Laurence Colletti serves as the producer at Legal Talk Network where he combines his passion for web-based...
JULIE TOLEK is a solo Firearms Compliance, Criminal Law, and Estate Planning attorney as well as a...
Tom Mighell has been at the front lines of technology development since joining Cowles & Thompson, P.C....
Dennis Kennedy is an award-winning leader in applying the Internet and technology to law practice. A published...
Published: | June 15, 2018 |
Podcast: | Kennedy-Mighell Report |
Category: | Marketing for Law Firms |
After a couple weeks of collecting connections, it’s time to declare the winner of the 2018 LinkedIn Connection Competition! In this episode of the Kennedy-Mighell Report, hosts Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell announce the winner of the competition as well as what they learned about LinkedIn while participating in the contest. They share what surprised them most, their best connection stories, and advice for other attorneys looking to use LinkedIn as a tool. As always, stay tuned for the parting shots, that one tip, website, or observation that you can use the second the podcast ends.
Laurence Colletti serves as the executive producer at Legal Talk Network where he combines his passion for web-based media with his experience as a lawyer.
Julie Tolek is the founder of Think Pink Law, a Massachusetts Law Firm where she practices in fire armed law, family law, adoption, wills, trusts and estates, and limited scope representation and legal research.
Have a technology question for Dennis and Tom? Call their Tech Question Hotline at 720-441-6820 for the answers to your most burning tech questions.
Special thanks to our sponsors, ServeNow and TextExpander.
The Kennedy-Mighell Report
The 2018 LinkedIn Connection Competition Results
Intro: Web 2.0, Innovation, Trend, Collaboration, Software, Metadata… Got the world turning as fast as it can, hear how technology can help, legally speaking with two of the top legal technology experts, authors and lawyers, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Welcome to The Kennedy-Mighell Report here on the Legal Talk Network.
Dennis Kennedy: And welcome to Episode #215 of The Kennedy-Mighell Report. I am Dennis Kennedy in Ann Arbor.
Tom Mighell: And I am Tom Mighell in Dallas. Before we get started, we’d like to thank our sponsors.
Dennis Kennedy: Thanks first to TextExpander for sponsoring our show. Communicate Smarter with TextExpander. Gather, Perfect, and Share Your Knowledge. Recall your best words instantly and repeatedly. Learn more at HYPERLINK “”
Tom Mighell: And we’d also like to thank ServeNow, a nationwide network of trusted, prescreened process servers. Work with the most professional process servers who have experience with high-volume serves, embrace technology, and understand the litigation process. Visit HYPERLINK “” to learn more.
Dennis Kennedy: In our last episode we discussed spring cleaning for your personal data. In this episode of the podcast we return to our LinkedIn Connections Contest from a couple of episodes and announce the results, our winner and what everyone learned.
Tom, what’s all in our agenda for this episode?
Tom Mighell: Well, you just said it, Dennis. In this edition of The Kennedy-Mighell Report we will indeed be wrapping up our big LinkedIn contest with our special guests, Julie Tolek and Laurence Colletti. We will be discussing the results from the contest what we learned and what this might tell us about LinkedIn in general. And as usual, we are going to be finish up with our parting shots, that one-tip website or observation that you can start to use the second that this podcast is over.
But first up our LinkedIn contest results. We have talked many times about LinkedIn in this podcast, and although I will always tease Dennis that it’s the third most popular social network. He will always remind me that it’s the most important social network for lawyers to be using, which I will grudgingly agree with.
Dennis, where do you want to start?
Dennis Kennedy: Well, let’s introduce our special guests, Julie Tolek and Laurance Colletti. I want everyone to introduce themselves, including you Tom, first by reading their current LinkedIn headline, and then maybe telling us if they changed that headline during the contest, that will get everyone thinking about how others see them on LinkedIn.
Tom, do you want to start?
Tom Mighell: Yep. So, what my LinkedIn says, it lists me as Information Governance/Privacy Consultant CIPP, which is a Certified Information Privacy Professional/E, that means Europe, Technology Speaker and Writer, Author, Podcaster and Tech Blogger; and yes ,I did change it during the course of the contest because I wanted to attract a certain audience and I found that the people that I was interested in attracting kind of kept the same types of things in their titles too, and so when you see an invitation with that level of detail, then I thought it would be more likely to get an acceptance.
Dennis Kennedy: Julie, how about you?
Julie Tolek: Mine says Firearms Compliance in Criminal Law and Family Law, Founder and Solo Attorney at Think Pink Law, Associate at Skylark Law & Mediation, PC, and I also changed mine during the contest to add the criminal law part because I am trying to take more criminal law cases and I have added it to my practice. So, I figured now would be a good time to update my headline since we were in the midst of poking around LinkedIn every day.
Dennis Kennedy: And Lawrence, how about you?
Laurence Colletti: Well, mine still says Executive Producer at Legal Talk Network. So, I would kind of the opposite strategy less is more.
Dennis Kennedy: And I actually updated mine a little bit during the last month, so now I am calling myself a Legal Tech, an Innovation Advisor, an infotech, fintech lawyer, a Professional Speaker, Author, Podcaster and Adjunct Professor. So, just doing a little bit of tweaking as Tom and Julie noticed that you can kind of tailor your message to see what response you get or to open up some new areas.
So, to our audience we recommend that you go back to our earlier episode that kicked off the contest to get some background on the contest. A little background on the contest idea. I believe that many people underestimate the value of quantity of LinkedIn connections and the value of week connections. So, how many people that you don’t really know that well, but might be a way for you to reach out to other people that you have in common?
So, we started with the following numbers of connections for our contestants. Tom 1315, Laurence 1630, and Julie 587, so before we get to today’s numbers and determine our winner, let’s remember what everyone’s original goal was and whether that changed during the contest?
Julie, what was your original goal and did that change over the last month or so?
Julie Tolek: Yeah, I mean, my original goal I think was mainly numbers-focused and to try and add as many people as possible, but I started thinking about being more open to the idea of adding people that I didn’t know because that was kind of one of my challenges or turn-off for myself of using LinkedIn because I felt I needed to know everybody already that I was adding.
So, my goal was to be more open-minded and do more searches for specific types of industries where there are people that I would like to get to know.
Dennis Kennedy: Interesting. How about you, Laurence?
Laurence Colletti: So, as we discussed in the last show, what I want, what I hired LinkedIn to do was to I wanted to use it as currency to book more shows and I do think I kind of expanded that a little bit, I wanted to use it to kind of expand our social media reach. I also wanted to learn a little bit more about media on this round. And so, I kind of had a broad-based approach when we initially had begun the contest, and I kind of had to get become more focused because my time became much more limited.
So, I kind of focused in two primary areas. I focused one was antitrust because that was an area of law that I wanted to have a little bit more connections with and then the other one was just media. So, legal media and then regular media just because we are engaged against some new campaigns and I wanted to get to know the industry a little bit more.
Dennis Kennedy: Interesting. How about you, Tom?
Tom Mighell: So, my original goal was that I wanted to find more individuals in my field of business, in Information Governance and in Privacy, Data Privacy and Data Protection, and as I will talk more about in lessons learned in the next segment of the podcast that goal was harder to get to than I expected. It was not as easy to accomplish as I expected, and so I am just going to be blatantly honest and say that at some point I just switched to quantity and not care about the quality of my contacts. I just started clicking names and sending out invites and the goal here was to win. So I was all about the winning at one point.
Dennis Kennedy: I knew that it would get turned into that. So, all right, let’s go to the results. So, although I wasn’t a participant in the contest because I have way more connections than everyone else in my own techniques, I did predict that I would add about 200 new connections in the ordinary course of events during the course of the contest, and the actual number I added from where we started was 214, which is a pretty good job of predicting by me.
So, let’s go to the numbers. How many first-degree LinkedIn connections do you have today and do you think you have the winning number?
Tom, let’s let you go first.
Tom Mighell: As of today the number of LinkedIn connections I have is 1,916, which is an addition of 601 new connections since we began the contest. I have no idea whether I won the contest.
Dennis Kennedy: Wow. Julie, how about you?
Julie Tolek: I am pretty sure I did not win the contest because I only went up to 655.
Dennis Kennedy: Okay. And Laurence?
Laurence Colletti: I am also predicting that I did not win. I was able to grow about 10% but the top in number here is 1,793.
Dennis Kennedy: So, I think that that actually means, Tom, let’s let you do the calculation, that means the winner is who?
Tom Mighell: That means that I am the winner with 601. Yep, sorry, I was stunned by the victory there. It looks like the strategy of just clicking, just madly and impulsively pays off and ends up in a winning of the contest.
Dennis Kennedy: And that’s good because there’s probably you — the one thing I know about you, Tom, is that you really wanted to win this contest. So, I am very proud of you.
Tom Mighell: It’s not so much that I wanted to win, but you asked at the end of the last podcast, “Why we would all win?” And I said, “Well, it’s because I always win on this podcast.” So, I guess I am just living up to the inevitability of this podcast and that’s all I will say about that.
Dennis Kennedy: And so the best thing is that you actually got more than I did too, which would have been embarrassing if you hadn’t. But no, I think that’s good growth in numbers time, that’s 50% for you, I mean, Laurence, that’s a significant number 10% — Julie up more than 10%. So, I think those are great results.
So, congratulations Tom, of course. We want to hear from our listeners who played the game at home. Did you do better than our contestants?
Next up, we will talk about the lessons our contestants learned and tips that they have for you after this break from our sponsors.
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Tom Mighell: And now let’s get back to The Kennedy-Mighell Report. I am Tom Mighell.
Dennis Kennedy: And I am Dennis Kennedy. So, let’s talk about the lessons learned in the contest. What surprised you the most and what are the big lessons that you learned?
Tom, you are the winner, so we will let you go first.
Tom Mighell: Alright, and I have a lot of lessons learned and these are lessons and gripes and just observations that came out of this whole contest. I think the first observation is, is that it’s impossible to get a thousand in a month the right way without quitting your day job or without significantly modifying your day job, just can’t be done. So, I gave up on that early on because to be thoughtful about it you really have to spend some time and think about it.
I found that LinkedIn does not make it easy to connect within the groups that you’re in, the interface is really difficult. I’ll use the example. I tried to connect with people within my privacy group and it kept switching up the names, I would find names repeating in the list and I thought I was just making my way through the list but it would keep repeating them. So, it is not a friendly way to identify people that you haven’t connected with. So, there are some shortcomings that LinkedIn has.
Also, if you have a connection request out to someone, LinkedIn doesn’t tell you that there’s a connection request out unless you go to their individual profile, so, I found myself clicking multiple times on people’s profile without realizing that I had already sent them a connection.
I found that as a vendor because my company is more a vendor. We are not a law practice. I am not practicing as a lawyer. As a vendor it’s hard to get contacts without having people think you are trying to get business from them. I felt really nervous about sending certain contact requests out to people because I would be looking as trying to get business, it would feel different for me if I was a lawyer than as a pure vendor in this way. So, that affected the way that I approach the whole thing.
You also have to account for no response from people. Even though I got 600 contacts I still have 385 invitations that are outstanding that no one has responded to, and I don’t know if it’s because they don’t use LinkedIn or they just don’t pay attention or what’s going on. Some responses I got back within seconds but some like I said a whole lot that are just still out there.
I will say that TextExpander is an awesome way to send out invites or request for connection. When I was sending it out to my privacy people or information governance people, I created a little stock message and I was able to just plug it in very quickly instead of typing all those individual things out.
And then finally, in my one observation at one point in time, one of our podcast listeners suggested that, Tom, you’ve got 7,000 Twitter followers, why don’t you broadcast out there and see if your Twitter followers will connect with you on LinkedIn? Well, I am here to report that Twitter is the worst social network out there, period, because I did send it out and out of that — I sent it out twice, I think — and out of that I got two whole contacts from Twitter.
So, I am here to report, Dennis, that even though it is LinkedIn is the third most popular social network, I think Twitter is just a lousy social network for trying to engage with people and get them actually do things that you want.
So, those are my random lessons learned. It was a very interesting experience I will talk a little bit more about how we might change things in the future.
Dennis Kennedy: I would add to the point you are making that I think that when you want to add a large number, your motivation is really, really matters. So, if you are looking for a job, especially if you are looking for a job suddenly, or you are moving geography or you want to launch something new, I think you are going to be more motivated to put the time and work in. There also you may go more to the professional tools as well which might help you, but I think that motivation is a big factor when you try to add a lot of people in a short period of time.
Julie, what lessons did you learn?
Julie Tolek: I was actually surprised how willingly people accepted my request. I guess I assumed everybody was kind of like I am and like who was this person I don’t know if I want to accept them but I was surprised at the number of people that accepted and actually how friendly they were after in a few follow-up conversations that I had.
Part of my practice includes building relationships with local law enforcement and federal law enforcement, so usually when an attorney is reaching out to law enforcement there’s a barrier there that needs to be broken before they realize that I am reaching out on friendly matters instead of opposing matters. So, I did reach out to some law enforcement and I was pleasantly surprised that they were willing to connect with me and start those conversations that way. That was pretty cool.
Dennis Kennedy: So, Julie, it seems like you took a really targeted approach, did you try the people you may know or were you just kind of really thoughtful about specific people that you sent invitations to?
Julie Tolek: It was a little bit of both. So, first I tried just I am going to click on everyone and see who accepts my request because I was focusing on the numbers, and I thought, well, if I am going to spend time doing this then I should do something that maybe more productive that I can really use, and at that point I think something popped up in the people you may know, and it was law enforcement that was we had another mutual law enforcement connection in common. And so that’s kind of where I got that idea and I think the more that new law enforcement connection saw my other connections that we had in common, I think that built my credibility with the other law enforcement officers as well. So, I think it kind of — it builds on itself that way.
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, that’s cool. Laurence, lessons for you?
Laurence Colletti: I was actually very surprised because like I said right after the contest began my availability of time really dropped and so I kind of had a focus on what I knew and kind of focus on what I thought mattered, and so I didn’t do the premium job hunter account, I didn’t focus on groups and I didn’t alter my profile strength nor did I write any articles which we had talked about on last episode, but one thing I was able to do was a parcel off just a little bit of time here and there.
So, I did this primarily by mobile and so I didn’t do any custom outreach messages or anything like that. So, one of the little gems I was able to deploy, thanks to you, Dennis, was, I did focus on kind of the built-in LinkedIn algorithm and so I kind of just decided because I couldn’t do the broad-based attack like Tom did, I was only able to kind of focus in two years.
So, I focus on Anti-Trust and Media, because those are the two areas that I really wanted to expand my knowledge and reach into, and so what I discovered over time was that no need for a message but start with — do one and then the other on a different day because the algorithm seems to kind of perfect itself, after you make several requests it starts to customize the next inbound network connections, the suggested connections, and so I was able to actually build quite a bit in there.
And, I’ll say this, even though there wasn’t a lot of time, I would consider the context I made quality contacts because it’s certainly I am not going to reveal who they are just because of professional courtesy, but I was able to reach out to some members of the media that I thought were definitely out of my reach kind of deploying this tact of just doing media one day or do it for two days and then switch back to antitrust for the next couple of days.
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, I think that’s great. Sometimes you realize that you are more interesting to other people than you expect and that’s kind of like a nice reinforcement loop that can happen in LinkedIn. So I want to get like great connection stories or opportunities especially the contest generator for you, and Julie, I think what you found when reaching out to law enforcement is actually a great connection story, but are there other stories or maybe some opportunities that came to you during the course of the contest as you were adding people?
Julie Tolek: Not really opportunities but this is a — I have another great connection story I guess somebody who has listened to our first podcast with — when we announced the contest actually we shout him you said, I want to connect with you to help you win. So, I thought that was really nice.
Dennis Kennedy: Okay, Lawrence, what about you? I mean, you were trying to get more people to interview on shows; did that work out for you?
Laurence Colletti: I think it will come out in the future, I mean, definitely the context that we build I think will add to our ability to attract not just guests but hosts in the future I think that there’s some room there, but I think my biggest takeaway from this was that, a lot of people complain, especially attorneys and other professionals, that they don’t have time to do it and what I found was because my time was limited, I was able to parcel off a little bit some time I learned how to make it work for me and so what I discovered was while waiting in line at the airport or I was waiting for somebody at a restaurant or something like that.
I would do it five minutes here and there but it becomes a pretty effective practice. So, I think for me having to adjust the tactics and working with the restraints that I had taught me how to be more efficient, so that was kind of my big takeaway. So, I think that’s my story for this one.
Dennis Kennedy: And Tom?
Tom Mighell: So, I have no great new connection stories or opportunities, but I have two anecdotes and this is kind of where I become the angry old man on the yard telling people to get off my lawn because I got a number of requests following connections for me to buy real estate or list my house or again, people not even paying attention to my profile and saying that I can help your law firm make millions of dollars in income if you just follow our marketing or whatever techniques that we have, but people who viewed it purely as a sales opportunity and I began to get lots of those communications, which was not great.
And then the only, I guess, fun connection story which actually hasn’t come to light yet is that under the people you may know one day suddenly I saw the name of Rachel Lindsay, who you may recognize was the Bachelorette last year and she is a lawyer in Dallas. She works for the law firm that actually broke off from my old firm.
So, I know her firm, I don’t know her, but I thought, great, I can be friends with the Bachelorette and she has not accepted my invitation yet, and I’m a little disappointed in that, but we’ll see what happens.
Dennis Kennedy: Clearly she doesn’t know who you are and how important you are.
Tom Mighell: Yeah.
Dennis Kennedy: So, let’s kind of wrap things up and say if I had to pin you down and say, what are your best tips that you’d share for the audience when they’re looking to add either just more LinkedIn connections in general or to add a lot of connections? What would be — what your advice that you would give them, Laurence?
Laurence Colletti: I would say my takeaway from this was focus, and so I do believe that the broad-based tactic works, that’s what I used to do is I would reach out to kind of random people or people like kind of new or we shared an industry or shared a trade, didn’t necessarily know them and I would do that, that was my first kind of approach. But I discovered the value of focusing in on one particular category.
So, I think for attorneys if there is a particular area of law that you’d like to have a deeper connection, was stay in that vein for a while and kind of work those connections. LinkedIn is a very effective tool for churning in new results and I think that you will be very happy with that.
Dennis Kennedy: Tom?
Tom Mighell: I agree with Laurence. I am still skeptical of the quantity over quality. I think that’s a time will tell type of lesson. We’ll have to see what happens. I don’t think that a month and-a-half is enough time to figure out whether there’s a benefit to that, but I think that looking at a specific group that you want to target and then going after them specifically for a period of time and then seeing how that algorithm changes in the people you may know, because what happened to me was the people you may know algorithm did change, but it changed in a way that I did not expect and that I did not want to connect with.
And so, I think the other lesson learned would be that I would change my focus on who I was looking at and see if I could get the people you may know algorithm to change in a better way in the future, but make it more targeted, I would be doing less quantity over quality in my case.
Dennis Kennedy: Okay, and Julie?
Julie Tolek: I definitely agree with Laurence and Tom. I want to kind of backtrack, and I thought of a gripe 22:05, but I’d like to add to kind of piggyback that with the tips so you can avoid my gripe or so people can avoid my gripe.
I was kind of bummed that on the app when you request people, you cannot add a custom message. I really feel that like a little custom message about why you’re reaching out or if you met them somewhere before helps kind of break the ice, if somebody doesn’t know you or doesn’t know why you’re reaching out to them.
So, I would suggest not using your mobile apps but using your computer more often if you can, so you can actually include those personalized messages when you’re trying to connect to people.
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, that’s a common — this has been an issue, and negative that people have had for quite a while with the app; so that is a very good point.
And I want to add one thing because based on what Tom said about using Twitter, so when Tom said that you send out an invitation for people to connect with him on LinkedIn, on Twitter, it doesn’t surprise me he got a small result.
So, what I’ve found is that you kind of reverse that. So that if you have people who follow you on Twitter who just look really interesting to you that you can send an invitation to them right-away, because typically you see that the same day, so they are aware that they have just followed you, and in that case I do use the mobile app because I don’t think it’s really necessary to send a personal message because I know they followed you and your response is to say, yeah, it’s great that you followed me, but let’s up it a little bit and saying that let’s connect on LinkedIn as well.
And so that I found is a more effective way of using Twitter, so you can kind of screen, and it’s sometimes can be a way that because you realized there are people kind of interested in what you’re talking about that will surprise you. So that’s the tip that I would have and one that I used recently.
So, let’s wrap things up. Tom, do you want to get the contact info from our guests?
Tom Mighell: Sure. So, thanks Julie and Laurence for joining us on the podcast. Thanks for being part of the competition. I think we all got a lot out of it. Let’s start with Julie and then Laurence. Where can listeners find you and get in touch with you if they want to learn more or connect with you?
Julie Tolek: Sure. You can find me at HYPERLINK “” or email me at HYPERLINK “” and you basically Google “Think Pink Law”, you’ll find me everywhere.
Tom Mighell: Laurence?
Laurence Colletti: Well, you could find me at HYPERLINK “” In terms of my social media profile, that’s Laurence Colletti on LinkedIn and @LaurenceEsq on Twitter.
Dennis Kennedy: And Laurence, of course, is also known as the hardest working man in legal show business. So, it may take him a little while to get back to you, but he wants to hear from you. And I encourage all our listeners to send connection requests to all of us on the podcast and to reach out to people on LinkedIn.
Now, it’s time for our parting shots, that one-tip website or observation you use the second this podcast ends, and we’ve talked our guests to stick around and play along today. So, Julie, what’s your parting shot?
Julie Tolek: Well, this month is National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, which is actually federally recognized and I suffer from migraines and I have a lot of people close to me that do as well. There was a new FDA-approved drug that was approved last month, it’s the first of its kind, that’s called Aimovig, I don’t know much about it, but I know that my stepmom is going to begin using it, and I would just encourage people that suffer from migraines to do some research and see if there’s something out there for them.
Dennis Kennedy: That’s great. I know that the people I know who have migraines I think “suffer” is exactly the right word, so it’s good that there may be something new for them.
Laurence, what about you?
Laurence Colletti: Well, recently we’ve had a couple busy quarters here at Legal Talk Network and just the travel schedules been a little bit higher than normal. I think in the last almost 10 weeks I’ve been home about a week, and it has reminded me of the value of my favorite app of all time, and that is Evernote, and the reason that value is reminded is that I’ve been on some flights, a lot of flights lately and the Wi-Fi on United and I’m reaching out to United, I hope you guys can fix that because I love flying with you guys, but your Wi-Fi is not so bueno.
But, anyway, when the Wi-Fi goes out we lose connection and so I’ve been kind of reminded as I’ve gone back to Evernote, the value of that being able to use that offline and then it’s just the instant syncability that you don’t lose work and you can kind of continue on even when on some of the long flights when my laptop has run out of battery power I can continue working on my mobile device. So, that’s tremendous add-on for me.
Thank you guys, hat tip to Evernote. You guys are definitely my favorite app.
Tom Mighell: And I will echo that Wi-Fi on almost every airline I fly is miserable. So, I shout out to all the airlines to up your game on the Wi-Fi front.
I’m getting ready to go on vacation and I have gotten to the point now where I don’t obviously bring a camera anymore to take pictures. I, like everybody else, take pictures with my phone, but I find that sometimes it’s hard to take those great shots of something far away and zooming in with your phone really pixelates it a lot more, just is that the phone isn’t designed to have that kind of — the digital zoom is just not as good as the zoom you can get in a regular camera.
So, this time I’m taking a new tool along with me it’s called the Moment Tele Lens from Moment and it is a lens that you clip on to your phone. Actually the one downside is, I’m going to have to use a different case because the case allows you to clip it on, but you clip it on and it turns your 1x zoom into a 2x zoom, which automatically makes everything closer. You can then use the digital zoom a little bit. It still gets a little fuzzy but it’s so much better. I’ve tried it out just at home and it allows me to take close-up pictures from farther away than I expected. I’m hoping that this has a good result on my travel photos. It’s the Moment Tele Lens, it’s $89 from HYPERLINK “”
Dennis Kennedy: And that could be really worth it. Tom, I still remember the time when I was at Lake Tahoe and saw bears feeding on salmon in the little river there and was too far away, so I had these great blurry pictures where I said, hey, that brown area there is the bear; so very disappointing. So having a telephoto lens could be a good thing.
So, I want to mention again, Allison Shields and I wrote an article on LinkedIn Connections and adding a lot of them, you can find it by going to either Allison Shields’ profile or my profile and looking under our articles.
And the other thing I want to suggest people read comes from a blog called HYPERLINK “” and the title of the post is called ‘Law Firm Data is Catnip for Hackers’ and it talks about how hackers are targeting the data that law firms hold and has a list of things that law firms have not bothered to do. Lot of is just updating software, but a very useful article that I recommend to everyone.
Tom Mighell: All right, lot of good tips this week. I am looking forward to more.
That wraps it up for this edition of The Kennedy-Mighell Report. Thanks for joining us on the podcast. You can find show notes for this episode at HYPERLINK “”
If you liked what you hear, please subscribe to our podcast in iTunes or on the Legal Talk Network site, where you can find archives of all of our previous podcasts.
If you liked to get in touch with us, please reach out to us on LinkedIn, or remember, we love getting questions from you that we can feature on our B segment. Leave us a voicemail at (720) 441-6820.
So, until the next podcast, I am Tom Mighell.
Dennis Kennedy: And I am Dennis Kennedy and you have been listening to The Kennedy-Mighell Report, a podcast on legal technology with an Internet focus.
If you liked what you heard today, please rate us in Apple Podcasts and we will see you next time for another episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report on the Legal Talk Network.
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