
Legal History

SideBar Podcast Welcomes Law Professor and Public Health Expert Wendy Parmet as Part of the Show’s One Year Anniversary

Law Professor Wendy Parmet explains how the COVID pandemic exposed weaknesses in our public health system and the lack of trust in science and government. MONTEREY, CA — SideBar podcast on The Legal Talk...

Sidebar celebrates one year with Legal Talk Network

Advocacy for the unpopular: Where’s the line? | U.S. Rep. Raskin on impeachment | Bill of Rights for the earth?

When someone hires a lawyer, they are entitled to a level of zealous advocacy. Ethical guidelines bind the lawyer to be loyal and give their clients their all.  But there are limits...

Earth through crystal ball

Law schools ranked by employment | IRL office debate | A Declaration of Independence reading

Rankings of all sorts can be controversial, especially for those being ranked when their numbers never materialize or slip. Yet, they continue to be incredibly important for the marketing of law schools,...

American flag and sparkler

Summer reading list | When citizen sleuths slip up | Regulating riots

Ever notice how when someone asks for reading recommendations on social media, the comment threads blow up?  Folks love to share their favorite reads. They seem to equally enjoy seeing what books...

Steps made of books

Landing the job you want | Over-enrollment blues | Musings on UFOs, embracing sales

Decisions about law school were intensely complicated because of the pandemic. Should students go all in? Defer? Bail altogether?  Conversations on Above the Law’s Thinking Like a Lawyer and the ABA’s Law...

UFO self parking

Reigning-in risks | ‘Limitless’ vacation, pro or con? | Authors talk toxins and labor camps

As noted recently by Digital Detectives, ransomware and cyber breaches spiked during the pandemic.  There are some understandable reasons for the increase in hacking. One is that data security protocols took a...

slide into base

5 key metrics to track | Getting to inbox zero | A ’70s-era kidnapping | Crisis lawyering, a niche practice

When exploring different ways to improve a practice, work habits, whatever really, a common piece of advice is to look at the data. But what does that mean? Which data points? What...

Man reading marketing metrics

‘Radium Girls’ and workplace safety | Press under arrest | Growth of legal-adjacent careers | Becoming an influencer

One of the benefits of listening to podcasts is getting the opportunity to hear directly from people intimately involved with the stories they’re sharing.  Independent filmmaker Ginny Mohler came across the story...

Radium Girls movie poster

Editor’s Picks: Legal Trends for Solos | BigLaw Bonuses | Lead Magnets | ‘Watergate Girl’ Dishes

Clio broke new ground five years ago by turning its internal data outward and sharing what it was learning about the legal profession. The Legal Trends Report quickly gained prominence in the...

Watergate Girl book cover

Editor’s Picks: Capitol Rioters & Merrick Garland | The Chicago 7 | Biden’s Cybersecurity Imperative

With the confirmation of Merrick Garland came a pledge to make prosecuting Capitol rioters a number one priority. The investigation faces numerous hurdles, including the sheer number of individuals charged. To date,...

Cyber image

Editor’s Picks: Can Defamation Suits Save the Media? | SolarWinds Lessons for Lawyers | How Families are Erased

As a longtime journalist, defamation suits tend to make me cringe. Yet as I write this, I am struck by a recent interview of Erik Connolly and the $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit...

Erasing Family promotional image

Executive Orders Reviewed | Fashion & the Law Explored | How Highlight Reels Can Energize & Humanize

Executive orders are flying out of the Oval Office faster than the news cycle. The orders cover a wide variety of issues: mask mandates, the Keystone XL pipeline, and travel bans. Are...

Highlight Reel

History of Lynch Mobs | A Chaotic News Cycle Rundown | LIBOR Under the Radar | Best/Worst in Legal Marketing?

A breadth of topics captured my interests this week at Legal Talk Network. One more for my Goodreads wish list comes from The Modern Law Library. Host Lee Rawles speaks with historian...

White Fright book jacket

Editor’s Picks: Gifts for lawyers | Mayflower Compact 400 years later | How ‘Profit-First’ can help grow a practice

Looking for the perfect gift for a tech-loving lawyer? Want some legal history trivia fodder to share with family and friends? These latest episodes have you covered.  Plus, learn how to play...