
Talk Justice, An LSC Podcast

Legal Tech Innovations Other Than AI 

As generative AI continues to dominate headlines, social media posts and conversations around legal technology, legal tech experts discuss other significant innovations taking place in the legal field on LSC’s Talk Justice...

Talk Justice, An LSC Podcast
Un-Billable Hour

Legal Tech, The End Of The Law As We Know It?

Legal tech is changing the practice of law. That’s a fact. Guest Colin Levy, an author and speaker, shares tips for putting today’s tech to work.

Un-Billable Hour
Lawyer 2 Lawyer

SCOTUS 2024: Administrative Law, Abortion, Guns, Presidential Immunity, & Ballot Access

Administrative law, abortion, guns, presidential immunity, & ballot access. These are just some of the upcoming cases that will come before the High Court in 2024. How will the justices rule? And...

Lawyer 2 Lawyer
Lawyer 2 Lawyer
Lawyerist Podcast

#486: How to Safely Include AI in Your Legal Tech Stack, with Will Anoh

In this episode, Zack talks with Will Anoh, Affinity Consulting’s IT Coordinator, about integrating AI into your legal tech stack. They discuss questions to ask your providers to ensure your client data...

Lawyerist Podcast
Above the Law - Thinking Like a Lawyer

Donald Trump’s Legal Team Decides Not To Ask Permission OR Forgiveness

Who needs a judge's approval to start ranting in court? Every other person ever, you say?

Above the Law - Thinking Like a Lawyer
ABA Journal: Legal Rebels

Want to clear a criminal record? This lawyer has an app for that

In 2022, lawyer Noella Sudbury launched an app called Rasa to provide a quick, cheap and easy solution for people who want a fresh start, automating the process of expungement from start...

ABA Journal: Legal Rebels
Heels in the Courtroom

EP 801- Preserving the Record for Appeal

In the heat of trial, your mind is on the moment, not always on the potential for appeal. Failing to preserve the record can be a costly mistake. Get in the weeds...

Heels in the Courtroom
Lunch Hour Legal Marketing

Conrad’s Crystal Ball: The Re-Re-Return — Sponsored by CallRail

Gyi and Conrad gaze deeply into the hazy future of law firm marketing in 2024, but are they true fortune tellers or phonies? They talk through the successes of predictions past and...

Lunch Hour Legal Marketing
Litigation Radio

New Lawyer? Tips for Fitting in, Standing Out, and Learning on the Job

Joining a new firm as a new lawyer can leave you feeling a bit lost. These tips for getting started, fitting in, and standing out will help you ease in.

Litigation Radio

How Important is the Diversity of Our Appellate Courts in Defining Justice? with Juvaria Khan

Appellate courts decide what our laws mean and how they affect all aspects of our personal lives: our ability to vote, how we are policed, our religious freedom, the quality of our...

Workers Comp Matters

When Things Get Weird, Volume 2: Unusual Cases of Workers’ Comp

People get hurt in unusual ways on the job. But as these strange cases demonstrate, it’s not always the employer’s fault.

Workers Comp Matters
Counsel Cast

How Can Lawyers Turbocharge Their Lead Generation? with Jennie Wright

In this episode, Jenny Wright joins me to talk about how law firms can optimize their lead generation efforts. She explains that while SEO is an important avenue, it should be considered...

Counsel Cast
Counsel Cast
Kennedy-Mighell Report

Dennis & Tom’s 2024 Tech Resolutions

Anyone can and will make predictions about the coming year, but Dennis and Tom tend to shy away from the crystal ball in favor of resolutions and goal setting. The guys discuss...

Kennedy-Mighell Report
State Bar of Texas Podcast

AI and the Practice of Law: Insights for Attorneys and Paralegals

AI has been around for a very long time, but 2023 was its renaissance, with ChatGPT and other AI technologies suddenly speeding forward with exponential growth. Attorneys and paralegals should be focused...

State Bar of Texas Podcast