The Paralegal Voice covers the latest issues and trends in the paralegal world. Hosted by Jill I. Francisco and Tony Sipp, The Paralegal Voice is an award winning show where leading paralegals and legal professionals discuss a range of topics from career tips and tactics to writing skills and hiring trends. The Paralegal Voice is a comprehensive educational resource for paralegals and all legal professionals at any level of experience.
Host Carl Morrison shows how paralegals can integrate process improvement techniques in their day-to-day work.
When it comes to social media, legal professionals should tread carefully, but actively engage friends, clients and peers in these new spaces.
Anne Geraghty-Rathert discusses the mission of the WILLOW Project and prevalent issues in women’s wrongful convictions.
Carl Morrison, Jill Francisco, and Brian Moore discuss the exciting experience in store at NALA’s virtual conference.
In this brief announcement, host Jill Francisco shares some of the details about NALA’s first virtual conference.
Jillian Kuehl outlines how the recruitment process works and how to find the right recruiter for your needs.
Nicole Clark explains AI basics and how it can help paralegals work with greater efficiency.
Debbie Hrytzay offers remote work tips for paralegals.
Carl Morrison shares remote work tips and his perspective on the ABA’s changes to the definition of a paralegal.
Kristine Custodio Suero shares career development insights for paralegals.
Vanessa Finley gives insights on NALA’s offerings for members and plans for 2020.
New Paralegal Voice co-host Jill Francisco talks with Chris Jennison about potential changes to the ABA’s legal assistant/paralegal definition and new guidelines that would approve online paralegal coursework.
Carl Morrison shares highlights from 2019 interviews on the Paralegal Voice.
Keith Shannon offers guidance for paralegal professionals on the importance of diligent compliance with ethical standards.
Candess Zona-Mendola shares insights from her book, “The Indispensable Paralegal: Your Guide to Getting It All Done.”
NALA vice president Melissa Hamilton and conference first-timer Sherron Brightharp talk about the conference experience and its offerings for attendees.
Vicki Kunz shares about the innovative opportunities arising in the paralegal industry.
NALA CEO and Executive Director Greta Zeimetz discusses NALA’s strengths and the challenges it will face in the coming years.
Kelly LaGrave shares the importance of paralegal certification and suggests study tools for the exam.
Ken & Anna Buchner give insights into the area of motor vehicle accident recording and reconstruction.
Jeffrey Wolff of ZyLAB talks about the growing impacts of eDiscovery on the law and the tech solutions that empower lawyers and paralegals.
Join host Carl Morrison as he recaps his first day at the 2019 NALA Conference & Expo and teases the great content to come.
In this Mix Bag episode, Carl covers news from the Supreme Court, Crisis Management Plans, and presents his Corporate HR Guide to the Paralegal Profession.
NALA president Jill Francisco talks abut why NALA is a valuable resource to paralegals and what obstacles NALA and the paralegal community will face in the coming years.
Maddy Martin talks about the impact of automation in the legal profession and how it affects paralegals.
Erin Levine talks about the important roles paralegals play in legal product development and client interaction.
Sandy Lavender, office manager for Clark Hill PLC, talks about recruitment strategies for paralegals and legal support professionals.
Have you considered what goals may help you grow as a professional paralegal? In this episode of the Paralegal Voice, host Carl Morrison reflects on 2018, noting successes and discussing the importance...
Carl Morrison shares his top ten tips on law office management.
The magic of paralegal conferences is that you can learn new things about your profession and make connections that you couldn’t have otherwise, all while actually having fun. In this episode of...
Linda McGrath-Cruz talks about how to get the most out of paralegal conference networking.
April Ferguson explains trial consultants and why they are important roles to play in the courtroom.
Carl Morrison gives his management tips and tricks, current association trends, and his predictions for the future of the paralegal profession.
Lisa Stone talks about paralegal representation in pop culture, whether it’s accurate, and where it could improve.
Lisa Vessels tells all about leadership skills as a paralegal and gives tips on how to improve these skills to the future.
Andrea Grabow talks about her experience as a government employee, what law firm knowledge has prepared her for her current position, and the challenges she faced transitioning from law firm to government....
Patrick Palace talks about what LLLTs are and how they provide access to justice in a unique and powerful way.
Lisa Myers discusses her experience as a paralegal educator and why it’s vital for aspiring paralegals to obtain a solid educational foundation.
Conni Herbert discusses why paralegals should be investing their time in pro bono work and the importance of finding pro bono activities that empassion you.
In this bittersweet episode of the Paralegal Voice, Vicki Voisin hands the hosting reigns over to Carl Morrison.
Tracy Mosz talks about her experience as a litigation paralegal including handling the stress and maintaining all the necessary documents.
Julia Dunlap, president of the American Association for Paralegal Education (AAfPE), talks about paralegal education
In this podcast, why networking is so important for lawyers and what they can do to improve their professional social skills.
Vicki Voisin defines what it means to have a successful paralegal career and gives 30 tips on how to live out your calling.
In this episode of The Paralegal Voice, host Vicki Voisin talks to Adam Camras, CEO of Lawgical, about managing your law firm’s time effectively with apps and technology.
This podcast episode is about tips and tricks for public speaking.
Certified Paralegal Alicia Mercer talks about why having a project manager is beneficial to the health and well being of any law firm.
NALA President Cassandra Oliver talks about the organization and the significance of paralegal certification.
Vicki Voisin talks with the State Bar of Michigan practice management advisor JoAnn Hathaway about her tips to help law firms go paperless.
Jill I. Francisco, ACP, received her BA in Criminal Justice, (concentration in Legal Studies), from Marshall University...
Tony is a highly accomplished and results-driven Legal Professional with 17 years of legal industry experience. He is...
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