Featured Guests
Monica Bay

Monica Bay is a lawyer, journalist, consultant and provocateur. She is a Fellow at CodeX: The Stanford...

Oliver Goodenough

Professor Oliver Goodenough’s research and writing at the intersection of law, economics, finance, media, technology, neuroscience and...

Margaret Hagan

Margaret Hagan is the Director of the Legal Design Lab and a lecturer at Stanford Institute of...

John Suh

John Suh has served as LegalZoom’s Chief Executive Officer since February 2007 and as a member of...

Lucy Endel Bassli

Lucy Endel Bassli is the founder of InnoLegal Services PLLC, a modern solution provider that offers legal...

James Sandman

James Sandman is president of the Legal Services Corporation, the single largest U.S. funder of civil legal...

Your Host
Laurence Colletti

Laurence Colletti serves as the producer at Legal Talk Network where he combines his passion for web-based...

This Episode
Published: May 14, 2015
Podcast: On the Road
Category: News & Current Events

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This Podcast
On the Road
On the Road

Recorded on the conference floor, "On the Road" includes highlights and interviews from popular legal events.

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