Featured Guests
Justin Brooks

Justin Brooks is a law professor and the Director of the California Innocence Project, which is a...

John Wixted

John Wixted is the Distinguished Professor Psychology at the University of California, San Diego where he researches...

Greg McKnight

Retired Detective Greg McKnight, served 33 years with the Los Angeles Police Department with about 23 of...

Your Host
Michael Semanchik

Michael Semanchik is the Executive Director of The Innocence Center (TIC), a formidable national legal institution dedicated...

This Episode
Published: August 29, 2024
Podcast: For The Innocent
Category: Access to Justice , News & Current Events , True Crime
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This Podcast
For The Innocent
For The Innocent

Hear why innocent people falsely confess, what causes misidentifications, and how our science like bitemarks, shaken baby syndrome and DNA can used to convict people. Season One and Two are now available.

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