Featured Guests
Natalie Anne Knowlton

Natalie Anne Knowlton is the Founder of Access to Justice Ventures, which empowers entrepreneurs developing scalable solutions...

Sam Flynn

Sam Flynn (He/him) is the chief operating officer and co-founder at Josef, and leads Josef’s business operations,...

Tom Martin

Tom Martin is a legal bot advocate, lawyer, author, and speaker. He is CEO and founder of...

Your Host
Cat Moon

As director of innovation design for the Program on Law and Innovation, Caitlin “Cat” Moon designs the...

This Episode
Published: May 9, 2023
Podcast: Talk Justice, An LSC Podcast
Category: Legal Technology & Data Security , Access to Justice

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This Podcast
Talk Justice, An LSC Podcast
Talk Justice, An LSC Podcast

In each episode of Talk Justice, An LSC Podcast, we will explore ways to expand access to justice and illustrate why it is important to the legal community, business, government and the general public.

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