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Newsletter SignupHeld in Scottsdale, Arizona, the 2019 NALA Conference & Expo was perhaps their hottest conference to date with temperatures clocking in at 112 degrees 🌞🌵🔥. But the heat didn’t keep the association from a record attendance. Paralegals were enthusiastically involved and traveled from all over the country to join in on the educational fun. This year’s billing included over 30 sessions and an opportunity to earn up to 13 CLE hours with online options-for-credit for those not able to attend in person.
Special to this year’s expo hall were representatives from the CIA (yes, that Central Intelligence Agency) as well as the United States Department of State. As for the CIA’s part, they were actively recruiting paralegals from the conference to be in the Office of General Counsel which is responsible for advising the director of the CIA. Also of notable mention was keynote speaker Judge William J. O’Neil who, since 2011, has been the presiding Disciplinary Judge of the Arizona Supreme Court.
Legal Talk Network’s conference coverage was centered around seven audio interviews recorded on location. We discussed a wide gamut of topics like eDiscovery, the Certified Paralegal Exam, learning how to lead, vehicle crash reconstruction, the importance of preserving data, and first-timers’ impressions.
We were fortunate to have a terrific lineup of guests join us for this series of interviews. From the ranks of NALA leadership, past presidents Kelly LaGrave and Vicki Kunz, as well as current CEO Greta Zeimetz, were able to stop by to discuss a variety of issues important to paralegals. In addition, Jeffrey Wolff of ZyLAB and both Anna Buchner and Kenneth Buchner of Collision Reconstruction Associates were able to share insights from many years of experience in their respective fields. Stay tuned for Carl’s fun questions asked to each of the guests. Their answers might surprise you!
To access our complete catalog of episodes and list of participants, please read on below. We hope you enjoy!
Host Carl Morrison gives us the primer for things to come as the 2019 NALA Conference & Expo kicks off. He shares observations about conference events, vendor swag, keynote speakers, and the dreaded dry heat.
Our very own Carl Morrison opening our coverage from the #NALAConference2019 🗣🎙🌞🌵
— Laurence Colletti (@LaurenceEsq) July 11, 2019
Past NALA president Kelly LaGrave sits down with host Carl Morrison for a conversation about the Certified Paralegal Exam and what it can do for a paralegal’s career. Together, they talk about tips and tricks for studying as well as the pitfalls with certain sections of the test. Stay tuned for Carl’s fun question, “swimming pool or lazy river, and why?”
NALA Past President Kelly LaGrave sits down to talk about certification and the benefits thereof. #NALAConference2019 🗣🎙🌞🌵
— Laurence Colletti (@LaurenceEsq) July 11, 2019
NALA CEO and Executive Director Greta Zeimetz stops by to discuss projects she’s been working on, organizational plans for meeting today’s challenges, and predictions for the next ten years. Stay tuned for Carl’s fun question, “Greta’s funniest story?”
So great catching up with NALA’s CEO Greta Zeimetz! #NALAConference2019
— Legal Talk Network (@LegalTalkNet) July 12, 2019
Past NALA president Vicki Kunz joins host Carl Morrison to talk about reasons to get involved with their organization, the importance of mentorship (for both mentor and mentee), and why certification is important. Stay tuned for Carl’s fun question, “If you could be a food item, what would you be?”
New #ParalegalVoice #podcast: NALA Annual 2019: A Changing Industry—New Opportunities for Paralegals
— Legal Talk Network (@LegalTalkNet) July 15, 2019
What do Amazon Echos, mobile phones, and smart concrete have in common? Find out on this episode featuring ZyLAB Director of eDiscovery Solutions & Principal Architect Jeffrey Wolff. Together with host Carl Morrison, they discuss eDiscovery, modern sources of data, what documents are part of litigation holds, and the importance of paralegals educating their attorneys on these issues. Stay tuned for Carl’s fun question to Jeffrey, “If there was a movie about you, who would play you?”
Out first guest at #NALAConference2019, Jeffrey Wolf from ZyLAB stops by to talk about #discovery and relevant evidence/documents. 🗣🎙🌞🌵
— Legal Talk Network (@LegalTalkNet) July 11, 2019
Collision Reconstruction Associates’ Anna Buchner and Kenneth Buchner join host Carl Morrison for a discussion about motor vehicle crash reconstruction, “black box” technologies, and the biggest challenges involved with getting information to lawyers and paralegals. Stay tuned for Carl’s fun questions, “If there was a movie about your 20s… who would be the lead actress playing you?” and “What color are you from a box of Crayola Crayons?”
Talking about accident reconstruction and digital evidence with Anna Buchner and Kenneth Buchner. 🗣🎙🌞🌵 #NALAConference2019
— Laurence Colletti (@LaurenceEsq) July 12, 2019
*One More Episode to be added at the end of this month
List of Participants (in alphabetical order):
After receiving his J.D. and MBA, Laurence Colletti went into solo practice with emphasis in general business and commercial real estate. He has always carried a strong passion for web-based media with a particular interest in podcasting and video. Laurence leverages his legal background against that passion to help bring sophisticated, relevant content to Legal Talk Network podcasts. You can follow Laurence on Twitter at @LaurenceEsq.