Editor’s Picks: Creating a Will for Your Practice | SCOTUS Practice Amid Covid-19 | Back to Georgia

Events over the last year and past week have many thinking about the end of days. And during the pandemic, estate planning became an urgent matter for individuals and families.

Just like their clients, lawyers need to manage their personal affairs. But they also need to consider what will happen to their practices should they retire or meet an untimely demise.

On the State Bar of Texas Podcast, host Rocky Dhir and his guest Penny Robe discuss succession planning. Robe explains steps lawyers should take to essentially create a will for their practice. The two discuss creating a longterm plan, how frequently that plan should be updated, and the state and ABA resources available for lawyers

State Bar of Texas Podcast

Succession Planning: Being Prepared for the Uncertainties of the Future

Series Explores How Lawyers Adapted to Pandemic Practice

In an interview with U.S. Supreme Court lawyer Jeffrey L. Fisher, Asked & Answered host Stephanie Francis Ward continues a series of discussions with lawyers about how they’ve managed their practices during the pandemic. 

For Fisher and the famously antiquated high court, the transition from in-person to phone arguments was a radical shift. Fisher, who’s argued 40 cases at the Supreme Court, shares how he adapted and what he missed and has found challenging in the current format. Plus, he talks about the surreal nature of finishing an adrenaline-charged argument, then walking out of the conference room onto Stanford’s sunny campus where he teaches. 

ABA Journal: Asked and Answered

What it’s like to argue before the Supreme Court during COVID-19

Back to Georgia

Before things got much worse on Capitol Hill, Thinking Like a Lawyer hosts Joe Patrice and Kathryn Rubino broke down President’s Trump call with Georgia election officials and the BigLaw partner caught on tape. Patrice offers his legal ethics take on the difference between representing unpopular clients and representing toxic clients that can damage a firm’s business. 

Above the Law - Thinking Like a Lawyer

Foley & Lardner’s Wild Week

Why Silencing the Ringer Is the Only Option

For an issue that may be a uniting force, Legal Talk Today’s host Laurence Colletti takes on the scourge of robocalls with Prof. Justin Hurwitz. Hurwitz explains why the federal Do Not Call List isn’t saving us from incessant calls to our cellphones.

Legal Talk Today

Why So Many Robocalls? Why?!


To keep up with timely insights on the law, legal innovation, and law practice, visit Legal Talk Network. Or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Molly McDonough
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Molly McDonough, a longtime legal affairs journalist, is a producer for the current events show "Legal Talk Today." She also is a media and content strategist with McDonough Media LLC. McDonough previously served as editor and publisher of the ABA’s flagship magazine, the "ABA Journal." She writes about access to justice at "A Just Society."