Lawyer 2 Lawyer is an award-winning podcast covering relevant, contemporary news from a legal perspective. Host J. Craig Williams invites industry professionals to examine current events and recent rulings in discussions that raise contemplative questions for those involved in the legal industry. Launched in 2005, Lawyer 2 Lawyer is one of the longest-running podcasts on the Internet.
Please also explore Craig’s new podcast, In Dispute: 10 Famous Trials That Changed History, released June 2024.
Attorney Isaac Lidsky was the first blind law clerk to serve the U.S. Supreme Court, working under Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Recently, Tony Mauro highlighted Isaac in the...
From music to film to theatre, celebrities can be a challenge in an entertainment law practice. Attorney and co-host Bob Ambrogi welcomes Gordon Firemark, an entertainment and new media lawyer in Los...
According to a Wall Street Journal investigation, many of the public’s favorite Facebook applications like Farmville, Texas HoldEm Poker and FrontierVille, are allegedly sharing users’ personal information with third-party advertisers and Internet...
In the film Conviction, Betty Anne Waters, a wife and mother of two, puts herself through high school, college and ultimately law school, in an 18 year long crusade to prove her...
Tyler Clementi, a Rutgers University student, jumped to his death after his college roommate used a hidden webcam to stream a sexual encounter between Clementi and another man online. Two students, Dharun...
The 2010-2011 Supreme Court term is upon us, with controversial issues like same-sex marriage and health care reform that will likely play a role when the session gets underway Monday, October 4th....
U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth recently ruled to temporarily block federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, citing a violation of the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, a 1996 law that prohibits the destruction...
While many around the world were paying tribute to those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, Pastor Terry Jones, from the Dove World Outreach Center, had announced that he would...
In the US vs. Pineda-Moreno decision, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that Law enforcement agents can legally place a GPS device on an individual’s car without their...
Back on August 31st 2005, the Legal Talk Network launched this podcast that would become the longest running legal podcast. And 250 podcasts later, the award-winning Lawyer2Lawyer podcast is celebrating its 5th...
Should former MLB pitcher, Roger Clemens and his former trainer Brian McNamee take polygraph tests? That’s just one of the topics discussed on this edition of Lawyer2Lawyer. Attorneys and co-hosts Bob Ambrogi...
A Boston medical student and accused Craigslist killer, Philip Markoff commits suicide in jail awaiting trial for first degree murder, prompting reactions ranging from frustration to relief. On this edition of Lawyer2Lawyer,...
With a vote of 63-37, the Senate confirmed Elena Kagan as a Supreme Court justice making her the 112th justice, and the fourth woman ever to serve on the Supreme Court. Attorney...
In a landmark decision in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, U.S. District Chief Judge Vaughn R. Walker in San Francisco struck down the controversial and highly-debated, Proposition 8 in California, which was approved by...
President Obama recently signed into law the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010, better known as the Financial Reform Bill. This new legislation is aimed to crack down on the excesses...
2010 marks the first year for the University of Massachusetts School of Law – Dartmouth, the state’s first public law school. Attorneys and co-hosts, J. Craig Williams and Bob Ambrogi welcome Dean...
The allure of social media has attracted businesses, law firms and the general public, but with the popularity of social media in and out of the workplace, comes potential legal issues. Attorney...
With the end of the U.S. Supreme Court term came some stand-out rulings including handgun case, McDonald v. City of Chicago and patent law case, Bilski v. Kappos. Attorneys and co-hosts, J....
Preserving the professional rules with regard to original content reporting and attribution to original sources is the topic on this Lawyer2Lawyer. Attorneys and co-hosts, J. Craig Williams and Bob Ambrogi welcome Alan...
Senate resolution 519 opposes U.S. signing of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, a human rights treaty protecting the rights of children. Attorney and co-host, J. Craig Williams welcomes...
With the wave of technology dominating the legal world, reporting from the courtroom has gone from scribbling notes on a pad of paper to live coverage through blogs, video and even tweets....
The “Law.Gov” movement is a campaign to put all primary legal materials in the public domain. Some call it “democratizing” law. Attorney and co-host, Bob Ambrogi welcomes Carl Malamud, founder of
The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill is considered one of the worst environmental disasters in recent years, with gallons of oil seeping into the Gulf of Mexico and beyond. Attorney and co-host, Bob...
With a unanimous vote, the Surpreme Court ruled 9-0 against the NFL in the American Needle v. NFL case—one of the most important legal cases in sports. Attorneys and co-hosts, J. Craig...
The North Carolina State Bar has just finished drafting a proposed Formal Ethics Opinion that allows the use of cloud computing in a law office. Attorneys and co-hosts, J. Craig Williams and...
Joe Salvati of Boston spent nearly 30 years in prison as an innocent man, along with three other men, convicted for a murder they did not commit. After years of legal twists...
The technology and legal world was abuzz over an incident involving a prototype of the iPhone 4G. An Apple engineer allegedly left behind the iPhone, which eventually ended up in the hands...
Governor of Arizona, Jan Brewer, recently signed into law a strict immigration bill, the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act (SB1070 Act), igniting a nationwide discussion. Attorneys and co-hosts, J....
The Securities and Exchange Commission recently filed civil fraud charges against investment bank, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Attorneys and co-hosts, J. Craig Williams and Bob Ambrogi welcome Attorney Jacob S. Frenkel, from...
As first reported in a series of New York Times articles by reporter Alan Schwarz, researchers have linked pro football careers and concussions with climbing rates of depression, dementia and even Alzheimer’s...
Recently, President Obama appointed two union lawyers, Craig Becker and Mark Pearce to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) creating a labor law controversy. Some say that the addition of Becker and...
Under a storm of controversy and additional “fixes” to healthcare reform, President Obama finally signed the highly contested health care bill into law. At least 14 States have filed suits challenging the...
A three and a half year government investigation in Ireland, called the Murphy report, revealed a cover-up of three decades of clergy sexual abuse in the Catholic church. And, in an official...
In every city and town in America, there has been an overwhelming reaction to the political gridlock in Washington D.C. over healthcare, economic recovery, taxes, Afghanistan (almost everything). So why can’t the...
In the second part of Lawyer2Lawyer on the Google Books Settlement, attorneys and co-hosts J. Craig Williams and Bob Ambrogi welcome Attorney Jonathan Band and Attorney Cindy Cohn, Legal Director for the...
Access to more digital information or copyright infringement and privacy issues? Recently, Federal Judge Denny Chin postponed the controversial Google books settlement due to the voluminous amount of feedback on both sides...
The legal and social debate over death with dignity and assisted suicide is reignited. Recently, the Death with Dignity bill surfaced in Massachusetts, where Representative Louis Kafka filed the bill on behalf...
Just recently 15-year old student Phoebe Prince from South Hadley, Massachusetts took her own life after she was being constantly “cyberbullied” by a group of students at her school. Phoebe’s story is...
Car giant Toyota ordered a global recall of 400,000 Priuses for brake problems. This comes on the heels of earlier incidents where reported gas pedals were becoming stuck in floor mats in...
The murder of a young woman in Massachusetts raises new questions about the laws and the legal system in cases involving abusive relationships. 19-year old Allison Myrick was stabbed to death – ...
Last week in a 5-4 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled under the First Amendment, the government may not ban political spending by corporations and unions...
Seeing the people of Haiti suffer from the effects of a devastating earthquake is heart-wrenching. On Lawyer2Lawyer, co-host Attorney J. Craig Williams welcomes Attorney Brian Concannon Jr., Director of the Institute for...
A new year is upon us and the American Bar Association is carving out a new agenda with a new President. Attorneys and co-hosts Bob Ambrogi and J. Craig Williams welcome President-elect...
2009 was a tumultuous year, filled with lows and highs. From the inauguration of President Obama and Captain Sullenberger’s miraculous landing on the Hudson to layoffs and cutbacks in the legal community...
Over the past year, the legal community has been dogged by a down economy resulting in layoffs, pay cuts and lack of jobs from the largest law firms down to the smallest...
Adoption does not only affect the families involved for a lifetime, but also the lawyers and judges who oversee the process. On Lawyer2Lawyer, co-hosts and attorneys, Bob Ambrogi and J. Craig Williams...
The holiday season is upon us—and we would like to wish all our listeners out there a happy holiday! On Lawyer2Lawyer, we will celebrate the holidays by spotlighting three very special attorneys...
As we come to the end of a tough economic year, we take note of some of the effects of the recession, one of which is homelessness on the rise. Attorneys and...
Golf pro Tiger Woods suffered injuries in a car crash in his own car near his home, igniting a media frenzy and a lot of public attention with speculation swirling about his...
Thanksgiving is a time when we’re all reminded to be thankful for what we have and to think about those less fortunate than ourselves…especially this year in this economy Co-host, Attorney Bob...
J. Craig Williams is admitted to practice law in Iowa, California, Massachusetts, and Washington. Before attending law...
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