Editor’s Picks: Make Common Sense Prevail | Redefine the Hub at Firms, Conferences

Thanks to Lawyerist Podcast host Stephanie Everett for tips on simples ways to start the day with a positive outlook.

Everett tells co-host Laura Briggs how she thoughtfully picks three things she’s grateful for each day. She doesn’t pick the obvious, at least not without digging deeper into why she is grateful.

Choosing gratitude is a way Everett says legal professionals can put stressors into context.

Briggs follows with a discussion with brand expert Martin Lindstrom about teambuilding with common sense at its core. Too much focus on rules and compliance can strip an organization of a focus on common-sense solutions and approaches.

Using a personal example of a complicated hotel TV remote, Lindstrom talks about how organizations make the mistake of solving problems from the inside out. Instead, they should solve from the outside in, with an emphasis on the consumer.

Lawyerist Podcast

#312: Bringing Back Common Sense, with Martin Lindstrom

Where’s the New Hub of Activity at Law Firms and Conferences

On LTNow, Ralph Baxter, Daniel Rodriguez, and Dan Linna use their final episode hosting the podcast to explore the pandemic’s impact on law firms, law schools, and the delivery of legal services.

According to Baxter, one clear change involves the concept of a business hub. Rather than a brick and mortar place, the new hub is somewhere in the ether where colleagues, teams, and clients meet up.

Law Technology Now

Redefining the Hub

On Legal Toolkit, Jared Correia’s guest Melissa Rogozinksi also addresses the hub, this time at conferences where vendors need to engage with potential customers.

Rogozinski, CEO of RPC Strategies and the RPC Round Table, discusses how web-based legal gatherings can be more successful when conferences are presented in bite-sized pieces, with audience participation.

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Thumbnail photo by Immo Wegmann via Unsplash.

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Molly McDonough, a longtime legal affairs journalist, is a producer for the current events show "Legal Talk Today." She also is a media and content strategist with McDonough Media LLC. McDonough previously served as editor and publisher of the ABA’s flagship magazine, the "ABA Journal." She writes about access to justice at "A Just Society."