
Legal Tech

Optimizing Your Law Firm with Data-Driven Strategies

Many lawyers today are not adequately prepared to tackle the challenges they face when it comes to law firm optimization, especially with the limited focus that law schools place on the business...

Lawyer with a tablet

Emerging Trends in Legal Tech

The legal industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, rendering previously efficient traditional operational practices a disadvantage. With rapid technological advancements, it is crucial to prioritize innovation and technology trends in...

Gavel with legal tech

Hanging Your Shingle: 4 Podcast Episodes to Help You Start Your Own Law Firm

Your new law practice can be just about anything you want it to be, but the freedom it promises could feel encumbered by the weight of innumerable questions. How do you get...

Podcasts to help you make your own path

Keeping Up: Tech Success for Attorneys

Technology is no longer optional in the practice of law, but figuring out what solutions your firm needs can be a daunting task. Here are six podcast episodes that can help you...

Legal tech for the future

AI’s Future of Legal Productivity and Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of It

Using AI strategically at your law firm can be a time, error, and resource saver. AI is an effective way to save non-billable hours and help legal professionals do their jobs better....

Don't be afraid of AI


Helmed by Co-Chairs Gyi Tsakalakis and Jeannine Lambert, the 2023 ABA TECHSHOW returned to the Hyatt Regency in Chicago (March 1-4). This marks the 2nd year of in-person gatherings for this legal...

ABA Techshow 2023

ABA TechShow 2022: Arguably the Best TechShow Yet

After two years apart, ABA TechShow 2022 marked a ‘re-introduction’ into the real world as lawyers, legal professionals and legal tech leaders once again gathered together.

Black Widow v. Disney | Victim blaming in politics | DIY in complex cases

Shuttered during the pandemic, movie theaters are only slowly opening capacity and drawing modest audiences. What impact did the shutdown and digital-first releases have on the pocketbooks of superstars headlining the films?...

Black Widow movie poster

Building a-typically extraordinary teams | Cringey responses to web reviews | DOJ’s A2J redux

Building good teams often requires valuing the unique strengths of each member. For legal teams, diversity of thought and perspective can make all the difference when solving problems. If everyone thinks the...

Great Minds Think Differently book cover

Mastering macros | Tag you’re it | Public personas on trial

Leveraging technology and the latest legal tools doesn’t necessarily mean becoming an expert in coding and the nuances of machine learning. Several recent Legal Talk Network episodes take deep dives into day-to-day...

Rap on Trial guide cover

Financial wellness tips | How Mary Kay shaped this lawyer’s career | Popehat’s take on Trump v. social media

Other than clean living, among the things better addressed sooner than later, is financial health. This is true whether you’re swimming in debt or have money to burn. In a two-part series,...

Tree growing from jar of coins.

Law schools ranked by employment | IRL office debate | A Declaration of Independence reading

Rankings of all sorts can be controversial, especially for those being ranked when their numbers never materialize or slip. Yet, they continue to be incredibly important for the marketing of law schools,...

American flag and sparkler

Pricing and hirability | New Solo crash course | Elder fraud on the rise

At the top end of the legal profession, in terms of pay, salary wars are well underway. Starting associate salaries have jumped over the $200K mark and are rising. But for much...


‘F’ for Solos on Cybersecurity | Responses to Ransomware | 20 Time & Tech Tips

Look to the left, look to the right. If you’re a solo/small firm, it’s a fair bet that one of your firms has been a victim of a cyber attack. According to...

Time is money message