Dennis Kennedy is an award-winning leader in applying the Internet and technology to law practice. A published...
Tom Mighell has been at the front lines of technology development since joining Cowles & Thompson, P.C....
Published: | August 28, 2020 |
Podcast: | Kennedy-Mighell Report |
Category: | Legal Technology |
The Second Brain continues to come to life! With ease and simplicity in mind, Dennis and Tom discuss the content capture tools they are considering as they move forward with the project. They hash out their vetting processes for these tools and share which apps’ capabilities have impressed them thus far. In their second segment, they discuss the current buzz surrounding GPT-3 in the AI sphere.
As always, stay tuned for the parting shots, that one tip, website, or observation that you can use the second the podcast ends.
Have a technology question for Dennis and Tom? Call their Tech Question Hotline at 720-441-6820 for the answers to your most burning tech questions.
Special thanks to our sponsors, ServeNow and Colonial Surety Company.
A Segment: Second Brain: Capture, Part 2
B Segment: GPT-3
Parting Shots:
The Kennedy-Mighell Report
Second Brain Project Capture, Part 2
Intro: Got the world turning as fast as it can. Hear how can technology can help, legally speaking with two of the top legal technology experts, authors and lawyers, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Welcome to The Kennedy-Mighell Report here on the Legal Talk Network.
Dennis Kennedy: And welcome to Episode 268 of The Kennedy-Mighell Report. I’m Dennis Kennedy in Ann Arbor.
Tom Mighell: And I’m Tom Mighell in Dallas. Before we get started, we’d like to thank our sponsors. First of all, we’d like to thank Colonial Surety Company bonds and insurance for bringing you this podcast. Whatever court bond you need, get a quote and purchase online
Dennis Kennedy: And we’d also like to thank ServeNow, a nationwide network of trusted pre-screened process servers. Work with the most professional process servers who have experience with high volume serves, embrace technology and understand the litigation process. Visit to learn more.
Tom Mighell: And we want to mention that the second edition of our book, The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies is available on Amazon. Everyone agrees that collaboration is essential in today’s world, but now more than ever before, knowing the right tools will make all of the difference.
Dennis Kennedy: As I like to say at the start of I guess all of our podcasts in 2020, it seems what a difference another week or two makes, and the big changes and events just keep rolling along. In our last episode, we had a fantastic interview guest, Kelly Palmer, Chief Learning Officer of Degreed and co-author of the excellent book called The Expertise Economy. Lots of great stuff in that episode and I highly recommend it.
In this episode, we want to return to our Second Brain Project to which has actually gotten a lot of interest from listeners, and we started that in Episode 263 if you want to go back to that, and we thought we’d give you some progress updates. So Tom, what’s all on our agenda for this episode?
Tom Mighell: Well Dennis in this edition of The Kennedy-Mighell Report, we will indeed be giving you an update on our Second Brain Project where we’re going to discuss how we’ll be capturing information for our respective second brains. In our second segment, we decided that we had to discuss the widely reported advancements in artificial intelligence coming with a new tool called GPT-3. As usual, we’ll finish up with our parting shots at one tip website
or observation you can start to use the second that this podcast is over.
But first up, return to our Second Brain Project. As you may recall from our last Second Brain episode, we were talking about what we consider to be the very first step in establishing that Second Brain which is Capture, and more specifically, the types of things that we want to capture for our second brain whether it’s websites, documents, social media, podcasts, books, articles, whatever. But that, I kept coming up with this during the podcast and I knew we wanted to have a Part 2 to talk about it because that really brings — that’s the “what”, but it brings us to the second part, how we plan on capturing that information to get into it, and I think that it’s going to ultimately get us to the “where it’s going to go” but I think first we need to figure out how we get that stuff into where we’re putting it. Dennis, are you ready to announce the tools that you’ve already decided on?
Dennis Kennedy: First of all, let’s talk about how much harder this is than I expected. So I actually really held off kind of surprisingly for me on going to the tools because instead, I found myself going back to first principles and those are things like “begin with the end in mind, jobs to be done” and I’ve even considered using and started to use the Value Proposition Canvas which is something that I like to kind of clarify my thinking and what I really want to happen with the Second Brain Notion, but with this phase of it especially. I don’t know, for me it sort of comes back to the question I’m meditating on these days is, “If this is really successful, what does this actually look like?” So what does success look like? So we’ll talk about tools Tom, but that’s sort of who I am, sort of back to basics.
Tom Mighell: Well so then, let’s follow that thread and say, “What does success look like to
You?” I mean are you ready to talk about that? Because for me, the “how” is really about — we’ve talked about the “what.” Ideally our listeners, you and I, we’ve already decided the types of things we want to capture and the “how” to me is largely about the tools. But I agree with you, so what’s the end result? What does success look like as part of the “how” for you anyway?
Dennis Kennedy: Well I think that for me, two pieces there are going to be to this and so one is that I would like to say like everything that I think that I want to capture in whatever format, I’m actually able to get in a simple kind of way. So there aren’t big pieces left out because it’s too hard and I don’t say, “Look, I have a notebook here. I have some post-it notes here. I have some other things here” that sort of thing. Then everything that I think goes into the second brain, can go into it. So there is the sort of universality and there aren’t missing pieces of it.
Second piece is something I sometimes forget, but I always come back to it is to say, “Is there an 80-20 approach that actually makes sense?” Do I have to figure out how to get everything at the beginning or can I get enough the 80% with 20% of the total effort to say like, “This is going to do it. This will get me started and then I can fold in some other things later.” So those two concepts are sort of universality and this sort of ease and good enough approach is kind of where I’m at and I think that’s sort of really helping me to think about the tools.
Tom Mighell: So to me, when I hear you say that, I think you said ease, I think simple. I am going to be a big proponent that whatever your second brain becomes, it should be one place or not more than two places. That’s kind of where I’m struggling and when we get to the next phase of this, kind of the “where”, then we’ll talk a little bit more about how I’ve been sort of struggling between one and two different places because there are benefits to both. But let’s assume that it’s the one place, the real question and this is going to be an individual answer for most people is, “Once you decide” — deciding on that place ahead of time is going to be a factor that’s going to or at least having some idea in mind of where you want things to go will be a factor because when it comes time to capture, you’re going to want to say, “Okay what are the types of things that I usually consume?” All right, I read books. I want to make sure that anything that I read on my Ebook Reader gets into my second brain, and so I need to make sure that there’s a way to get there, a path to get there from where I am. Or I read these articles, I want to get that in there. Or I found a nice thread on Twitter that I want to save to have somebody — I want to be able to save that tweet thread or I want to save that website here.
So being able to have an easy way with just a few clicks of a button, you can then get that information through to where your second brain is, to me that is the goal that we all should be headed for, that simplicity, the ease of use so that it is — if not automated, it should at least not change or significantly modify the way that you’re consuming information. It’s just, “I see something I like. I click a button and what I like goes away to where it needs to go.” So that’s kind of how I’m thinking about looking at these capture tools.
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, in a way, I kind of flip your thinking a little bit because there’s a part of me that says, “I don’t really care if it’s like one, two, ten different places.” I think it’s a little more efficient obviously to have it in one or two places. But as long as I can get to stuff, I don’t really care that it’s stored in the background in different places. But it’s sort of
getting the information in and so it’s sort of that, “Can I just click once? That’s ideal.” Can I click twice? Less ideal. Can I do something where I say, “Hey, there’s these email newsletters I get that I don’t get around to reading as much as I think I’m going to” and, “Can I have a rule or something that automatically throws them into the second brain?” And so what can I do to kind of simplify getting things in versus where it goes? Although I’m with you, I think in terms of efficiency, I would want it in one or two places. But ultimately I don’t care if that’s
hidden from me in how many different places is, but my ability to access it feels like I’m looking at one place, so it’s a little bit of a difference.
Tom Mighell: Well you and I can have a further discussion on how you plan to search all of those ten locations at once when we get to the search part of the second brain because I will be interested to know what search tools you have to search across the ten different cloud
platforms that you plan on using to store things.
Dennis Kennedy: I’m waiting for future developments, right?
Tom Mighell: Okay all right.
Dennis Kennedy: Technology gets better and better.
Tom Mighell: Playing the long game here honestly. Okay that’s fair.
Dennis Kennedy: Well it will take us a while to get this established. So we’re kind of hoping that technology advances will help us out a little bit.
Tom Mighell: So we have some criteria. We’ve got some criteria that we’re thinking about — the things that we’re keeping in mind before we get to that point, does that bring us to the tools or are there a further step before we get there?
Dennis Kennedy: I think it’s close, but what I found is I started to think about how this is going to work and I’ve talked to some different people and they say, “Oh the second brain, here’s what it should do and here’s I’m thinking of it and aren’t you thinking of it like this” and I say, “No, that’s not exactly what I have in mind.” I said, “I see how that makes sense for you.” And the concept I keep coming back to is Wikis, believe it or not. It’s almost like going into the way back machine of the internet and then like a personal Wiki and say, “Well I want these links and I want information sort of organized in some ways and it needs to be really simple and it just feels like a Wiki concept to me.” So that’s what I’m thinking of and that could just end up being a conceptual notion that there’s some organization, the ability to drill down into it and things are linked and it’s kind of simple in the way that it’s done. So that’s what I’m thinking and just with some ease and automation on the backend.
Then as I’ve looked at the tool and this will kind of get us a little closer to the tools — as I’ve looked at Notion which is what I’ve been giving a lot of thought to and using it in some other contexts — I’m like, “Notion is kind of like the personal Wiki with like a super nice interface.” So that leads me to think, although this is not the capture, that may be the vehicle or at least one of the vehicles for my second brain will be Notion and that will get me in the realm of a personal Wiki which could be something that doesn’t make sense to other people. But for me,
that’s starting to make sense.
Tom Mighell: So I very much like Notion. We’re going to talk about Notion a lot more in upcoming episodes, but I’m not sure I completely agree with you on the personal Wiki that Notion is that. And I want to talk in upcoming episodes about the idea of something that I’ve read on the internet that has resonated with me, is that some second brains are designed for architects. Some second brains are designed for gardeners, and some are designed for librarians. I think Notion is very much an architect’s tool and I view some other tools as probably being better at the second Wiki than Notion would be or excuse me, the personal Wiki that you described than Notion would be, but getting stuff in there is harder than it is in getting into Notion. So there’s going to be some tradeoffs here. There’s going to be some things that we decide that we trade off because we like certain features more than anything else and I think that’s going to be part of our decision process at least as I go along, I’m going to have to make some tradeoffs based on what I ultimately want out of the tool because I think that none of these is perfect. None of these will get us everything we’re looking for
and we’re just going to — I think 80-20 is going to be kind of a good rule of thumb when we’re deciding on where ultimately everything winds up being.
Dennis Kennedy: And well it’s sort of the stack Notion too because I think that as we looked at — so you can find a lot of stuff out there by a guy named Tiago Forte about Second Brain. His approach really as I looked at it I said, “Well, he’s creating something that needs to be a component of second brain.” But to me OmniFocus does basically everything that in his approach to second brains and that made me realize like, “Oh, I’m not sure that Notion needs to be everything.” It may be the sort of parallel stack or there’s an OmniFocus stack or in your case Todoist, or for somebody else could be Outlook or some other thing where you say, “Well in terms of the to-do piece, the activities, the calendaring, that kind of is a different thing that kind of connects in some ways.” For me that was a helpful way to start thinking about tools to say, “Why create something in a new tool when I already have something that works incredibly well for me?”
So then that makes me think in terms of, “How do I integrate those tools?” will become an important thing for me.
Tom Mighell: I’ve actually been following Tiago Forte for a while. I’m going to have to disagree with you because I really don’t view kind of the OmniFocus/Todoist/Outlook stack as being stuff that he advocates. He’s a huge proponent of Evernote. He in fact is so much into Evernote that he is hesitant to using other things. But Evernote for him is his second brain and we’re going to talk about that a little bit later. He adapted David Allen’s Getting Things
Done methodology into Evernote, but he’s not really using other tools or at least he doesn’t talk about using other tools. And to be real honest, I don’t view Todoist or OmniFocus or anything as really having true relevance to any of this. Now I will tell you that when it comes to Notion, there are many capabilities of Notion that could potentially mean that you don’t have to use OmniFocus or Todoist again. I’m not a fan of that right now. I don’t think I want to do that, but there are ways to do that, but I think that for those of you just — so if you’re going to go — look, I’m going to put a link in the show notes to Tiago’s website on Building a Second Brain. I just want to make sure that– I don’t think he’s really into talking about those things as much as he is talking about using Evernote and he’s hot and heavy on Evernote.
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah. So what I would say is that for me, OmniFocus is — when you come to the action part of the second brain, where you talk about, “Here are projects and there are steps in these projects and I need to decide priorities, get them on the calendar and stuff” I don’t really want to recreate that in Notion or Evernote or any place else. I have a tool in OmniFocus that does all that for me. I think I can move when it comes to action right? So let’s just talk about action and action can mean scheduling.
Tom Mighell: Yeah.
Dennis Kennedy: To say, “This makes sense.” I may move away from that but that was sort of my original reaction and that’s partly because the videos I watched will talk about projects and other things like that. And I go, “I have that covered in what I’m doing in OmniFocus.”
Tom Mighell: And I don’t think we’re ever going to suggest anything otherwise because I
don’t think that any of the tools we’re talking about are good for action. I mean I guess Notion could be used for that, but I’m struggling to say that I want to move from what I’m currently using with Todoist to do something like that. I may manage projects out of it, but not task management which I think Todoist is much superior to. So I think we have time to talk about that on another podcast.
Dennis Kennedy: Oh yeah, definitely.
Tom Mighell: That’s probably a better thing there. So maybe let’s spend the what little time we have left in the segment actually talking about the tools that we’re going to talk about. Do you want to get started first and think about some of the things you’ve been thinking about?
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, I’m thinking in terms of categories. So this is going to be and I think
there’s two for me and so one is the clipper which can be Web Clipper. So Evernote, OneNote, other places have the ability to take something you see on the web and throw it into Evernote or OneNote. So you’re essentially clipping the page that you find on the web, so that clipper Notion becomes really important, is basically just think of it as — back in the ancient days of
books or newspapers that you find an article like and you cut it out and then you store it somewhere. So I think that’s an important notion that you need to consider and there’s a lot of those things out there.
The next thing I would say and this to me starting to be similar, I would call it the send to
function. So you see this in a lot of apps and a lot of programs where you can — to me it’s like the little square that has an arrow on it at the top of it, is how I think of it. And it will allow you to take things and say, “Here’s something I found and I can send it to whatever” Microsoft Teams, OneNote, other things like that. So that send to Notion which is kind of an API function, so it allows you to send into another program. I think that is another tool that I’m going to use. And then I’m also looking — and this is all conceptual at this point, but I’ve used this with TextExpander and I’m looking at Keyboard Maestro on the Mac to say, “Can I do some simple scripting that will allow me to capture something, maybe minimally tag it and then send it to where it needs to go? But it be sort of on my computer.”
So it would be doing clipping, but basically where there isn’t a clipping tool available and it would take just a little bit of scripting programming to do. So those are sort of the three tools I’m looking at. Some of it is just going to be based on other decisions that I make, but those are typically the things I’m starting to use now.
Tom Mighell: So for me, I think what you’re right, what you call the send function, I think technically is they call the Share Sheet for both iOS and Android. With Android, it looks a little bit more like a branching off of branches rather than a little box with an arrow coming out from it. But I think that both iOS and Android have the Share function and I make significant use of that whether I’m on my phone or on my iPad or anywhere where if there’s an ability to share, I am doing that with the apps that I’m sharing too. So that’s probably where I share from Twitter, where I share from Feedly, when I’m reading the news, if I’m on my phone and I see a news story that I want to share, I’m using that function all the time. So that’s one use that I’m making and frankly it’s powerful because it then lets you use whatever tools you’ve decided to use to further get things into your second brain.
So one of the tools that I use a lot these days is that I was looking for a collaborative social bookmark manager and the one that Dennis and I both use — the one that I’ve used quite a bit these days is called I like it, it’s cloud-based. It’s very easy to use. But what I like about it most is that it has the ability to share a collection of bookmarks with somebody. So I’ve been putting together a list of collaboration tools that I’m going to share with everybody at some point, so that people can kind of have a running directory of collaboration tools to look at. But that’s where I park a lot of websites that I want to go back and review later. I’ll just share that to and then I go back at my leisure on the weekends or something and see if there’s anything there that I want to keep longer.
The other two apps, the one I’m using a lot, one I can’t use yet because it’s not available for Android, but the one that I love the most right now is an app called Readwise. Readwise is an app that allows you to take highlights of the text that you read and send it to different places. It was originally designed as what they call sort of a progressive summarization or spaced repetition program to where when you would highlight things from documents, you can open up the app and it will surface your highlights just at random so that you can remember things. It assumes that when you read a book or you read an article, you forget what you read and coming back to things in a spaced way helps you to retain it and to learn more about it. Where they’ve expanded is you can now highlight something in for example your Kindle book. I’m reading a book on Kindle, I highlight some text. It automatically syncs with the Readwise program and I can now view all of my Kindle highlights in Readwise. But what’s also nice and we’ll talk about this a little bit later is it now is automatically sending all of those highlights into Notion. It will also do that into Evernote. It syncs automatically with both Notion and Evernote and will send all of your highlights over there. So for me, I’m probably showing you,
signaling where I’m headed for part of my second brain is, getting it directly into Notion. I can do that with my Kindle highlights. I’m saving articles in Instapaper — everything from
articles is going straight into Notion. You can save tweets and tweet threads in there. There are a number of different things. But to me, it’s a magical tool the fact that it just highlights something and the minute that you highlight it, it is automatically published all the way through, to me is one of the best tools that I’m using right now.
The one that I want to use and the one that I think Dennis and I have talked about as being a real challenge is podcasts and how to actually capture or remember information from podcasts that we find useful. I don’t want to save the whole podcast. I don’t want to have to listen to everything to figure out where it is. There’s a new app out there called Airr. Right now it’s only available for iOS. So if you’ve got iOS and you want to give it a shot, go look at it. I can’t wait to use it on Android, but it allows you to highlight and save off parts of a podcast and it works through Readwise as well, so that means that it can be saved into either Evernote or Notion. But you can also just publish it to a blog or to another website or anything that you want. So it’s a very nice kind of clipper way of clipping podcasts. There are a couple
other apps out there that will clip from podcasts, but I haven’t seen anything that does it in
quite this way. I really think this is the most efficient and best way and they tell me they’re coming out with an Android version, so I really can’t wait to try it out.
Those are the tools I’m using. Dennis, do we want to kind of wrap up with some — what are we going to do moving forward at least until we get to the next installment of this series?
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah one other thought on podcast, so I sent you a link to a podcast before the recording tonight and I noticed in Overcast that there was now a menu item that said, “Share clip.” So I haven’t had a chance to look at that, so I expect we’ll see some more of that. So I think to wrap up, for me it’s like — again, I’m just saying there’s a lot of work to be done. I think the notion of establishing some categories and some types of tools — because a lot of stuff, the notion of clipping is actually really helpful and you can say, “Here’s some things” and are there tools and maybe even using the clipping in the search terms will help you surface something. So I think there are a few things out there and Tom like you said — we found some interesting things already. Like I’m intrigued by Readwise. I realize I need to go to Instapaper which is something that I’ve resisted for a while, but I think it does make sense. So you’re looking for those and then you would say, “One of the pieces is missing” and what we’re talking about is video. Again, if it’s important to you, you’re going to try to figure out some ways to do that as well.
Tom Mighell: Out next segment in this really going to be able the organization, is once we’ve captured things, how do we organize it so that we can find it, surface it, so we can get back to it? That’s getting more to the “where.” We’re getting more into the idea of the “where” and so that’s kind of what my work is going to be, is to kind of keep working with the tools that I’m kind of thinking about and learning more about them and seeing how getting information into them is working. So I expect both Dennis and I to be ready to talk about these things probably in the next couple of weeks when we could bring our next segment in this series, so look forward to that. Before we move on to our next segment, let’s take a quick break for a message from our sponsors.
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Tom Mighell: And now let’s get back The Kennedy-Mighell Report, I’m Tom Mighell.
Dennis Kennedy: And I’m Dennis Kennedy. So there’s been a lot of talk out there in the last, I don’t know, a week or two about a new development in artificial intelligence. It’s called GPT-3 and some people think that it might be a game changer. I of course could not be more excited and I’m ready to jump in whatever way I can. I even have it penciled in as part of my
second brain toolbox if I can figure out a way to do that. And Tom, of course, as always is a bit more circumspect in some of these new things than I am. So Tom, do you want to start us off on GPT-3 and what all the buzz is?
Tom Mighell: Well I’m very interested to know how you intend to use this as part of your second brain toolbox. So I’m looking forward to more information on that. I really wanted to talk about this because this popped out of nowhere and it was a very hot topic for two to three weeks, and then since then there hasn’t been a lot about it. So I’m interested in why everybody was at least briefly obsessed with it and why in my opinion it’s not ready for primetime quite yet, and what we think you should be thinking about in the meantime. I think that that’s what we wanted to talk about.
So real quick, I’ll give more of the background and let Dennis get a little more meat on the bones. Back in May of 2020, the research company that’s backed by a lot of big people, a lot of big companies called OpenAI, they released a paper on this new artificial intelligence called GPT-3 which is what they consider to be the next iteration of a text generation neural network, which is a way of saying, “A system that recognizes patterns and displays that knowledge through the generation of text.”
This new model has 175 billion parameters that was trained on 500 billion words. The previous model, the GPT-2 model was only trained on 1.5 billion parameters, so 100 times more powerful, way more advanced artificial intelligence. So for example you can feed it a sentence
for example, a species of talking unicorns found in the Andes and it will produce an entire news article on the story that actually makes sense. It does this because it is trained to predict
what words are coming next in a sentence given the prior context that it’s seeing.
We’ll put a link in the show notes, but in no time, people were building these little simple apps that would use GPT-3 to do stuff that was just amazing. Somebody would feed it a page from a manual — I think it was online conference and it came back with a strategy for how to develop those conferences that not perfect, but still made sense. One analogy that I saw that I thought was really interesting was that the iPhone put the world’s knowledge in your pocket and GPT-3 provides 10,000 PhDs that are willing to converse with you on any of the topics on your iPhone. I think it still has some work. One of the tests for artificial intelligence is whether it can pass a turing test. Can you ask it questions where you can’t tell if the answer is coming from a human or a computer? For example, with GPT-3, if you ask it the question, “How many rainbows does it take to jump from Hawaii to 17?” A nonsense question, it answers two. So
Clearly, it tries to answer a question when it knows that there’s like no possible answer.
I think it’s still susceptible to the same bias problems as other artificial intelligences. Whoever feeds it that information is going to feed it any biases that come along with the person. I think that there are going to be significant issues with deepfakes if it can be trained to post content on websites all over the internet with false information but credibly written based on articles or comments that it’s responding to, I think that there’s a lot of issues there. I think that there’s a lot of potential application for legal. Obviously we saw a lot of articles on, “Well does this mean the end of lawyers again? Because that’s what everybody thinks about when we think about artificial intelligence.” I think that because of its capabilities for conversation, there are a lot of chatbot opportunities that can be used here — better chatbots that are being used these days, I think can be used in a lot of access to justice applications that are out
there. Eventually it might mean that standard contract clauses, research paper topics could be assigned to an AI tool. Obviously though there’s a legal issue, it has to be legally accurate. So I think there’s a lot of work that needs to be done to make sure that whatever this tool spits out is legally accurate.
I’m going to go with the majority of the people looking at it right now and say, “Very exciting. I’m very excited to see where it goes, but it still has ways to go.” So Dennis remind us how are you planning on making this part of your second brain again?
Dennis Kennedy: I’m going to get to that. It’s a text predictor. As Tom says, its orders of magnitude more advanced and there’s some really significant achievements in this than what we’ve seen before. They trained it on text and I was listening to this podcast where the guest was saying that the most amazing thing he seen is being trained on text. It can do all sorts of — let’s call it two digit mathematical calculations. So it can say, “23 plus 57 is 80” and it wasn’t really trained to do math and numbers. Now it can’t do like as I said, it can do four-digit math and addition, but the fact that it learned how to do math problems but only being trained on text is actually really exciting. So you look at it that way and then I think that it points the path to me to — although people talk about general artificial intelligence, that I think this really leads us toward the specialty of artificial intelligence. Again it’s like the 80-20 thing and you can say, “What can this do?” Like not figure out like, “Oh here are all the things it can’t do” because what some of these examples I seen are amazing and he podcast it sent to Tom tonight was a 4-minute podcast that was generated using GPT-3 and it was an interview with Ada Lovelace who hasn’t been around for 20 years — and it’s a little stilted, but actually it made sense the whole way through as an interview.
In fact, sometimes if you’re watching new shows these days, I would say that this interview made a lot more sense than some of the talking heads I see being interviewed on TV. So that’s interesting. That’s a promise and it’s built on some APIs, so you connect and figure out ways to use it. So Tom, here’s what I’m thinking because I think this is a couple of years down the line, but if I could use GPT-3 to start to predict the things that I was — I say I want to work on this and when it pull together this information now about this topic, and it could generate something for me to use and maybe even incorporate some of the things that I’ve found — that may not be possible in this iteration and it may not even be necessary from the way it’s been trained. But that to me is really promising. So I can say like, “I want to learn just an overview of the topic” and it can generate it to me, that’s fantastic use of my second brain even if it’s not relying necessarily on the stuff I’ve collected just to give me that overview.
So I think if we kind of pull back from saying like, “Does it have to be perfect?” I think this
is like another case of like the perfect, “Is the enemy that good?” I’m just really excited about the potential of this. So I just got to figure out a way to use it. So now it’s time for our parting shots, that one tip, website or observation you can use the second this podcast ends. Tom take it away.
Tom Mighell: Two parting shots from me this time, I have been looking at modifying the lighting that I have for videos that I’m doing, for other things that I’m going to be doing and I’ve come upon one that I really like. I need to play with it some more to make sure that I get it right. It’s called the Key Light Air from a company called Elgato. They’re out of stock for a while. They’re back in stock now. What I like about it is, you can buy more than one, but it comes on a stand which means it’s portable. You can move it around anywhere you want to and the stand is adjustable, it can go as high or as low as you want it to go. And then the lighting is configurable through an app that’s on your computer, so you can adjust the color, the brightness, everything. It can go from very bright and very blue or very white and hot to very blue and very dark. I really like it a lot. I’m going to play around with it and see if I can get it to work for more of my videos or just meetings when it’s too dark in the room.
The other one is pure relaxation and I’m totally addicted to this site, it’s called Drive & Listen. I’ll put a link in the show notes and someone has gone on to YouTube and found driving tours of some of the major cities in the world and posted them along with live radio stations from those cities. So you click on Amsterdam and suddenly you’re driving in the backseat of a car
in Amsterdam listening to music from an Amsterdam radio station. You can go to Beijing or to Johannesburg or to a place in the Swiss alps. It is so interesting and relaxing to just sit there and watch the scenery go by that I just spent an hour there without even worrying about my time. So if you need a little bit of relaxation and you’re down because we’re not getting to take the vacations that we have been taking in the past, give a look at Drive & Listen, Dennis?
Dennis Kennedy: So mine is called So I’ve been looking at doing some videos and when we do a teleprompter, but I didn’t want to do like a whole teleprompter setup until I decided I was that committed to it, and actually I didn’t want to pay $40 for a teleprompter app either. So I found this site which allows me to paste in some text. It’s just simple teleprompter, it doesn’t have the sophistication of other tools and all these nuances and self-starting, but you can just pick. You copy your text in, run the text
at a pace that works for you, put up on your screen and then if you configure your cameras in the right way, you can just use the teleprompter. It will look like you’re looking right into the camera. And until you decide whether you like teleprompters or not or you want to invest money into it, free is always good and it seems super workable.
Tom Mighell: And so that wraps up for this edition of The Kennedy-Mighell Report. Thanks for joining us on the podcast. You can find show notes for this episode on the Legal Talk Networks page for the show. If you like what you hear, please subscribe to our podcast in iTunes or on the Legal Talk Network site where you can find archives of all of our previous podcasts along with transcripts. If you like to get in touch with us, reach out to us on LinkedIn or leave us a voicemail. Remember, we do like to get questions for our B Segment. That number is (720) 441-6820. So until the next podcast, I’m Tom Mighell.
Dennis Kennedy: And I’m Dennis Kennedy and you’ve been listening to The Kennedy-Mighell Report, a podcast on legal technology with an internet focus. If you like what you heard today, please rate us in Apple Podcast and we’ll see you next time for another episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report on the Legal Talk Network.
Outro: Thanks for listening to The Kennedy-Mighell Report. Check out Dennis and Tom’s book, The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together from ABA Books or Amazon and join us every other week for another edition of The Kennedy-Mighell Report only on the Legal Talk Network.
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Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell talk the latest technology to improve services, client interactions, and workflow.