heidi Alexander

Heidi Alexander

Heidi S. Alexander, Esq. is the director of the Massachusetts Law Office Management Assistance Program (MassLOMAP). She advises lawyers in all aspects of practice management, provides guidance in implementing new law office technologies, and helps lawyers attain healthy and sustainable practices. Heidi frequently makes presentations to the legal community and contributes to publications on law practice management and technology. She is the author of Evernote as a Law Practice Tool, an American Bar Association (ABA) publication, a white belt in Legal Lean Sigma Project Management and Process Improvement, and the architect behind the ABA’s Women of Legal Technology initiative that celebrates and encourages women in legal technology. Heidi serves on and leads a number of volunteer boards and committees, including serving as co-chair of the Women’s Bar Association’s Solo and Small Firm Section and co-chair of the Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education Practice Management Committee. She serves on the ABA’s TECHSHOW Planning Board, the Boston Bar Association’s Solo and Small Firm Committee, the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Sole Practitioner and Small Firm Committee, and the Lemberg Children’s Center Board of Directors. In 2017, Heidi was appointed to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s Standing Advisory Committee on Professionalism. Prior to joining LOMAP, Heidi owned and operated a web consulting business and solo law practice. She also taught nonprofit law and technology courses as an adjunct faculty member at a local community college. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Heidi practiced employment law at a small Boston-based law firm and clerked for a justice on the highest court of New Jersey. Her commitment to public service began straight from college when she worked for a nonprofit women’s business assistance center helping low income and minority women launch and grow their businesses.

Recent Episodes
February 28, 2020

ABA TECHSHOW 2020: Rebels Riot Luncheon Q&A

Honorees Matt Homann, Pegeen Turner, Colin Lachance, and Sofia Lingos share responses to the topics chosen for their luncheon table talks.

March 9, 2018

What’s a Digital Marketing Strategy and how do I get one?

Tips for lawyers who are serious about making their marketing matter, including finding your target audience and using the questions your clients are asking for content ideas.

August 24, 2016

Using Content Marketing to Grow Your Law Practice

Frank Strong talks with Heidi Alexander about content marketing and why it’s so important for lawyers.

June 30, 2016

Smart Contracts, Bitcoin, and Blockchain Technology

Josh Stark from Ledger Labs talks about self-executing contracts, Bitcoin, and how blockchain technology could impact the practice of law.

May 24, 2016

How Lawyers Can Increase Their Productivity and Be More Organized

Heidi Alexander talks with Lawyerist founder and editor in chief Sam Glover about how lawyers can increase their organization and productivity.

March 23, 2016

What You Need to Know When Starting A Law Firm

Many lawyers today are thinking about going solo or starting their own firms. But running a law firm is like running a business, which involves much more than providing legal services. You...

November 19, 2015

Legal Project Management for an Efficient and Sustainable Law Firm

In order to succeed in the current economy and to ensure sustainability, law firms must constantly review and refine the way they conduct business. Although lawyers have likely heard of agile, lean,...

October 15, 2015

Law Firm Digital Marketing Trends for 2015-2016

Do lawyers still need to blog? Do I really need to spend time on Twitter? Let’s take a look at the common marketing trends in 2015, and what must have marketing trends we...

September 17, 2015

Being Likeable and Building Relationships in the Legal Profession

Developing a good rapport with clients and trust among your fellow attorneys can lead to better case results, happier clients, and a more pleasurable work environment. Lawyers, and particularly trial attorneys, need...

August 31, 2015

Changes to the Massachusetts Rules of Professional Conduct in 2015

The Massachusetts Rules for Professional Conduct were officially and extensively revised for the first time since 1998 on July 1st, 2015. Many of these changes were heavily influenced by the 2013 revision...

July 28, 2015

Mobile Apps for Legal Services: Competition or Advantage?

Software developers and progressive law firms are looking for ways to streamline their practices, offer higher quality services for less, and help bridge access to justice. Using mobile apps and other technologies,...

June 3, 2015

The Lean Startup: Eliminating Wasteful Practices in Your Law Firm?

The idea of a lean business was recently made popular by Eric Ries’s book, “The Lean Startup.” The lean concept involves eliminating waste and resources that don’t create value for the end...

March 31, 2015

The 21st Century Lawyer: Utilizing Technology Competency as a Marketing Tool

This episode of Lunch Hour Legal Marketing offers an overview of the new skills and competencies that lawyers should have today that they did not need only 20 or 25 years ago, especially...

March 9, 2015

What Does the 21st Century Legal Career Look Like?

Due to advancements in technology, increased outsourcing, and globalization, students are not necessarily graduating law school and entering a big law firm on track to become a partner. A legal career can...

January 6, 2015

Making the Transition from PCs to Macs in Your Law Office

Apple products are gaining traction in the legal field, particularly among solo and small firm lawyers. As more software and apps are being created for Apple computers and law firms are working...

November 18, 2014

Success in Your Remote Workplace

Whether it is from a coffee shop, home office, or library, more people than ever are working remotely. This includes employees at a law firm or business, but many of the principles...

September 2, 2014

iPhone and iPad Apps and Accessories for Lawyers to Use in Their Practice

New applications and accessories for the iPhone and iPad consistently promise to improve the professional and personal lives of lawyers. However, with limited time and so many options, it is difficult for...

July 17, 2014

Heidi Alexander Interviews Lawducate Founder Kelli Proia at Mass LOMAP Conference

Heidi Alexander, co-host of The Legal Toolkit, interviews Kelli Proia, founder of the legal business training organization Lawducate, during Mass LOMAP’s 4th Annual Super Marketing Conference. She explains how a law firm is like...

July 10, 2014

Do Silver Bullets Exist with Digital Marketing? Jim Schonrock Interviewed at the Mass LOMAP Conference

The Legal Toolkit’s Heidi Alexander interviews Jim Schonrock, VP of performance at FindLaw, live at Mass LOMAP’s 4th Annual Super Marketing Conference about his presentation “Do Silver Bullets Exist with Digital Marketing.”...

July 9, 2014

Heidi Alexander Interviews Jack Newton Live at the Mass LOMAP Conference

Heidi Alexander, co-host of The Legal Toolkit on Legal Talk Network, interviews Jack Newton about his featured presentation, “Delivering a Cloud Experience” at Mass LOMAP’s 4th Annual Super Marketing Conference. In the...

July 3, 2014

Top New Legal Technology Products of 2014

It is important for lawyers to keep up with the newest pieces of technology. Software and products are constantly improving and it can be incredibly beneficial for a firm to switch to...

April 16, 2014

Email Marketing for Attorneys

Many attorneys believe email is the most effective form of marketing communication because of list segmentation, custom content ability, and reach into mobile devices. On this episode of Legal Toolkit, host Heidi Alexander is joined...

February 19, 2014

Evernote’s Power of Collaboration, Storage, and OCR for Attorneys

Many people know Evernote as Cloud based storage for documents, but some might be surprised that it can be used in collaborative environments as well. With its advanced search functions, storage options,...

December 20, 2013

Rising Up: How “Large Enough” Law Firms are Winning the Market Share

In this edition of Legal Toolkit, co-hosts Jared Correia and Heidi Alexander invite members of the LexisNexis team to discuss their latest report, Enterprise Legal Management Trend Reports, 2013 Mid-Year Edition: The...

November 26, 2013

MILOfest: A Conference for Mac-User Attorneys

MILO, short for Macs in the Law Office, started as a listserv for attorneys using Apple products in their law practices. Since it’s inception, the interest has increased to support MILOfest: a...