Michael Mogill is the president and CEO of Crisp Video Group, a national legal video marketing company...
Jared D. Correia, Esq. is the CEO of Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, which offers subscription-based law...
Published: | January 29, 2019 |
Podcast: | Legal Toolkit |
How can lawyers make their firms more visible to prospective clients? In this episode of Legal Toolkit, host Jared Correia talks to Michael Mogill about how lawyers can stand out with video marketing. Clients care about why you do what you do. Video marketing gives lawyers the opportunity to utilize storytelling to connect with potential clients. They discuss the different types of videos law firms can create to elevate their website content and social media accounts — engaging viewers and gaining new business.
Michael Mogill is the president and CEO of Crisp Video Group, a national legal video marketing company that produces high-quality, engaging legal videos for attorneys all over the country.
Special thanks to our sponsors Scorpion, Answer1, Thomson Reuters Firm Central and TimeSolv.
The Legal Toolkit
Be a Marketing Standout: Video Marketing for Law Firms
Intro: Welcome to Legal Toolkit, bringing you the latest legal trends and business initiatives to help you manage your law firm, with your host Jared Correia. You are listening to Legal Talk Network.
Jared Correia: Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of the award-winning Legal Toolkit Podcast, here on the Legal Talk Network. If you were looking for non-MacDonald’s 1998 comedy masterpiece Dirty Work, I would suggest you check eBay.
If you’re a returning listener, welcome back. If you’re a first-time listener, hopefully you’ll become a longtime listener and if you are Sly looking for the rest of the family stone, it’s now out on DVD.
As always I’m your show host Jared Correia and in addition to castings this pod I’m the CEO of Red Cave Law Firm Consulting which offers subscription-based law practice management consulting services for law firms and Bar Association’s and legal vendors. Check us out at redcavelegal.com.
I’m also the CEO of Gideon Software Inc which offers chatbots and predictive analytics built specifically for law firms. You can find out more about that at www.gideon.legal. And lastly I do a lot of stuff you can listen to my other podcast, The Lobby List, a family travel show I host with my wife Jessica on iTunes so subscribe, rate and comment.
But here on the Legal Toolkit we provide you each month with a new tool to add to your own legal toolkit so that your practices will become more and more like best practices.
First, I’d like to thank our newest sponsor TimeSolv. TimeSolv is the number one web-based time and billing software for lawyers. Providing solutions since 1999, TimeSolv provides the most comprehensive billing features for law firms, big and small. To find out more visit their website at www.timesolv.com. So that’s timesolv.com.
Next, we’d like to thank our sponsor Thompson Reuters Firm Central, cloud-based legal practice management that streamlines your day and automates non-billable administrative tasks so you can accomplish more with less.
In addition, I’d like to thank our sponsor Scorpion. Scorpion crushes the standard for law firm online marketing with proven campaign strategies to get attorneys better cases from the Internet. Partner with Scorpion to get an award-winning website and ROI positive marketing programs today. Visit scorpionlegal.com/podcast.
And finally, we’d like to thank our sponsor Answer 1. Answer 1 is a leading virtual receptionist and answering services provider for lawyers. You can find out more by giving them a call at 800-Answer-1 or online at www.answer1.com. That’s www.answer1.com.
My guest today is Michael Mogill. Michael is the president and CEO of Crisp Video Group which offers video production and marketing services to law firms. In college Michael passed the MCAT but decided to become an entrepreneur instead of a doctor.
Crisp was recently recognized as in the top 10% of the Inc 5000 list of fastest-growing private companies in the United States and for three years in a row 2016, 2017 and 2018 has placed in Atlanta’s top 100 fastest-growing private companies and best places to work.
Michael himself has been featured in Forbes Inc under 30 CEO, IVO, the American Bar Association and National Trial Lawyers Association, Pillman Huffington Post in the Wall Street Journal not bad and now he’s also a published author. His first book ‘The Game-Changing Attorney’ was released in November 2018 and is available now on Amazon and had Barnes & Noble. So look at that at traditional bookstore.
Welcome to the big show Michael Mogill.
Michael Mogill: Thank you for having me.
Jared Correia: Alright this is going to be fun. So first question I always try to ask them that’s not related to what you do for a living now so let’s talk about something that you could have done for a living. So I didn’t know this about you until I recently read your website bio again, but you almost became a doctor. So let’s assume for a second that you had taken that career path, now which television or film doctor would you have been most alike?
Michael Mogill: Wow! Okay so first one person that comes to mind maybe like House right because it is interesting because even we will probably talk about kind of the story of Crisp and kind of my background and a lot of the things that we’ve done have been very non-traditional so I think I am always looking for that pathway plus to add and the aspect of being a complete psychopath right and doing very crazy things. So I would say that that’s probably the one I’m most closely aligned with.
Jared Correia: All right, I like that that’s pretty good. I feel like you’ve thought about that question before?
Michael Mogill: I did. It’s funny you sent me the questions and I’m of the variety where I like I read the first one and I say okay sounds good, let’s do it.
Jared Correia: Nice and should I watch House? I’ve never actually seen an episode, is it good?
Michael Mogill: I don’t know this show is still on but it’s pretty good, right? It’s a similar kind of formula episode to episode, but yeah, it’s pretty witty. It’s interesting it’s like I don’t know if the rest of these questions that have to do with like doctors or lawyers or anything. I mean we can really go any direction, I’m actually very excited.
Jared Correia: Actually every single remaining question is about House the TV show so buckle up.
Michael Mogill: That’s great.
Jared Correia: All right let’s focus on your actual company and what you do. So your company is Crisp Video Group and you’re focused on video marketing. And I think you made that choice kind of early at least in terms of legal industry like you were doing video marketing I think before video marketing was a thing for lawyers. And in fact you didn’t make your first sale until your 22nd pitch right? So why did you choose to go in this direction of video marketing in the first place and why did you stick with it even after you see so many initial rejections?
Michael Mogill: Yeah I mean that’s a great question. So I think it with video marketing, my even early on so we started the company in 2012 and at the time I mean I was hearing things like there’s really no future in online video, even if there is you’re not going to be able to compete with the agencies, everything’s going to TV but I was really looking at where like consumer attention was going and what I was seeing was just that people were really engaging online, this is when YouTube really started to pick up and I saw that of all the different content types the video was the one that was really the most engaging.
And now I mean it’s funny because people ask like why video, the response is almost akin to like why oxygen, right, because you don’t really have to explain this one anymore but in 2012 you did, right. I’d get on the phone and I’d have to say things like well a pictures worth a thousand words I’d have to go through that whole thing and say like videos great. I don’t know right.
Now it’s a much easier sell, but I’ll tell you that it’s so true I mean I went through 21 consecutive pitches and when I say pitches I don’t mean like emailing, like this is you know one-on-one meetings, I create these proposals I meet with these people, I Drive out and just actually sit down with them and I’m hearing no, no, no and this went on for months probably before we’ve gotten our first client which was on number 22.
But that’s pretty discouraging and I think that a reasonable human being I mean maybe you hang in there and you say you go seven, seven nos, or 13, or 16 right like what point —
It’s funny I even remember calling my dad I forgot this is probably a like no number 15 and I was a few months in I had no money and this the whole thing is bankrupt and I was telling him about it and I was like man I’ve been rejected like 15 times what do you think I should do and he’s like I think you should shut the whole thing down and go back to school, right, like go back to medical school and I’m like okay well thank you.
So it’s kind of funny because for whatever reason and this is like the million dollar question, I just hung in there right? I had committed to going down a path and I think early on, on your entrepreneurial career it’s about proving people wrong that there is really a future here and I think it makes you mature and grow up it becomes less about anybody else and more about doing things because you want to do them.
But early on probably very, very stubborn and that was good at the time because had I not hung in there for number 22 which by the way you cannot make this up, deal number 22 came after 21 failures and I walk into a Texas Roadhouse, my hostess that takes me to the table, her mom —
Jared Correia: Another later on Texas Roadhouse, the restaurant —
Michael Mogill: The administrative — like her — so her mom is the administrative assistant to a to a CEO and a farming co-op that is like — it’s a like so she’s like we’re looking for a person to film some videos and we’ve worked with his one guy who specializes in agricultural video and we’ve worked with him for the last like eight years, but would you be interested in like submitting proposal, we’re probably going to go with him but would you be interested in that? I said, of course I’d be interested right?
So I drive out there, like and this is, by the way this isn’t like Leesburg Georgia so I don’t think anybody listening even knows what Leesburg Georgia is but it’s roughly you three or four hours from Atlanta right, there is no 4G, or LTE right so it’s Leesburg, Georgia so I had to drive out really, really early like probably three o’clock in the morning and I got a speeding ticket on the way over, right so I get pulled over and the whole thing.
The guy thought I was out from the night before something because I’m like wearing a suit and no I’m really just on the way to a meeting and that was already terrible because you have to remember I had no money at the time. This was I didn’t even know how I was going to pay my next month’s rent. I show up to the meeting in time, they bring me in, they’re not terribly excited about meeting with me. I think they gave me all of five minutes to present. They weren’t really paying attention and they said thank you, we’ll call you. So I’m pretty demoralized and then when I’m driving back I get another speeding ticket, like this is — I’m not like a terrible driver, and this is like —
Jared Correia: Nice two for two.
Michael Mogill: At the end of the month and the total of the speeding tickets was like over $1,000 and when you’ve got roughly $300-$500 to your name, you go negative, right. That’s a pretty rock bottom moment. So there’s like levels, I don’t know if we can use profanity on this podcast but like there’s levels of feelings like –
Jared Correia: They will beep it out.
Michael Mogill: And then there’s a level below that, so I was like two or three levels below that and at that time I was like all right, I think, I think it’s time, but like what do you know, I get a call, they ended up moving forward with us, it was number 22. I ended up travelling with these farmers for three months straight like all across the southeast and like just filming videos, working with farmers, and then several years later if you fast-forward by accident we had an attorney reach out to us who had no online presence and was really looking to stand out. We produced a video for her that looked more like a Michael Bay type trailer than your traditional law firm videos.
Because we just didn’t know how the traditional law firm videos were done and her business blew up and the phone’s ringing off the hook and at that point, I’m like well we’re working with everybody, we are working with like Dennis, Financial Advisors and Coca-Cola and the big brands and, but what’s going on in the legal industry because we just did a video and our business is like crushing it.
And what I saw was an industry that have been doing things in advertising in a very similar way for the last 10-15 years and I realized that because it was getting so competitive and so saturated there was a need to differentiate and standout and the way to do so was through storytelling, right, and to really communicate what’s an individual firm apart, like what was their story, why did they decide to become an attorney.
And we’ve really focused our business and now all we do is work with attorneys and law firms and that’s been our core folks that’s way it’s why we even wrote the book on it.
Jared Correia: Yeah, that’s really cool, that’s great story by the way. So one thing I learned from that story was that if I’m driving through Leesburg, Georgia early in the morning, I got to watch out for the speeding ticket quotas. So that’s good to know.
Michael Mogill: Yeah I mean it’s wild now. I will say that in hindsight, this is an awesome story but when it’s happening to you, you don’t think at that point, this is going to like a great story one day, you are like, you think like there’s no crystal ball that says it’s going to be fine, you’ll become the fastest-growing video marketing company in the country six years from now.
Jared Correia: Yeah, yeah I’m sure you weren’t thinking that.
Michael Mogill: No.
Jared Correia: All right. So let’s get to some specific video marketing tactics that I want to talk about. So you’re a master of the art, right, you’re the Michael Bay of legal videos. So what are the check points you’re looking for when you try to figure out like is this a quality business video or not, what are the high marks?
Michael Mogill: Oh, that’s a great question. I think a lot of times people get so tied up in what camera is someone using, the land, the production quality, and I’ll tell you the content that converts the best whether it’s on TV, whether it’s online, really anywhere, you put it the video in an e-mail, the videos that convert the best are the ones that establish an emotional connection.
And the videos that establish an emotional connection are the ones that are ultimately telling a story. So for example, I mean we just did that on this podcast, right, if I went right in, I’m giving video marketing tips, people like who is this young trust fund kid and like listening to all this stuff and, they wouldn’t know that like this was the story of the founding of the business.
There was no trust fund, I mean and when we reached out for help and alone, the help never came. But I think that type of stuff is important to establish and it’s no different when a law firm is producing content. So really like what we look for is, is there a clear value proposition? Are you able to answer the questions like if somebody’s watching, it’s like why should I trust you, what sets you apart, ultimately, why should I hire you and not your competition.
And it’s not enough to just say, you know, hey, we provide legal services, because there’s typically thousands of other law firms in the exact same market that are doing so. So it’s not a real differentiating factor. So really the main things are like story, value proposition, emotional connection and I’ll tell you like even a poor-quality video on an iPhone that has those elements will outperform a super high quality video without them.
But if you can combine the two and have both high quality and the storytelling emotional connection like you’re unstoppable.
Jared Correia: Excellent. All right, so the alternative to that is what makes for a bad video other than the opposite of what we just talked about.
Michael Mogill: I think a bad video is one is a very clear disconnect between the messaging in the video and then who the audience is, right.
Jared Correia: Got you.
Michael Mogill: So if you’re catering to the common man and you’re rolling around in a Ferrari, right, I mean there’s a clear disconnect between that and the audience or if you’re not really diving into like the pain points of your audience, right, like what they’re — perhaps that’s — whatever their legal issue is a very sensitive matter, or they may feel very uncomfortable even reaching out to an attorney or they may not know that they should reach out to an attorney, I think that’s probably one of the bigger ones or I think there’s been legal videos that are funny and I think sometimes that works if that’s like your audience.
Like we see this a lot like criminal defense attorneys, right. So if you go to the Law Hawk videos that’s funny, but that’s generally attracting probably more again, I’m just saying this candidly, typically, more low value like clients and cases, typically younger demographic.
Jared Correia: Yeah.
Michael Mogill: If somebody’s got a serious, serious, serious legal issue, they’re generally spending a bit more time doing research and vetting multiple attorneys and multiple firms that they don’t want the guy that drive around a scooter or having explosions and things like that go off.
I mean this is their life and it medicates 15:33 them and fix their families. So I think that’s — typically a bad video is one where there’s clear disconnect between the messaging and the audience or when like it’s not really dialing into what the pain points of the audience are.
Jared Correia: Got you. All right, so don’t be funny that should be easy for most lawyers.
Michael Mogill: It can’t be funny. Now, there is — I think there’s a place for it, right. So like I think there’s times where if there’s something going on social media and it’s like viral like the Ice Bucket Challenge or like what was like the Mannequin Challenge, I think you can do things that are great for firm culture, right. So that like tells people that that these are real human beings behind the firm.
But I wouldn’t put that on the homepage of the website, it’s like the very first thing that someone like sees if they’ve got a birth injury, and they need a birth injury attorney.
Jared Correia: Yeah, yeah, all right. Yeah, cut, sorry I’ve always wanted to say that and we’re talking about videos. So let’s take a short break. Here are some of the things you should buy.
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Jared Correia: Thanks for sticking around. I never left. I’m talking with Michael Mogill of Crisp Video Group. We’re here to talk about video marketing for law firms and Michael just got another speeding ticket during the break.
So Michael, a lot of business owners including lawyers I think they’re kind of camera shy. I know I have harder time getting people on video conferences to actually like show their faced. Is it hard for you to get lawyers to appear in their own videos and do you think it’s better to have like actual business owners showing up in their videos or would you prefer actors or is it better to have like a combination of real people and actors?
Michael Mogill: Yeah, that’s a great question. So we have — we’ve compared the two and we find that when you feature real people and real clients and real attorneys, those videos significantly – it can work much better. So it’s always better for you to be in your own video.
Jared Correia: Good to know.
Michael Mogill: I mean we’ve seen there’s so many examples of videos and commercials that kind of tarp them off into actors but the reality is like this video is about you, it’s your story, it’s important to be authentic.
I think the authenticity is the most important thing and the fact that you’re not super polished that connects and resonates with people. And sometimes, we don’t ever do like a script. I mean we create a full storyboard but there’s never like a teleprompter or anything like that. So it’s just — it’s really important to be authentic, that’s the biggest thing, because you’re ultimately looking to connect with the person on the other side of the screen.
Jared Correia: I mean unless you can hire like Bradley Cooper or somebody like that right, I probably do that.
Michael Mogill: Well you can get Bradley Cooper. We had somebody that was going to have — I kid you not, we’re going to have Barack Obama as one of the client testimonials because they were done like the Civil Rights case and like – yeah, that 19:10 had never come through so Barack was busy at the time.
Jared Correia: I am shocked.
Michael Mogill: But hey — great.
Jared Correia: You think I may have some better things to do, I don’t know. All right, so this is good. So now we’re diving into like specific video production questions. So how about like the use of text on-screen in videos including clickable links, is that important, is there a way to overdo it or is it essential in terms of relaying a call to action and to kind of underscoring the messaging?
Michael Mogill: Yeah I think that TextKit can play a role. It works especially well in like social videos. So if you’re running a video let’s say on Facebook or on let’s say Instagram, a lot of times when people are browsing on their phones or even on their on their desktop computers, the videos will automatically start playing and they’ll watch these things without sound. So if you’ve got caption or if you’re like featuring some prominent messaging that can work.
But I think that the real thing to do with text is caption like that works well. I think anything else and you kind of risk dumping it down too much, so you don’t have to throw up on there like seven million dollars settlement, like I got paid because then again like you’re breaking the immersion, right. So the whole thing should really be about having a narrative and connecting as opposed to saying like I’m a lawyer, hire me now, like if you’ve been injured do this, and because at the end of the day, if anyone takes one thing away from this entire podcast is if you can simply differentiate yourself, you can stand out from every single other law firm in your market.
And what that means oftentimes just doing things differently, right, because if they’re all marketing the same way, get the same messaging, telling you they’re going to fight for you and they’re going to provide aggressive representation and there’s 4,000 guys saying that and they’re all competing for airtime, right, what is the difference it will make if you create the exact same type of piece of content and you occupy it like 1% of that airtime, like it’s not going to move the needle but if you simply produce this content in a way where you’re respecting your audience, right, because nowadays especially online, you’re dealing with a more discerning consumer. With them, they want to be educated, they care more about why you do what you do, why you exist perhaps even for reasons beyond making money like the impact that you make in your community, for example.
If you’re communicating all those things that’s where people are able to connect with you and that’s where they decide to work with you that they see that there’s a level of personalized attention.
Jared Correia: Yeah, that’s good, and I hadn’t thought of the sound issue. Like it it’s true, a lot of people watch videos without the sound on anymore. So that kind of segues into my next question like how important is sound quality in recording videos? How much time do you spend kind of refining sound capture, potentially adding other sounds into the mix like music like what part does that play in your process?
Michael Mogill: So the music is huge. Just because music is really what drives motion, I mean if people watch like The Shawshank Redemption. I mean you remember like Andy Dufresne when he was escaping like that penitentiary and he’s crawling through a mile of the —
Jared Correia: Are you going to swear again, Michael?
Michael Mogill: Yeah I kind of monitored myself there, but everyone remembers that music or if you’re — when you hear like a Hans Zimmer track come on or something where it’s like Inception. So it’s the same thing with video, right. So whatever the theme of your video is, if you’re finding music that aligns with that so whether it’s super aggressive or whether it’s much more emotional, whatever that might be that really supports like so, if you combine that with the visuals, it really supports the messaging there and it actually helps people internalize what they’re seeing.
So the more senses that you’re able to engage so like they’re watching something, they’re hearing something, if they could smell it even better, but like the reality is like the more senses you engage, the better retention it’s going to be, that’s how people learn and that’s also how they’re going to remember you, so absolutely.
But as far as like just general audio and things like that, I mean you do want to use a good quality mic. So especially if you’re filming outdoors or something like that where you can have wind noise and so on, I think a lot of time it’s just a pairing professional because video at the end of the day is something that’s very front-facing. This is your brand, right, a lot of times people, consumers that don’t know you that’s the first impression that you make with them.
So it’s really important that you don’t come across as the person that’s like filming like in your home and then there’s like I don’t know, the dog walks by and that kind of stuff and you’re saying that we’re the best and we’re world class.
Jared Correia: How many times have you seen the Shawshank Redemption?
Michael Mogill: I watch the Shawshank Redemption every single time that thing comes on TV, right.
Jared Correia: That’s not TNT like every day.
Michael Mogill: I don’t care if it’s right, yeah if it’s like halfway in, like I’ll sit down with the wife and I’m just like that’s it, you know, they say got me.
Jared Correia: Oh your wife watches it with you? That’s pretty cool.
Michael Mogill: Well she hadn’t seen it the first time and I was like wait, what? So we actually went back and I sat there and watch the whole thing with her because I think it’s essential.
Jared Correia: I can’t get my wife to watch The Shawshank Redemption or any good movie, really. So I one of my crosses to bear I suppose. All right everybody, so here’s our message for today, get busy living or get busy dying. Now, this sounds like a good time to pause, before we come back for part three of the show.
While I look for my best plaid shirt listen to some more words from our sponsors.
Firm Central, a cloud-based legal practice management software for solo and small firms, provides a single online location for all of the tools you need to manage client files and perform client work, and offers unrivaled integration with Westlaw. With Firm Central, you can securely store and organize documents and case files, manage time tracking and billables, and collaborate with clients through a secure client portal from anywhere there is an Internet connection.
Do you feel like your marketing efforts aren’t getting you the high value cases your firm deserves? For over 15 years, Scorpion has helped thousands of law firms, just like yours, to attract new cases and to grow their practices. As a Google Premier Partner and winner of Google’s Platform Innovator Award, Scorpion has the right resources and technology to aggressively market your law firm and to generate better cases from the Internet. For more information, visit scorpionlegal.com/podcast today.
Jared Correia: Thanks again. You came back. We hope you enjoyed the offerings at the Craft Services table, particularly the foie gras. Now, let’s get back to our conversation with Michael Mogill of Crisp Video Group, who’s talking with me about video marketing for lawyers.
All right, Michael, so I think when most lawyers consider a video marketing, they’re looking at like an introductory video on their homepage, that’s kind of like a more visceral method for them connecting with clients, I think is their thinking. But what other sorts of videos should law firms be considering and how can video marketing become part of a broader content marketing scheme for a lawyer?
Michael Mogill: Yep, and you hit the nail on the head because that’s really what it needs to be. So it really needs to be a part of your overall content strategy, it really shouldn’t just be one video just as if you were blogging, you wouldn’t just write one blog post and say that’s it I’m done or launch one podcast episode, like this is something that’s important to be doing on a continuous basis.
So depending on the type of content so like that main firm profile video like we call them brand videos that lives on the website homepage and that one’s good for definitely a few years. But there’s other types of content like FAQ videos, individual videos about practice areas, client testimonials, attorney profiles, so it really just depends on where somebody’s at.
If they have never heard of you and they are not familiar with the firm, that’s where you really want to hit them with the branding or at least if nothing else, hit them with educational content. So FAQ videos will draw them in, so whether they’re — they may not be looking for an attorney yet but they are searching for an answer to a legal problem that they have or let’s say they’re vetting multiple attorneys, they want to be educated let’s say on the legal process from there once you — once you’ve educated. That’s where you can actually support some of your content with client testimonials and social proof.
But there’s also content let’s say on social media. I mean think about what would be the reason why someone would actually follow any law firms’ content. I mean if you asked yourself like why would I like subscribe to my dentist, right. So if you’re showing off some things you’re doing in your community, right, or even the culture within your office like the content, not everything has to be legal related but that’s great content because it’s really kind of a long game here. It’s making sure that you remain top of mind because if you’ve ever been on social media, you know that there’s a million brands fighting for everybody’s attention and it’s not just other law firms, it’s like dental offices, bakeries, flower shops, Apple, Best Buy everyone.
And it’s really important that you’re continuously remaining top of mind so that I will give you an example, personal injury attorneys not terribly exciting or terribly important to somebody on most days. But on the day that they get injured it’s extremely relevant, right, and they really need their services. So if they remember you and you’ve remained top of mind, there’s a very high likelihood that they will reach out to you or if a friend of theirs reaches on and say, hey what was the name of that firm we always see on Facebook, that’s always doing those like funny culture videos or just showing off all the things they’re doing in their community, like that stuff is what really helps you stay top of mind.
So it’s important you’re continuously producing content.
Jared Correia: Yeah, so that’s a great segue into my next question is so you’ve got different types of videos, now where do you put them? I feel like most law firms will throw these on their website, but talk a little bit about social media. So you’ve got this main video, you’ve got the brand videos, where do you put those videos outside of your website as part of your marketing plan?
Michael Mogill: Yeah, so I would say the short answer is I think you should put them every single place that your ideal client would spend time, but in most cases, you’re right, it’s your website, it’s social media, it’s on Facebook, regardless of age. I mean where everybody’s on Facebook right, grandparents are on Facebook, like they are definitely there.
And just because sometimes always don’t have the bandwidth to be like marketing everywhere on Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn and YouTube and Vine, in all these places, but the big one is definitely going to be Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.
So I would definitely hit those big four. If your audience is skews much younger you can look at Snapchat, I mean there’s always going to be so many different platforms, but I’d say from a cost-effectiveness standpoint, I think that there’s — even today, despite everything right. The average number of daily users and monthly active users is the highest on Facebook by a huge margin.
It’s probably the easiest and most inexpensive to target. I mean you’re talking like a penny per view that you can target your audience, so you can make sure you’re reaching specific people within a very specific subset that is relevant to your practice area.
YouTube is another one where you can run like YouTube videos to the point where — if you ever — you’re about to watch a YouTube video and there’s like that ad that plays that sometimes you don’t even have the option to skip it.
Like that is extremely expensive, like those ad bots are very, very inexpensive and I think that the idea is that frequency. So we’re finding sometimes it takes 12 to 20 touch points before somebody will even reach out and if you just put — make a post one time and say, well it didn’t really work, that’s really not enough these days just because of how attention economics works and because there are so many different brands fighting for people’s attention.
Jared Correia: Yeah absolutely. All right, so let’s take it back to the start, pretend I’m a lawyer, I actually am a lawyer but let’s okay, so I’m a lawyer. I have a law firm, let’s pretend I have a law firm. I want to get into video marketing and I have done nothing in terms of video marketing. I may be a little bit of afraid of it, like what’s my gateway into producing my first video, like what’s my pain point, what’s an easy step for me to get into this?
Michael Mogill: I think the first I guess the gateway into it if you’ve done — if you haven’t done any other content is simply asking yourself like why did I decide to become an attorney, why did I decide to practice law —
Jared Correia: Oh we are going deeper.
Michael Mogill: And to answer that question. Yeah I mean it really is, a lot of times we’ve seen so many instances where somebody becomes like a immigration attorney because they themselves were immigrants or they enter into like child adoption claims because they grew up and they’ve gone like from foster home to foster home or a criminal defense attorney, something to do with their background and so whatever that is, it’s figuring that out and making sure that that messaging and that story can really get out there.
So asking yourself like why do I do what I do, like why do I decide to become an attorney as opposed to really anything else I mean attorneys are educated people, you could have become a chiropractor, you could have become a veterinarian, why an attorney. And typically, the answer goes beyond just because of money right because there’s a lot of ways to make money and that why specifically enter the legal profession.
And we spend a lot of time in that discovery on the front end right. So we really, really want to be able to dig in because the more you get down into that and if you’re able to articulate and communicate that story, that’s how you stand out amongst 4,000 other law firms in your market because your story is unique, its unique to every single person.
Jared Correia: Cool, that’s great. Okay so my last video question for you. So this is a two-part question. What was the highest amount of late fees you ever had to pay for a Blockbuster video rental or in the alternative, and if you want to make me feel really, really old you can just tell me you’ve never run the video at Blockbuster and then I’ll hate you forever?
Michael Mogill: I actually — I did write a Blockbuster, this is like the experience of Blockbuster, we think about this. We really take things for granted now because first of all, the new releases were never available you’d go there, right. They’re all be checked out and then let’s say, you finally did get to the front of the line, you have to pay the late fees. So I think my highest late fees I don’t know it actually wasn’t really that bad to be honest it was like $12, or $16 or something.
Jared Correia: Oh that’s not bad man.
Michael Mogill: But like then you get the video and you take it home and you’re ready to watch it you’ve got your popcorn right and you plug it in and then you realize the person rented it last didn’t rewind it right. So you got to put it in the rewinder and it got to rewind it to the beginning. Yeah, we really took things for granted.
Jared Correia: It’s a tough gig like and then I think to myself like how many times can I watch Action Jackson this month, I mean really. So on that note, we’ve reached the end, the conclusion of yet another episode of the Legal Toolkit podcast.
We’ve been talking with Michael Mogill of Crisp Video Group about lawyer and lawyers and video marketing I should say. Now I will be back on future shows with further insights into My Soul, the Soul of America and the Legal Market. But if you’re feeling nostalgic from my dulcet tones, you can check out our entire show archive anytime you want at legaltalknetwork.com.
So thanks again to Michael Mogill of Crisp Video Group for making an appearance as my guest today. All right, Michael here’s your time to shine, can you tell everyone how they can find out more about you, your new book and about Crisp Video Group?
Michael Mogill: Absolutely, so you can always learn more about us crispvideo.com, but you can actually check out the book. So this is I spent a year of my life just basically putting in everything that I wish I had known when I started our business. So everything from our process and video marketing and case studies and the fastest growing law firms in America, we probably did over a 100 interviews and I put it all into the book and it’s basically, how you do everything.
So you can pick it up on Amazon or at Barnes & Noble with the name of the book is just ‘The Game Changing Attorney’ and at no point in the book do I say you should hire Crisp but this book was really designed to put the value out there and to pay it forward. So I wish I outline how you can do everything yourself. So I’m encouraging you to check it out and you can actually go to website for the book and it’s just gamechangingattorney.com.
Jared Correia: Well I mean look like if it’s how you do everything like how could you not buy that right. So everybody check out Michael’s new book, ‘The Game Changing Attorney’. So thanks again to Michael Mogill of Crisp Video Group and finally, thanks to all of you out there for listening.
On the next podcast I will try to work on my pronunciation of Action Jackson.
Outro: Thanks for listening to Legal Toolkit, produced by the broadcast professionals at Legal Talk Network. Join host Jared Correia for his next podcast covering the current business trends for law firms.
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Legal Toolkit highlights services, ideas, and programs that will improve lawyers' practices and workflow.