Lawyer 2 Lawyer is an award-winning podcast covering relevant, contemporary news from a legal perspective. Host J. Craig Williams invites industry professionals to examine current events and recent rulings in discussions that raise contemplative questions for those involved in the legal industry. Launched in 2005, Lawyer 2 Lawyer is one of the longest-running podcasts on the Internet.
Please also explore Craig’s new podcast, In Dispute: 10 Famous Trials That Changed History, released June 2024.
This podcast looks at the drug lab scandal in Mass. and its impact on drug cases, attorneys, defendants, and takes a look at what goes on inside a lab.
In this podcast they talk about Trump's new legislation that allows internet providers or ISPs to sell customer data without consent.
Jim Sandman and Linda Klein discuss President Trump’s budget proposal to zero out funding for the Legal Services Corporation.
The First Amendment, Trump/press relationship, what constitutes “fake news,” the freedom of the press, and potential future litigation involving the press.
Attorney Howard Wexler and Kate Bronfenbrenner look at the impact a new Secretary of Labor under a Trump presidency will have on the U.S. workforce and employers.
In this episode of Lawyer2Lawyer, hosts Bob Ambrogi and Craig Williams join Carrie Severino and Michele Jawando to discuss the nomination of Judge Gorsuch.
ACLU advocacy and policy counsel and FAIR director of research debate and discuss immigration reform and the status of sanctuary cities under Trump.
The Amazon Echo as a murder case witness, legalities surrounding the Echo, technology-based evidence, and the impact on future cases.
A look at the potential future of the EPA under President-elect Trump's pick, Scott Pruitt.
President-elect Donald Trump's choice of Justices, the fate of specific cases, and the impact his choices will have on the law of the land.
Monte Mills and Jeffrey Haas take a look at the protesting of the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock and the legal issues involved.
A discussion on the legal issues in doing business with Cuba and the opportunities for law firms to expand into Cuba.
Professor Eugene O’Donnell and Dr. Tod Burke as they talk about the pros and cons of body cameras in law enforcement.
Trent England and Dr. John R. Koza discuss history of the Electoral College, Electoral College vs. national popular vote, and this presidential election.
David Sanford, Kerrie Campbell, and Caroline Fredrickson discuss litigation, the difficulty of proving gender discrimination, and legislation.
J. Craig Williams joins Paul Armentano and Ben Cort to discuss the recent decision by the DEA to keep marijuana on the Schedule 1 list.
Richard V. Spataro, director of training and publications for National Veterans Legal Services Program and Robert Liscord, veteran legal services outreach coordinator and paralegal for Pine Tree Legal Assistance, as they take...
The use of robots by law enforcement, criticism, ethics, policy, and regulation when it comes to the use of robots.
Dean Strang, former defense attorney for Steven Avery, and Peter Linton-Smith, a former television news reporter who covered the Avery trials discuss the popular Netflix series.
Bob Ambrogi and J. Craig Williams discuss Pokemon Go with professor Adam Thimmesch and attorney Brian Wassom.
Linda Klein, president-elect of the American Bar Association, looks back at the past year and looks ahead to her initiatives and mission as president.
Tony Mauro, Supreme Court correspondent, and Suzanna Sherry, the Herman O. Loewenstein professor of law, discuss the Supreme Court's end of term.
Steven W. Dulan and Arkadi Gerney take a look at gun laws and the tragedy in Orlando.
J. Craig Williams and Bob Ambrogi join attorney Lori Alvino McGill and Chrissi Nimmo as they take an inside look highly publicized custody case involving a 6-year-old girl named Lexi and...
The Labor Department recently announced regulation changes pertaining to overtime pay for employees and their employers. Under these new rules, those who earn salaries of less than $47,476 a year will automatically...
Bob Ambrogi and Craig Williams join Jessica Tillipman and Professor William Byrnes as they take an inside look at the recently leaked Panama Papers.
North Carolina’s House Bill 2, better known as the “Bathroom Law”, has taken center stage and has created a great debate. On March 23, 2016, Gov. Pat McCrory signed the Public Facilities...
The FBI and Apple, Inc. have been immersed in an ongoing legal battle over privacy and security. The legal battle reached a boiling point when the FBI and Apple engaged in a...
Last month, Justice Antonin Scalia passed away unexpectedly sparking a huge reaction from the legal and political world. Justice Scalia was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Ronald Reagan in 1986...
There is presently a public health crisis plaguing Flint, Michigan. Lead contamination in the water has led to a major public health danger. Back in 2014, Flint changed its water source from...
On January 25, 2016, in a 6-3 opinion written by Justice Kennedy, the Supreme Court ruled that those sentenced as juveniles to mandatory life imprisonment for murder, “should have a chance to...
On January 5, 2016, President Obama announced he would be taking executive action to reduce gun violence. Surrounded by families of the Sandy Hook tragedy and other mass killings, he vowed to...
When many of us think of actor and comedian Bill Cosby, we think of the jovial dad, Cliff Huxtable from the Cosby Show. Over the past year, at least 58 women have...
Back in 2005, Legal Talk Network created a weekly show spotlighting current legal topics. That show became Lawyer 2 Lawyer. The masters-that-be plucked two lawyers from obscurity, one from the east, one...
On the evening of November 13, 2015, a series of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in Paris, France, killing and maiming hundreds of people. Ultimately, the terror organization ISIS took responsibility for the...
Back in August of 2014, Lawyer 2 Lawyer hosted a show on the death penalty where we explored whether the death penalty was considered cruel and unusual with standout guests Judge Alex Kozinski...
Ten years ago, the Authors Guild filed a lawsuit against Google, Inc. in an alleged copyright infringement case involving Google’s book scanning project. This project involved creating a searchable database that allows...
Over the years, sexual assault on college campuses has been a huge problem and Washington has taken notice through various legislation and initiatives. Between the Clery Act, pending legislation of the Campus...
Back in 2009, former UCLA basketball player Ed O’Bannon filed a lawsuit on behalf of the NCAA’s Division I players. O’Bannon challenged the NCAA’s use of the images of its former student...
Many believe that good legal writing is vital for proper advocacy. But what does it mean to be a good writer on behalf of your client? Isn’t that what lawyers learn in...
An early morning knock on the door changed Robert Blagojevich’s life forever. Authorities presented him with a subpoena demanding campaign documents. What started as an investigation turned into an indictment. Among the...
Names like Michael Brown and Eric Garner bring forth opinions on both sides of the police power debate. One side cries abuse of power while the other claims self defense. It’s been...
Despite being illegal under federal law, the marijuana industry is rapidly growing in many states around the country. As product and profits blossom, so do stockpiles of cash, because federal law prohibits...
Since its founding in 2009 and beta launch in 2010, Uber has become (arguably) the most well-known taxi-style service in the world. Popularly regarded as the “cab” you hail with an app,...
In 2015, the Supreme Court once again made history with decisions that affect the social fabric of the United States. Critics of decisions, one way or the other, attribute results to political...
With confessed murderers going free and the recusal of an entire District Attorney’s Office, you might be asking yourself what’s going on in Orange County? Among the many alleged violations, a secret...
During a recent trip, Lawyer 2 Lawyer host Bob Ambrogi visited Legal Talk Network headquarters in Denver, Colorado. While there, he interviewed hosts from another legal podcast called ‘FOSS+beer’. With their general...
Credited with saving millions of lives per year, few health programs can boast the success of vaccinations. Even for those who, for health reasons, can’t be inoculated, vaccines provide a type of...
His name is James McGill, but most of us know him as Slipping Jimmy, or Saul Goodman, an ethically conflicted advocate for the unlawful. Making his debut in season two of ‘Breaking...
A jury of six women and six men decided against Ellen Pao’s claims that gender discrimination was to blame for her not being promoted at and eventually being fired from Kleiner Perkins...
J. Craig Williams is admitted to practice law in Iowa, California, Massachusetts, and Washington. Before attending law...
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