
Legal News

Editor’s Picks: Make Common Sense Prevail | Redefine the Hub at Firms, Conferences

Thanks to Lawyerist Podcast host Stephanie Everett for tips on simples ways to start the day with a positive outlook. Everett tells co-host Laura Briggs how she thoughtfully picks three things she’s...

Complicated Remote Control

History of Lynch Mobs | A Chaotic News Cycle Rundown | LIBOR Under the Radar | Best/Worst in Legal Marketing?

A breadth of topics captured my interests this week at Legal Talk Network. One more for my Goodreads wish list comes from The Modern Law Library. Host Lee Rawles speaks with historian...

White Fright book jacket

Editor’s Picks: Creating a Will for Your Practice | SCOTUS Practice Amid Covid-19 | Back to Georgia

Events over the last year and past week have many thinking about the end of days. And during the pandemic, estate planning became an urgent matter for individuals and families. Just like...

Wokandapix via Pixabay

Top Legal News | What’s Next for Firms? | Plus… Chucking it All to Follow a Dream

In a year that felt like a decade, some of the biggest legal news seems years away at this point. On Thinking Like a Lawyer, hosts Joe Patrice and Kathryn Rubino discuss...

2020 to 2021 calendar flip