Elie Mystal is the Managing Editor of Above the Law Redline and the Editor-At-Large of Breaking Media....
Joe Patrice is an Editor at Above the Law. For over a decade, he practiced as a...
Published: | August 28, 2018 |
Podcast: | Above the Law - Thinking Like a Lawyer |
Category: | Legal Entertainment |
Joe and Elie hit the road, coming to DC to ask some bar trivia questions to benefit the DC Bar Pro Bono Project. The winning score was 19/30… can you do better?
Above the Law – Thinking Like a Lawyer
Just How Smart Are You?
Intro: Welcome to Thinking Like a Lawyer with your hosts Elie Mystal and Joe Patrice, talking about legal news and pop culture, all while thinking like a lawyer, here on Legal Talk Network.
Joe Patrice: Welcome. It’s another edition of Thinking Like a Lawyer, but it’s a very special edition. On August 20, Elie and I went down to the International Legal Technology Association Convention and we held an event, where we asked trivia questions of the assembled lawyers, technology specialists, reporters, everybody who was there, and what we have done is record our session. So you can listen and play along in your head and see whether or not you would have won. The winning score was 19 out of 30, so test yourself as you go and see if you would have been better.
At this point we will turn it over to the prerecorded thing, but not before I mention, seriously, go subscribe to the podcast. Give it a review. It helps us move up the algorithm and get more listeners.
So that’s it, talk to you later, and without further ado, here is the trivia session.
Rebecca K. Troth: I am Rebecca Troth. I am the Executive Director of the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center, which is separate from the D.C. Bar, because we are not financed by members’ dues, which means that —
Elie Mystal: You have got to fund yourself.
Rebecca K. Troth: Yeah, yeah. So we are incredibly appreciative of the fact that Above the Law wanted to make us the beneficiary of this particular event.
So with your support, the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center touches about 17,000 lives every year. We, through our full representation, our Advice and Referral Clinics, our Resource Centers, we help close the access to justice gap.
So to give you an example, in landlord-tenant court there are about 30,000 cases filed every year and guess how many of the defendants in landlord-tenant court are represented by counsel?
Female Speaker: 5%.
Rebecca K. Troth: Yeah, about that, about 5%. 90% at least are unrepresented. Guess how many landlords are represented? Yeah, about the opposite. Yeah, about 95% of the landlords are represented, which means that people go into landlord-tenant court at risk of losing their homes and they don’t have anyone to explain to them the legal complexities of the landlord-tenant system.
So that’s what we do. We help with landlord tenant cases. We help people with disabilities get — who can’t work, get benefits. We help families in custody cases, child support cases. We also represent people in consumer law cases. If some grandma decides to enter into a contract with somebody who says they are going to make sure that their basement isn’t wet and the guy takes the deposit and never shows up again, we help them.
One thing I do want to say is we appreciate that there are so many crises right now in the world. Immigration law is a huge issue and we think it’s great that people are volunteering for that. But there is a crisis every day in D.C., within our community, with people losing their homes, people losing their children, people not having enough money to live. The idea that you all support us in providing representation and helping close the access to justice gap, that makes a huge difference, because if somebody has a lawyer, their chances of being able to assert their rights successfully and save their homes, save their families goes up astronomically. So thank you so much for supporting us today.
So, so far we have raised 750; a 1,000 sounds so much better though, right? Everyone just shell out $10. No big deal. Give it to this woman and we will be there. That would be great. Let’s do that.
Joe Patrice: I will go first, but just say some things.
Elie Mystal: Yeah. So hello, I am Elie Mystal. I am one of the Editors of Above the Law. Most of you probably don’t know me because I believe you speak robot, which I don’t write in, but Joe Patrice is another Editor of Above the Law and he is our main legal tech editor and he does speak robot, so you probably do know Joe.
We are about to run you through a thing that we do quite a bit, ATL trivia, we are going to ask you some questions.
Joe, actually, why don’t you explain the rules?
Joe Patrice: Yeah. So there are answer sheets and a pen, we are going to start handing those out here. And yeah, one per team, yeah, you don’t need — yeah.
Elie Mystal: Every table should be a team.
Joe Patrice: Yeah, at least every table, if not, if there’s two of you — if there’s two teams per table, whatever.
So all right, well, this is turning into a thing. Yeah, work out a team. She is going to hand out some sheets here and then on the top there’s a team name section, you can write clever fun team names or very bland ones, whatever, lawyers it happens.
So there you go, yeah.
Elie Mystal: Well, you just have to be clever with your team name or anyone will mock you.
Joe Patrice: Yeah, we love clever.
Elie Mystal: Organize yourself into teams. You are going to want some help with this, because we try to test your breadth of knowledge, not just your depth of knowledge.
Joe Patrice: Did we? Anybody ordered quesadillas? Yeah, there is the answer. The power of a microphone, all right.
So okay, everybody, we are going to begin — you can fill in your teammates with what happened while they were out. All right, so first question, this category is about law-ish, so this is going to be our legal category.
Elie Mystal: Don’t yell the answers.
Joe Patrice: What? Yeah, don’t yell out the answers. I think they know that. That’s why they have a sheet in front of them that we made a huge deal out of handing them.
Elie Mystal: You would be surprised.
Joe Patrice: All right, so write your answers on the sheet. Here we go. J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is the highest-grossing book series of all time. What book series ranks third in the all-time sales list with 300 million copies sold and around 80 books?
So J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is the highest selling, what’s third highest selling on that list with 300 million copies across 80 books?
So yes, try to remember the category also. If I may, I am going to move to question 2.
Elie Mystal: Question 2.
Joe Patrice: Question 2 in the legal fiction world. At this year’s Tony Awards, the Award for Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Play went to an actor playing what real life attorney? So this year’s Tony Awards, the Award for Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Play went to an actor who was playing what real life attorney. So I want the attorney as the answer here.
The Tony’s were not on at the same time as the ESPYs, or maybe they were, hell, I don’t know. This was not a musical, this is a play. Yes, Elie has a weird amount of knowledge about musicals.
All right, question 3, question 3, what was the name of Saul Goodman’s previous law firm where his brother was a named partner? So what was the name of Saul Goodman’s previous law firm where his brother was a named partner? Yeah, that one is specific to people who watch it, but.
All right, question 4, question 4, what film follows the ever-worsening frustrations of Elihu Smails? What film follows the ever-increasing frustrations of Elihu Smails?
Elie Mystal: Joe, can you please go back to that question?
Joe Patrice: I can. What film, this is the question for what film follows the ever-worsening frustrations of Elihu Smails? Elihu is E-L-I-H-U and Smails. Like Elihu Root, a famous New York lawyer and Secretary of State, I think.
Anyway, yeah, but that’s not this person, but like that name was because of that person, I gave him that name.
All right all, question 5, question 5, what 2017 biopic follows the trial of a Connecticut chauffeur accused of raping his employer? This is a 2017 biopic and the plot is about the trial of a Connecticut chauffeur who is accused, wrongly in this case, of raping his employer? If it helps, the name of the film is the name of the person that the biopic is about. So there’s nothing fancy, it’s just like a 2017 biopic, reasonably big deal when it happened.
All right, question number 6, question number 6, what television attorney is also known for the sake of one gag anyway as Miguel Sanchez and Dr. Nguyen Van Falk? What television attorney is also known by the aliases at least for one gag as Miguel Sanchez and Dr. Nguyen Van Falk?
Elie Mystal: He went to Cooley, right?
Joe Patrice: Potentially. I don’t know what — I don’t know what state Cooley is in for that purposes. That was actually a hint, weirdly enough, but yeah. He said like was it Cooley and I was like I don’t know what state that is, and I do know where Cooley is, but like that was quasi hint. Dr. Nguyen Van Falk a/k/a Miguel Sanchez?
Question 7, there are two acceptable answers, I will take either the character — yeah, either the character or the actor, I don’t really care, I will know that you know the answer if you get either.
Earlier this year we lost which comedic actor synonymous with his nine-year run as a TV judge? Earlier this year we lost what comedic actor/character who is synonymous with his nine-year run as a TV judge?
Female Speaker: What question number is this?
Joe Patrice: That I believe is 7. And oh, Elie, Elie, you got a ruling on this, what do you think?
Elie Mystal: No, we need the surname.
Joe Patrice: Yeah, I think that’s right. I think we need either the actress name or the — we can’t just go with the show, yeah. I know. I feel for you.
Elie Mystal: That was Socratic.
Joe Patrice: There is nothing Socratic about what we are doing.
All right, query number 8, what famous lawyer who is not famous for being a lawyer attended Northwest Mississippi Community College, Mississippi State and the University of Mississippi at various points? So what famous lawyer though —
Female Speaker: Is he living or dead?
Joe Patrice: Living, living, living. What famous lawyer, not actually famous for their lawyering, attended Northwest Mississippi Community College, Mississippi State and the University of Mississippi at various points?
So question number 9, Henry Fonda is best known in legal fiction circles for 12 Angry Men, but in 1980 he portrayed which famous Supreme Court litigant from the early 1960s?
So Henry Fonda is best known in legal fiction circles for 12 Angry Men, but in 1980 he portrayed which famous Supreme Court litigant from the early 1960s? And if you think about your famous Supreme Court litigants from the 1960s, they are reasonably few that Henry Fonda could have played. If it helps, there is a Supreme Court precedent that is still theoretically good law, for now. I mean who knows? I mean by October who the hell knows, but for now.
All right, question 10, question 10, what is the name of the lawyer who headlines the video game series Ace Attorney? Yeah, people who went to the ILTA video game thing, yeah.
So what is the name of the lawyer who is the main character of the video game series Ace Attorney?
So here is the deal, I am going to ask, does anybody need anything repeated?
Male Speaker: All of them.
Joe Patrice: All of them? I will do all of them, but I will do them very quickly, so if you need to take notes, then take notes. Here we go.
Number 1 was J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is the highest-grossing book series of all time. What legal book series ranks third in all-time sales with over 300 million copies and 80 books?
Question 2, at this year’s Tony Awards the Award for Best Actor in a Featured Role in a Play went to an actor playing what real-life attorney?
3, what was the name of Saul Goodman’s previous law firm where his brother was a named partner.
4, what film follows the ever-worsening frustrations of Elihu Smails?
5, what 2017 biopic follows the trial of a Connecticut chauffeur wrongly accused of raping his employer?
6, what television attorney is also known for the sake of one gag as Miguel Sanchez and Dr. Nguyen Van Falk?
7, earlier this year we lost what comedic actor synonymous with his nine-year run as a TV judge; you can have either the actor or the character?
8, what famous lawyer, not famous as a lawyer, attended Northwest Mississippi Community College, Mississippi State, University of Mississippi at various points?
9, Henry Fonda is best known in legal circles for 12 Angry Men, but in 1980 he portrayed what famous Supreme Court litigant from the early 60s.
10, what’s the name of the lawyer who headlines the video game series Ace Attorney?
All right, that’s the end of Round 1. Now, I am going to hand this over to Elie, who is going to do round the second.
Elie Mystal: Okay, Round 2. This category is sportspeople with law degrees, sportspeople with law degrees. If you have ever turned on ESPN, you will most likely be able to get five of these.
All right, question 1, Round 2, after getting the monkey off his back in San Francisco, this quarterback got his law degree from BYU? It’s pretty goddamn easy if you have ever watched sports. After getting the monkey off his back in San Francisco, this quarterback got his law degree from BYU?
Question 2, Round 2, this recently retired Minnesota Supreme Court Judge was a member of the Purple People Eaters? He was inducted into both the college and professional football Hall of Fame. Purple People Eaters All-Famer, defensive tackle, retired as a Minnesota Supreme Court Judge just a couple of years ago, and he is still alive, I think.
Question 3, Round 2, this 1996 Olympian is the second most decorated American gymnast who was only recently passed by Simone Biles? Simone Biles does not have a law degree, but this woman does. She got her law degree from BC, graduating in 2007. This 1996 Olympian was part of the gold medal Magnificent Seven winning team. You all know Simone Biles has won like all five goddamn medals. She hasn’t even like competed for like two years.
Question 4, Round 2, one of ESPN’s lead college basketball analysts, do I really need to say more, I mean come on, is a counsel at Moore & Van Allen, he played ball at Duke, basketball and he got his law degree from Duke? ESPN college basketball analyst, Dukey, come on?
One of ESPN’s lead college basketball analysts is also a counsel at Moore & Van Allen?
Question 5, Round 2, he is the head football coach for Washington State University. He is easily one of the best coaches in college football. He may or may not be a Pirates and he got his law degree from Pepperdine? Head coach at Washington State, used to be the head coach at Texas Tech, right Joe?
Joe Patrice: Texas Tech.
Elie Mystal: Question 6, Round 2, this Nigerian-born soccer player recently joined Cristiano Ronaldo at Juventus, but on the lady’s team? She is one of the best women footballers in the world. I would go so far as to say, if you know a Nigerian woman footballer, you probably know who we are talking about. She also is a sports and entertainment lawyer. She is kind of a badass.
Nigerian-born soccer player recently joined Cristiano Ronaldo at Juventus, but on the ladies team?
Question 7, Round 2, he is the former manager of the Oakland A’s and the St. Louis Cardinals, he basically invented the Closer, and he got his law degree from Florida State?
Male Speaker: What question was that?
Elie Mystal: Question 7, Round 2. Is Cardinals Closer, Florida State law degree?
Question 8, Round 2, he is the lead color analyst for Sunday Night Football. He no longer knows what a catch is, but who does really. He got his law degree from Cincinnati, where he also played wide receiver.
He is the lead color analyst for Sunday Night Football. He no longer knows what a catch is because his Super Bowl call was terrible, but who does. He got his law degree from Cincinnati, where he also played wide receiver.
Question 9, Round 2, this former Croatian tennis star is currently an investment banker at Credit Suisse, but before that he attended Harvard Law School and he got his LLM from Columbia Law School.
Question 9, Round 2, Croatian tennis star.
Male Speaker: What tennis star?
Elie Mystal: Croatian. You don’t have to spell it right. This former Croatian tennis star is currently an investment banker at Credit Suisse, but before that he attended Harvard Law School and got his LLM from Columbia. Just for the people who know their Croatian tennis stars. Please understand that I said he is currently an investment banker at Credit Suisse, not currently playing tennis, right? So like the other Croatian tennis star that you maybe know.
Question 10, Round 2, this woman graduated from Penn Law just this spring, but she is best known as the 2002 Women’s Figure Skating Gold Medalist. She is also from my hood, from Great Neck, Long Island, which means I probably tried to date her and failed back in the day.
2002 Salt Lake City Winter Games Women’s Figure Skating Gold Medalist?
Okay, who needs a repeat? I have six for repeats, anybody else need a question repeated.
Male Speaker: 3.
Elie Mystal: 3?
Male Speaker: Yeah.
Elie Mystal: All right, question 3, Round 2 was this — question 3 in Round 2 was, this 1996 Olympian is the second most decorated American gymnast, male or female, only recently passed by Simone Biles. She got her law degree from BC, graduating in 2007. That was question 3.
Question 6 was this Nigerian born soccer player recently joined Cristiano Ronaldo at Juventus, but on the ladies team. She is one of the best women’s footballers in the world and a sports entertainment lawyer.
All right, we are going to move on to Round 3.
Joe Patrice: All right everybody, this is Round 3, so here is the deal. On the back you find nothing.
Anyway, this is the last round so just write it on the back. I meant to double print these and apparently that didn’t work, didn’t know that until just now. So yeah, just on the back, they have 10 lines. You can actually use the lines that you see through from the previous page, probably. Anyway, the point is just write these 10 answers.
Sorry everybody, I screwed up, probably because legal technology isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.
All right, so Elie did sports, I did law, now I am going to do technology. So this is a tech category for those of you who are here for tech reasons.
Question 1 is a 50/50 shot, which came first, the iPod or iTunes? Which came first, the iPod or the iTunes? Yeah, this is literally a chicken and the egg, except it’s about Apple, so it’s like a seed or whatever; the point is that’s the question.
All right, question 2, question 2, what website did Rupert Murdoch — I know the rest of this is going to make it sound so much sadder now that I think about it as Above the Law, what website did Rupert Murdoch buy for $580 million in 2005? He then had to sell it in 2011 for $35 million. So what website did Rupert Murdoch buy for $580 million in 2005 and sell in 2011 for $35 million?
Does anybody want to know who he sold it to or is that what people object? Sold it to Justin Timberlake. Making it even dumber that this all happened. 2011 he sold it.
Question 3, by 1897, what German had perfected his alternative to the auto gasoline engine? In 1897, what German perfected their alternative to the auto gasoline engine? It’s an alternative to the gasoline engine.
It’s a technology, sorry, it’s not e-discovery.
And it is jeopardy rules, like if you just have a last name, that’s fine. Totally jeopardy rules, so like yeah, give last name only if you aren’t sure of the first, yeah.
All right, question 4, question 4, named for a Viking king, what technology was the go-to wireless format for a decade? Named after a Viking king, what technology was the go-to wireless format for a decade?
If you wanted a device to connect to something without a cable or like whatever, like that kind of — it’s a way of doing things without wires, so wireless format, that’s what I mean. Very little, not like in any kind of technical way, like the preferred way to do things without wires for a decade. It is not necessarily gone, it still exists, but like it was the preferred way of doing it for about ten years.
The Viking king is kind of the real key here.
All right, question 5, question 5, pioneered by the US Air Force in 1972, what space-based technology became available for general public use on May 2, 2000? Pioneered by the US Air Force in 1972, what space-based technology became available for general public use on May 2, 2000?
All right, number 6, number 6, on April 23, 2005, what began with “Me at the zoo” displaying the company founder’s trip to the San Diego Zoo? So on April 23, 2005, what began with “Me at the zoo” displaying the company’s founder’s trip to the San Diego Zoo.
All right, question 7, question 7, in 1994, Marc Andreessen offered what web browser based on Mosaic technology commercially to the world? So in 1994, Marc Andreessen offered what Mosaic-based web browser to the world commercially?
All right, question 8, question 8, John Bird made the first of what navigational instruments with an arc of 60 degrees? John Bird made the first of what navigational instrument with an arc of 60 degrees?
All right, everybody. Let’s go to Question 9, Question 9, Elisha, whatever, the name that Manning has. Anyway, Elisha whatever Otis is best known for creating a brake for what kind of conveyance?
So Elisha Otis is best known for creating a brake for what kind of conveyance?
E-L-I-S-H-A, Elisha whatever, Elisha Otis, whatever, the Otis is what really matters. Otis — Otis is best known for creating a brake for what kind of conveyance?
Yeah, right, yeah.
Oh, that’s shame. So, let’s close this out. Shall we? Question 10, what object would you need to operate the 1861 invention of Linus Yale? So, what object would you need to operate the 1861 invention of a man named Linus Yale?
Elie Mystal: What’s the last name?
Joe Patrice: Yale, as in the school that, that Elie didn’t go to, yeah. All right everybody. Does anyone need a repeat?
Female Speaker: No, spoon-feeding, no repeat.
Joe Patrice: There is no spoon-feeding, no repeat. I don’t know. Anyway, are we all good? All right. We are going to come around, gather the sheets and grade them up and let you know who wins, loses, whatever.
Elie Mystal: Please make sure that your team name is on your sheets.
Joe Patrice: Correct. Correct. Meanwhile once we do that enjoy life, like have a drink or whatever and then we’ll start like reading the answers once we’ve got everything worked out and we’ll like have fun learning how wrong we were and then we’ll give out some stuff.
Otherwise, yeah, well, thanks for coming. We’ll have some fun here. All right.
Female Speaker: By the way you guys, we raise $300 in that last round. Nice job. Thank you.
Joe Patrice: All right, here we go. So, here is how this is going to work. So, now I’m going to go through the categories again. You can yell out the answer at this point, prove how smart you are, like just, yeah. We are going to have fun with it. So, go through these quickly.
J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series highest-grossing, what’s the third highest-grossing series?
Female Speaker: Perry Mason.
Joe Patrice: Perry Mason. At this year’s Tony Awards who got the best actor award in a featured role in a play went to Andrew Garfield who was playing Roy Cohn, or was it not him, it was the other guy? I don’t know. Whatever – well, whoever it was, it was Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn’s the key.
What was the name of Saul Goodman’s previous law firm where his brother was a named partner? It’s key to know that his real name is Jimmy McGill, it was Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill.
What film follows the ever-worsening troubles of Elihu Smails? Judge Smails is Caddyshack.
What 2017 biopic follows the Connecticut chauffeur wrongly accused of raping his employer?
Female Speaker: Marshall.
Joe Patrice: Marshall is the right answer. The movie about Thurgood Marshall.
Question 6, what television attorney is also known as Miguel Sanchez or Dr. Nguyen Van Phuoc?
Male Speaker: Lionel Hutz.
Joe Patrice: Lionel Hutz is now dead. Say hello to Miguel Sanchez, yes, Lionel Hutz.
Earlier this year we lost Harry Anderson/Harry Stone — Judge Harry Stone, Harry Anderson.
Elie Mystal: Harry Stone was 00:40:32.
Joe Patrice: Harry Stone, yeah, I will accept Harry Stone. All right. So Question 8.
Elie Mystal: Harry would not have been 00:40:41.
Joe Patrice: Right. What famous lawyer, not famous as a lawyer went to a bunch of Mississippi colleges?
Elie Mystal: John Grisham.
Joe Patrice: John Grisham is right. Hey, it pays off eventually. Question 9, Henry Fonda played what 60s Supreme Court litigant?
Female Speaker: Gideon.
Joe Patrice: Yeah, he did. Clarence Gideon. I was very much looking at this table like you’ve got to get this. All right. At Question 10, Ace Attorney –
Female Speaker: Phoenix Wright.
Joe Patrice: Is Phoenix Wright, all right.
Elie Mystal: This is sports category, and honestly, y’all going to won it, you know any sports, you know any sports, you know — in no sports gear at all. Even this one, this is pretty goddamn easy. After getting the monkey off his back in San Francisco this quarterback got his law degree from BYU?
Male Speaker: Steve Young.
Elie Mystal: Steve Young the lefty, replaced Joe Montana.
Joe Patrice: Yeah. No, no, I think, I think actually. No, it is literally the Y in BYU is Young for a reason, that’s his grandson.
Elie Mystal: This recently retired Minnesota Supreme Court judge who did not have CTE, as far as we know, was a member of the Purple People Eaters inducted both the college and professional football Hall of Fame?
Female Speaker: Alan Page.
Elie Mystal: That is defensive tackle Alan Page.
Question 3, this 1996 Olympian is the second most decorated American gymnast only recently passed by Simone Biles. She got a law degree from BC after graduating in 2007. That’s Shannon Miller. A lot of you said Dominique Moceanu, which is not right; Shannon Miller.
Question 4. One of ESPN’s college basketball analysts is also a counsel at Moore & Van Allen. He played basketball at Duke, got his law degree from Duke. He is Mr. Duke, he is not Coach K, he’s Jay Bilas.
In fairness, so I was having this debate at WNYC about like, oh, college athletes, should they get paid or not, whatever.
Joe Patrice: Elie talks at the NYC looking in.
Elie Mystal: And I was like, oh, who we should interview. We should interview Jay Bilas, and WNYC was just like, oh my god.
Question number 5, he is the head football coach for Washington State. He is one of the best coaches in the game. He is not a Pirate, Mike Leach. Mike Lee is incorrect. Mike Lee is incorrect. Mike Leach is correct.
Nigeria-born women soccer player, we are surprised, nobody here knows Black women soccer players. I am shocked. Eniola Aluko; when the real World Cup starts next summer, the Women’s World Cup — when the real World Cup starts, look for her, she would be playing for Britain, she’s very, very good.
Question 7, he is the former manager of the A’s and the Cardinals, everybody knew this, Tony La Russa.
Question 8, he’s the lead color analyst for Sunday Night Football. He no longer knows what the catch is, but who does. He got his law degree from Cincinnati, that is Cris Collinsworth, who spells his name wrong. Chris with a no H, but that’s okay, I’m not going to — it’s fine.
If you spelled Cris Collinsworth correctly, unlike his mother, that’s fine. I’m going to stick with your point.
Question 9, nobody got this. Former Croatian tennis star, currently an investment maker, many said Djokovic, he’s currently playing. A couple of you said Goran Ivanišević, which is an impressive call, also wrong though, it’s Mario Ančić. Well, Goran Ivanišević is also wrong. He is Croatian.
Question 10, this woman is best known as the 2002 Women’s Figure Skating Gold Medalist, she graduated from Penn Law just recently. A lot of you said Michelle Kwan, it is Sarah Hughes from Great Neck, Strong Island. One person got that. Strong Island, maybe.
Joe Patrice: How about — let’s roll through this. What came first, the iPod or iTunes?
Elie Mystal: iTunes.
Joe Patrice: It was iTunes. One came out in January, the other came out in October of 2001.
Question 2, Rupert Murdoch bought something for $518 million and then he sold it to Justin Timberlake for 35.
Female Speaker: MySpace.
Male Speaker: MySpace. 3, 1897 what German made an alternative to the gasoline engine? Diesel, yep. Yeah, not gasoline, it’s diesel.
All right, 4, named after Viking King, a wireless format?
Female Speaker: Bluetooth.
Joe Patrice: Yeah, Bluetooth.
Elie Mystal: Bluetooth is a Viking King.
Joe Patrice: Viking King Bluetooth.
Elie Mystal: I think Ragnar kicked his ass.
Joe Patrice: Yeah, hell, his name might have been Ragnar, I don’t know. His nickname is Bluetooth though which I’m sure was his dental problem.
5, pioneered by the Air Force in 1972 what space-based technology came to the public in 2000?
Female Speaker: GPS.
Joe Patrice: GPS. 7, 1994, Marc Andreessen offered what Mosaic-based browser to the world commercially?
Female Speaker: Netscape.
Joe Patrice: That was Netscape Navigator, Netscape Navigator, any of — any of those, any of those I count? Yeah?
Male Speaker: John Bird
Joe Patrice: John Bird made the first instrument, a navigation instrument 60 degrees, well, that circle was 360, so 60 would be a sixth of that, it’s a Sextant.
Elisha Otis made a brake for what?
Female Speaker: Elevator.
Joe Patrice: For elevators, why all your elevators are Otis’. What do you need to operate the device invented by Linus Yale?
Female Speaker: A key.
Joe Patrice: You need a key because he invented locks. So that sets up these results.
All right, so we’re going to go from last but absolutely not least, we’re in eight points is plead the fifth.
Next, with the — next with it — next with the — actually incorrect name is Last Place 13. With 15 points we have the PBC Go-Getters.
Elie Mystal: 15 points.
Joe Patrice: Really? Wow. All right, with 16 points we have Brees Peeps and Disco Six, something. I don’t know something was there, that’s 16. All right, now — so that’s a tie and then that’s yeah, and then these, yeah, okay, and – no, this is fourth, second, third and then yeah.
In fourth place with 17 points is RBG’s Trainer.
Joe Patrice: In third place, with a very respectable 18 points and winning, Sox, some Sox.
Male Speaker: Sox?
Joe Patrice: Yeah, we have Sox.
Joe Patrice: Some Above the Law Sox because why they hell not, winning Sox is Uncivilized Procedure. All right, there they are. Somebody grab the Sox and yeah.
So, yes — so here is, first and second, deadlock tie between the Penumbrous and Team Sway, how will we resolve a tie you asked? Well, we thought this through. So what we’re going to do, we need one representative from each team. We will come up, get a question from Elie, good question, what is the topic?
Elie Mystal: The Amendments.
Joe Patrice: It’s about Constitutional Amendments. So, find your better constitutional amendment person. We will have this runoff round to decide first and second. All right, it’s going to be a quick draw.
Elie Mystal: I thought we are going to just do a quick draw just —
Joe Patrice: All right. Everyone quiet. No one else participate with these two. Here we go.
Elie Mystal: Which Amendment granted women’s suffrage? Come on.
Male Speaker: 19
Elie Mystal: 19.
Male Speaker: We won, we won.
Male Speaker: Thank you.
Joe Patrice: You were both wrong. You were both wrong at first, Seinfeld is not right. All right, so second place we have —
Male Speaker: Penumbrous.
Joe Patrice: Penumbrous.
Male Speaker: So the two of you, by the way, the only team of two.
Joe Patrice: Yeah two people, second place.
Joe Patrice: Congratulations, and first place we have –
Male Speaker: Team Sway.
Joe Patrice: Team Sway.
Joe Patrice: Thank you guys so much for coming. Thank you guys so much for donating to the DC Bar. We raised a $1,000 tonight.
Pretty awesome. Thank you for coming and for reading Above the Law. Hopefully thank you for reading Above the Law. One experiences Above the Law and thank you so much, have a nice night. I think it was something very exciting.
Outro: If you would like more information about what you heard today, please visit legaltalknetwork.com. You can also find us at abovethelaw.com, atlredline.com, iTunes, RSS, Twitter, and Facebook.
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Above the Law - Thinking Like a Lawyer |
Above the Law's Joe Patrice, Kathryn Rubino and Chris Williams examine everyday topics through the prism of a legal framework.