Dennis Kennedy is an award-winning leader in applying the Internet and technology to law practice. A published...
Tom Mighell has been at the front lines of technology development since joining Cowles & Thompson, P.C....
Published: | October 11, 2019 |
Podcast: | Kennedy-Mighell Report |
Category: | Legal Technology |
Once a vibrant part of legal academia, blogging seems to be trending downward as writers move toward creating content for other social media platforms. But is blogging really dying out? Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell think not. They discuss the factors affecting blog trends and why they believe blogs continue to be a relevant content medium for lawyers. In their second segment, Dennis & Tom offer tips and tricks for finding reliable tech reviews.
As always, stay tuned for the parting shots, that one tip, website, or observation you can use the second the podcast ends.
Have a technology question for Dennis and Tom? Call their Tech Question Hotline at 720-441-6820 for answers to your most burning tech questions.
Don’t forget to check out the second edition of Dennis and Tom’s book, “The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together.”
Find Dennis’ free pdf here: 57 Tips for Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law.And keep an eye out for Dennis’ newest book, co-authored with Allison Shields: “Make LinkedIn Work for You: A Practical Handbook for Lawyers and Other Legal Professionals.
Special thanks to our sponsors ServeNow.
The Kennedy-Mighell Report
Did Social Media Kill Blogs
Intro: Web 2.0, Innovation, Trend, Collaboration, Software, Metadata… Got the world turning as fast as it can, hear how technology can help, legally speaking with two of the top legal technology experts, authors and lawyers, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Welcome to The Kennedy-Mighell Report here on the Legal Talk Network.
Dennis Kennedy: And welcome to Episode #246 of The Kennedy-Mighell Report. I am Dennis Kennedy in Ann Arbor.
Tom Mighell: And I am Tom Mighell in Dallas. Before we get started, we would like to thank our sponsor.
Dennis Kennedy: Well, we definitely would like to thank ServeNow, a nationwide network of trusted, prescreened process servers. Work with the most professional process servers who have experience with high-volume serves, embrace technology, and understand the litigation process. Visit to learn more.
Tom Mighell: And it’s also a good time to remind you that the second edition of our book, ‘The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies’ is available right now on Amazon. So if you are interested in seeing what we have updated in the new book, please head over to Amazon and take a look.
Dennis Kennedy: In our last episode we discussed how you recognize that the technology that you are still using has hit the end of the road and what you need to do about that. In this episode we talk about the complex answers we have to what seems to be a simple question about blogging and social media.
Tom, what’s all on our agenda for this episode?
Tom Mighell: We will see how complex this gets, but Dennis, in this edition of The Kennedy-Mighell Report, we will indeed be discussing blogging versus other forms of social media, because frankly isn’t blogging a form of social media and the impact that sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn has had on long time bloggers, like the two of us.
In our second segment, we will talk about hardware and software reviews these days and how much they really help us, and as usual we will finish up with our parting shots, that one tip, website, or observation that you can start to use the second that this podcast is over.
But first up, did social media kill the blogging star? Carla Reyes, who is a law professor at Michigan State University College of Law and heads up the Legal R&D Program there, she re-tweeted a blog post from another law professor, Professor Robert Anderson, who is at Pepperdine Law School, that she wanted people to talk about.
And the question that posed at first seems fairly simple, but the answers we think were worthy of more discussion and we thought our answers might make a good podcast episode. So here was the question. The question was, I must say that blogging really does seem to have mostly died out in legal academia. Many of the formerly vibrant group blogs have effectively ceased creating much original content. I wonder whether the supply dried up because the demand just wasn’t there or what? That’s the question.
And a professor at McGill, Professor Jacob Levy, said true of almost all academic blogging and a lot of blogging in general. Social media ate blogging. With that comment, thus was born this episode.
And Dennis, I guess it was that comment, social media ate blogging that got you interested in this topic, right?
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, it really was, because I think that we have felt this for a while that it’s — there has been definitely a movement away from blogging to social media and it’s been going on for a long time. So I thought it was actually a great time to revisit the question, because in some ways you see a little bit of uptick in blogging, definitely some attention to it. But still, I think more goes on in social media these days, because there are just a lot a lot more channels.
I also realized right away that, and this is like one of my little pet peeves I guess is that I think Twitter is just a terrible place to have these discussions, and then I was going to post on my blog an answer to it and then I kind of thought that actually a blog wasn’t the best place to answer the question.
So it turned out I decided that podcast was actually the best way to have the discussion. So that’s where we came out, and I think it does lead to — both the comment and the question and my response to it really does create an interesting commentary or framework on what channels might be best or most appropriate for different types of communication and conversation.
Tom Mighell: Okay, and I think we want to — I want to get to — I think we get to that closer to the end of this discussion, because I want to come back to the question at hand and I want to answer Professor Reyes’ question, which is, why did it die out or why has this happened, because frankly, I think that Professor Levy’s response is only part of the response and I think it’s incomplete and I think we need to first say why has blogging died out in legal academia, because I am of the opinion and I think you and my friend Kevin O’Keefe would disagree with this too, with the notion that blogging in general has died out.
I think that blogging is not what it used to be, but I think there is still quite a lot of content being created, and not to give any spoilers away about what we are going to say is that we think that it still has an important part in a lawyer’s arsenal of tools that they have to provide content to people.
So I want to focus first on either answering or trying to provide some insight as to why the phenomenon might be the case with regard to law schools and law professors. What are some of the reasons why this has happened? I have my reasons; I would like to hear yours.
Dennis Kennedy: I think there are a couple of things and there is a note in the — an important part in the original question, which talks about the formerly vibrant group blogs and that really is — so one answer, clear answer there is that group blogs have proven historically really hard to keep going. And Tom, I think you and I have been part of a number of group blogs that were vibrant and no longer exist. So it’s hard to sustain those.
Tom Mighell: I will interrupt and say, I will say to me that seems, and maybe we have discussed this on the podcast before, but to me that seems illogical. It seems like a group blog would be easier to keep up than a single blog, because you are hopefully always going to have somebody who has time or energy or the wherewithal to put together a blog post; whereas with a single blog, if that person doesn’t feel like doing anything, that’s dying out a whole lot quicker.
Dennis Kennedy: Well, I will show you exhibit A Tom, which are the emails you sent to me during the time of the Between Lawyers blog, where you said, I don’t know what to write, I don’t have time to write, since it’s really difficult, and the five of us reached a point where we said we don’t even know what goes into this blog anymore.
So that’s why I think that the group blog thing is — because eventually you sort of roll back to your own interests and then in the group you realize that interests start to evolve and change over time.
Tom Mighell: But I would say though that with the law school community, with professor blogs, if you are — I mean all of those profs blogs, group blogs that were out there for a while, I thought they were great ideas. They had a common interest, which was the area of law in which they practiced. So there is ethics blog and there is employment law and there is other types, criminal law, and they were all out there, so there should not have been a lack of information to talk on. So I think that that may be part of the reason, but I would say that’s not the only reason.
Dennis Kennedy: So another part of the reason in the academic blogs is, as you look at what you get credit for, especially if you are going for tenure, what you get credit for in publication, and then on an ongoing basis what people like to see — what an university likes to see from you is a publication in the academic journals.
And so I think it’s almost like you get patted on the head for blogs. So it doesn’t have like the heft I think in academia that the traditional articles have, which is in some ways kind of funny to me Tom, because your blog posts could have many hundreds of percent more readers than the readers in the academic articles.
Tom Mighell: Well, and I will tell you, I think that of all the reasons we are going to talk about why the legal professor blogging has declined, to me that’s the one that makes the most sense and is the most viable. If law professors aren’t going to get ahead by doing it, if it’s not providing them with a means towards tenure, then it makes perfect sense to me why that’s not happening.
I don’t know that that applies to the rest of the legal community, but I think certainly to the legal academia community, it certainly does make sense.
Dennis Kennedy: I think when people still put a lot of emphasis on the mirror — or I call it the status of say print publications and certain types of publications versus audience, I think those factors will come into it. So you need to think about that.
I would say the other thing that to me has really become the big issue in blogging, and I think this is whether it’s academic blogs or across the board is — and this is my first — the first the answer that came to mind when I saw the question is what’s known as the TLDR culture we have, which is Too Long, Didn’t Read, and people just don’t like to read long things. They are frequently tweeting about posting, linking to things that they haven’t read, and sometimes with the hashtag that says TLDR, that says, hey I didn’t read this, but I am throwing it out there.
So I think that has an impact where you are looking at definitely the shorter attention spans, the need to put together things in readable formats, the emphasis on infographics, other things like that, that appeal to the world of increasing or decreasing attention span.
So I think you have to figure out a way to fit blogs into that audience in general and so in some cases you just find that that Twitter or LinkedIn or other things are different ways to do this.
So I would say Tom, for you and me, although I think of myself always as a blogger and a writer first, I would say that in my longer form, what I am thinking longer form, writing, creation, communication, I think of this podcast first for that rather than a blog these days. So it’s almost like I think there is a portfolio of communication channels and blogging is one of it, and if you have a number of them, then you are trying to choose which is the right one.
Tom Mighell: So first to come back to your initial response, I think that as a general rule the ease of which it is to post social media is in large part why many people do not blog or why people who previously blogged now spend more time on social media. The fact that you can put something out in 280 characters and happen, I will tell you, if people are going to put blog posts into tweetstorms so that they have multiple, multiple tweets that could have filled up a blog post, that’s kind of where I start to lose patience and I stop reading people on Twitter, but I think that it’s definitely a — it is definitely a cause of why blogging has gone down.
But by the same token, a lot of those people who are tweeting things are tweeting articles or blog posts, so somebody is still writing them. So it’s not that — and I think that Kevin is right, I think that there is more blogging than ever, I still think that that’s going on, but I think that not just law professors, but anybody I think that they are finding that getting your exposure and putting your information out via social media is much — there is much less friction to it than there would be through blogging.
But I think that where you are getting to as far as portfolio is kind of where I want to get to by the end of this segment, which is really to come back to the idea that we have mentioned, I think, we have probably mentioned this in two or three podcasts before, but it’s Chris Brogan, his idea of the hub-and-spokes of your content community, if we call it something like that, or the content portfolio that Dennis wants to talk about, and that the blog tends to be the place where you stake your main content, that’s your hub, that’s the place where you can post the information that truly belongs to you.
I think Dennis, you will talk about why you have adopted that approach at least, even though you say the podcast is more important, you are also going to talk about a blog first approach, so that plays into it as well. But I still think that the hub-and-spokes approach is a smart place to be, whether you are a lawyer or not, which is have a blog where you can control the content that you create, if you decide to do long-form content, but then advertise that content and/or engage otherwise on the other channels, which become the spokes; the LinkedIn, the Twitter, the Facebook, the whatever it is that you wind up participating in, and all roads lead back to your hub, because having a place of your own I still think makes the most sense.
Being out on these individual sites are good for you to spread things, but I don’t think that they help your career and whatever marketing you want to do as much as having your own website with your own content does.
Sorry, that was long, too long, didn’t listen.
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah. But I think that becomes part of it, because what is attractive to us, and if we look at our own histories of blogging and how we have kind of moved over toward more of our output in terms of quantity is in social media, it is that, and there is actually some — a lot of truth I think in this social media ate blogging comment, but it is so much easier to post in social media than it is to write a well-crafted blog post or even a not well-crafted blog post, just takes more time.
It’s also really easy to post short things that make you feel like you are profound or that you are witty, and then I find a lot of people post things on social media or re-tweet things that they haven’t read and they turn out to be wrong.
There was like a huge flurry of legal academics last week re-tweeting a post that was — that had been disapproved on Snopes like 10 years ago and it like took on a new life and nobody re-tweeted that hey, sorry, we posted something that wasn’t the truth. So it’s easy to step away from.
And then I think there is that addictive part of social media, where you do get an instantaneous response with the likes and the re-tweets and stuff like that and you get some stats on that and maybe some actual engagement and historically it’s always been harder with a blog to get that instantaneous response.
So I mean there is a number of things there. I also think the decline — it’s sort of a lack of awareness about RSS these days, where it used to be such an important tool in the days of Google Reader especially to deliver blogs. I think there is less of that.
And then just one comment, Tom, you know, how I hate tweetstorms, but to me, if I am thinking about expressing some ideas and thinking how — if I think about my audience at all and wanting to help them understand what I am writing, to me like these lengthy tweetstorms that are numbered and are just like giving the middle finger to the reader, that’s my opinion of that. So I will go on record saying, I don’t like those.
So I don’t know Tom, I am guessing you don’t agree with everything I say there, but that’s sort of to me what’s really moved people to social media from blogging is that shortness and ease that you can use it.
Tom Mighell: Well, it should surprise no one that I agree with most of what you said. I think what I find — but I find interesting when you talk about the fact that getting an instantaneous response and seeing likes and engagement, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out the several times that you have let me know how much engagement some of your things are getting on LinkedIn and kind of what — you haven’t really said what a rush it’s given you, that’s been my impression that it’s been exciting to you.
And I will say, when I see lots of people like a photo that I do on Instagram, that’s always very exciting and you don’t get that high or that type of engagement the same way on a blog post. It’s just not going to happen.
What I am really hoping doesn’t happen is that social media continues sort of its march as the shorter form for engagement and that people start to use that more often to engage rather than I don’t — I don’t know that the world has to be the Too Long, Didn’t Read blog post. I think that a lot of value can be given with a couple of short paragraphs to give some information on something.
Lawyers can provide a lot of good content in just a little bit of — a little bit of text and a little bit of explanation can go a long way, but you can’t do that on social media and really needs to be a blog that it gets done in.
So I guess my question back to you Dennis is kind of — I think we have answered the question that was asked by your colleague at Michigan State, but what’s our bottom line, where do we hit with that? Do we agree that social media has killed the blogging star? If we don’t agree or do we have advice for how people should react or deal with that potentiality?
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, let me just talk really briefly about my hashtag blog first approach, which comes from the fact that I had lots of articles over the years that were published on Internet properties of somebody else and I just assumed they were safe.
Now, a lot of it is gone, a lot of it is not findable anymore, and the recency bias I think of the search engines also has an impact on that. So I think there is this notion of findability that’s out there and this comes right back to the hub-and-spoke notion to say like I need to have one place where I can — where you can get to even if it’s I am pointing you to LinkedIn or some other place, but one main place you go to find my stuff. And what worries me about social media is that I make — you make all these clever comments, you find great resources and you put them — it could be on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, wherever, and then later you can’t figure out where the heck you did that, or whether you did it in an email.
So findability I think has become a big part of this. And I don’t know Tom, if you want to say anything more about your approach to the hub-and-spoke because typically blog is the hub and then everything is around that, although there is definitely other ways that people can do that.
But I think that is a great thing where you say as a writer, blogging is going to be the most important thing, because it gives me the most control of what I will call my art, and I don’t have to worry about relying on other people, like medium or other places that potentially go out of business or go behind paywalls or make my articles unreadable because of all the ads and videos they throw up.
So I think that that blog piece, you do come back to it, but I still think the group blog thing is really difficult, and I like having a blog as my own, but my biases on that are probably pretty clear.
Tom Mighell: I guess to wrap this up I will only say I don’t think that blogging is necessary just because you are a writer. You, Dennis, consider yourself a writer, I consider myself to a certain extent to be a writer, but I don’t think lawyers have to view themselves that way in order to get value from having the blog.
The blog is about providing content that is valuable to either the people you want to do business with or your peers or whoever your audiences are and what you want to deal with it.
I still think that the hub-and-spoke approach, it makes the most sense that having a base — I will say I need to put my money where my mouth is, because I have been so off on my blog in the past two or three years, it’s coming, I am going to jumpstart the blog again, but it’s been so hard to do with all my other commitments. But I still — but I want to do it, because I believe that having that hub is still important. I feel like that’s what helps me maintain the spokes, because it gives me things to talk about, to point people back to the blog, and I think that — I think that rather than say that social media is killing the blog, I think frankly our advice from years ago still is good advice.
I think that you have to think about more carefully how you want to use these spokes, how you want to use these channels, but I don’t think necessarily that social media is killing blogging; I think it is helping it to find a new place to provide good, valuable content.
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, I think it’s more of a reshaping than a killing. So if you talk about our usual thing of jobs to be done, what you are having a blog to do versus what you are having social media to do, you will find that they make sense in different ways for different things, and if you look at all those channels as a portfolio, then you can pick the right — the things that make sense for you and for the different audiences that you have.
And that it’s always worth — now, I will point back to Kevin O’Keefe as we end here Tom, but that I look at blogging and all these things from a point of view of communications, writing, an engagement with an audience. Kevin looks at these tools as a way to engage with people and to have conversations. And so there are a couple of different styles that you can actually have with blogging and it’s important to keep that in mind.
Tom Mighell: And I think that’s as good a place as any to stop. So before we move on to our next segment, let’s take a break for a message from our sponsor.
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Tom Mighell: And now let’s get back to The Kennedy-Mighell Report. I am Tom Mighell.
Dennis Kennedy: And I am Dennis Kennedy. In this segment we want to talk a bit about something Dave Winer, who is currently celebrating 25 years of blogging said recently about the value of reviews, especially he was talking in the context of TV shows and software reviews.
So the core argument was that reviews that are based on just the first few shows of a TV series or are from a few days of using software or hardware, he called them ridiculous, especially for shows with depth and long story arcs and software that has a learning curve that you need to go through before you really start to unlock their value.
At the same time, I think that finding independent reviews is harder and harder to do on Google and elsewhere, where you really have confidence in the reviews, and a lot of times they are written really fast, you can tell somebody hasn’t used a product for a long time. And so it’s really started to get me rethinking reviews.
So Tom, I thought this would be a good topic as we sort of head into what’s in the tech world is the tech gifts and holiday season and people are looking at reviews. And so I thought it might be good to talk about what we think is going on out there with reviews these days, how they might differ from the past, and how we might use them better and maybe some tips and tricks for not getting sucked into all these self-running videos and ads and other things that they try to trick you to click on.
So Tom, is the point I am raising a big deal, a little deal, or no deal at all to you?
Tom Mighell: So I will say it’s maybe a little deal, but it’s not a deal that bothers me all that much. When a new product comes out, I think that people want to know should I buy this. I have had people ask me already, should I get the new iPhone 11, I need a new phone, should I get the new iPhone 11? I think it makes zero sense to wait six months to write anything on a product, to write the initial review on a product, because people want to know now, when a product comes out, when something comes out, they want to know is this worth buying.
Now, I think frankly what makes — what might make sense and what I do see with some products and some blogs do this, some technology blogs is actually a follow up review, six months or a year in to capture those who might just be getting around to looking at the product who say, you know, I have had this now for six months, here is how my experience has been since I have had it. I think that’s valuable, but I don’t think that it preempts or means that you don’t need a review that’s created when the product actually comes out. I think it makes a lot of sense to see how some software or hardware lasts over the long haul. So I see some benefit to following up on those initial impressions.
But I think that the overall purpose of the initial review is sound if you know how to — if you set your expectations appropriately, to give the consumer enough information about the product to know is it overall a worthwhile product to look at, are there reasons I shouldn’t buy it.
I hope that we all use enough commonsense to take all reviews with a grain of salt, to know that a review isn’t going to promise us that we too will love the product as much as the reviewer or agree with what the reviewer says once we have it in our hands. If you are that kind of consumer, then it does make sense to wait a while before purchasing.
When I look at something — when I buy a technology, I base my opinion kind of on the features that are there, whether they feel like the features work well. It may be when I get that technology that it doesn’t work for me. That worked last year when I tried out all those different types of tablets, the Surface Go and the Google Slate and they all got decent reviews, but they just weren’t for me and for different reasons and it had nothing to do with the review.
But when you come down to Dennis about independent reviews, for technology, I focus on two to three sites whose reviews I know I can trust, and generally I will say that’s two to three sites, one for general technology, kind of one for Apple, one for Android, there are generally trusted sites for the different types of companies out there, there is some Windows sites that are very good. And I think that it’s very simple to find and trust those reviews. I trust them all, they are good writers. You are right, they don’t spend a lot of time with things, but they are — I still trust what they are saying.
If you want even more independent reviews though, I don’t have a problem going to YouTube. I see lots of non-experts who are posting their video reviews of their experiences with software and hardware and sometimes it’s a little bit more refreshing than you get from an expert tech outlet, getting somebody who is just a regular person like us opening it up and using it and giving in their opinions about how it’s worked, I mean there is I think something to be said for looking at those types of reviews as well.
So I think I am not really as outraged as Dave Winer is about reviews. I think there is a value to them if you know how to read them and take them with the grain of salt that I expect everybody should.
What about you?
Dennis Kennedy: I think it’s a little bigger deal than you do. I mean I agree with you on the follow up and I think that was a lot of Dave’s point, and it is a little annoying, like if you are thinking about investing into like a Netflix series and you see these big — like best show ever reviews from the first two or three episodes and you are slogging through a season going, oh my God, this is just terrible, like when does it get better, you would wish that somebody would have kind of circled back to that. So I think there is that notion of follow up that’s good to have.
I will use another example, as you get into the sort of religious wars on tech, I remember once where people were raving, and I am not saying this was you, Tom, being one of them, but people were just raving about a certain Samsung phone, and I got the chance to use one at work, because it had all — that was the choice I made based on all these great interviews, and it became almost impossible for me to carry it in my pants pocket because I felt like my thigh was going to get burned, because it just ran so hot and that you were like hey, this should have been one of the things they listed in the reviews.
So I would say follow up, the need to have trust in what you are doing, and then I would say two things, as you did Tom. I totally agree on the YouTube thing. You just want — it’s nice to find somebody who really cares about this stuff and does a video and sort of shows how it works and what they like and how it compares with other things. And it seems like the YouTube — on YouTube is the place you are more likely to find that these days.
And the other trusted review place for me, and I think for you as well Tom, is Cool Tools, the podcast, and the other things that they do, because it’s the same sort of thing. Here is somebody who has really used something and they say this is a tool that I can’t live with and that kind of review is really attractive to me, otherwise the quick reviews are really to me kind of tricky, because you lose that job to be done element and then your people are talking about some tech specs that you don’t know whether are going to be important to you or not.
So I think Dave raises some good points and it’s good to read reviews very critically, especially where you can tell there is advertising and sponsorship behind them, but I think it’s becoming a more and more important deal.
But now it’s time for our parting shots, that one tip, website, or observation you can use the second this podcast ends.
Tom, take it away.
Tom Mighell: So I have two quick parting shots. My first one is a follow-up on a segment that we did a couple of podcasts ago about the benefits of dark mode. I recently had the misfortune to have a torn retina, which is causing a floater in my eye and I have noticed that looking at a white computer screen is incredibly annoying to me, because that’s all I see is the floater in front of it, but I have in as many places as I can gone to dark mode, in places where I read, and reading dark mode, I can read a screen forever and it doesn’t bother me at all.
And so I am now just praying and hoping that Microsoft moves Office to give a dark mode option, because it’s working so well for me at least now with this issue with my vision.
Second quick tip is, if you are not already using Google Photos, here is another reason to use it. They have recently put a new feature in, where you can go in and select a number of photos that you have, click one button and you can instantly send those pictures either to CVS or to Walgreens to get prints made with one day return on that. And nothing magic to it, but the fact that from within that app you can automatically order prints and have them ready for you in a day, it just seems like a natural connection that a lot of photo apps don’t really have, but for me just one more reason to love the Google Photos App.
Dennis Kennedy: Tom, I have got a couple self-promotional parting shots for this episode.
So the first one is PDF, free PDF download I am doing, just go to my website and you will find a number of links to get this, it’s called ‘57 Tips for Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law’, which coincidentally echoes the title of a new book I will have coming out called ‘Successful Innovations Outcomes in Law’, which is a practical guide for law firms, law departments and other legal organizations, and that should be available very, very soon, because it’s in the page proof stage. Look for that on Amazon.
Also, Allison Shields and I have a new book coming out called ‘Make LinkedIn Work for You’, a completely new approach for us to LinkedIn, with a focus on the legal profession.
And as Tom mentioned earlier, it’s always a good time to check out the second edition of our ‘Collaboration Tools and Technologies’ book.
Tom Mighell: And so that wraps it up for this edition of The Kennedy-Mighell Report. Thanks for joining us on the podcast. I would say at this point that you can find show notes for this episode at, but any visitor to that site will notice that we haven’t updated in a while, that’s because right now it’s a little bit broken. So we are looking at new ways to give our show notes. Stay tuned and we will provide you with an update on that shortly.
If you do like what you hear, please subscribe to our podcast in iTunes or on the Legal Talk Network site, where you can find archives of all of our previous podcasts along with transcripts.
If you would like to get in touch with us, we really love to hear from you, please reach out to us on LinkedIn or leave us a voicemail. That number is (720) 441-6820.
So until the next podcast, I am Tom Mighell.
Dennis Kennedy: And I am Dennis Kennedy, and you have been listening to The Kennedy-Mighell Report, a podcast on legal technology with an Internet focus.
If you liked what you heard today, please rate us in Apple Podcasts, and we will see you next time for another episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report on the Legal Talk Network.
Outro: Thanks for listening to The Kennedy-Mighell Report. Check out Dennis and Tom’s book, ‘The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together’ from ABA Books or Amazon, and join us every other week for another edition of The Kennedy-Mighell Report, only on the Legal Talk Network.
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