Heels in the Courtroom
Heels in the Courtroom
Heels in the Courtroom
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Heels in the Courtroom


When you wear Heels In The Courtroom, life and law are a little bit different. This fresh and insightful new podcast from the female trial attorneys at The Simon Law Firm offers mentoring, community and great girl talk about being the best you can be in every part of your life. So kick off those heels, pour a glass of wine, and get to know Amy Gunn, Erica Slater, Liz Lenivy, Mary Simon, and Elizabeth McNulty.

The Simon Law Firm consists of trial attorneys specializing in medical malpractice, personal injury and corporate law. Since the Firm’s founding in 2000, Simon trial attorneys have earned over one billion dollars in verdicts and settlements for their clients. Recognized as one of the winningest firms in America by the National Law Journal, the dedicated attorneys at the Simon Law Firm bring experience, integrity and passion to every case they try. Contact The Simon Law Firm at [email protected] or [email protected]

More Episodes
Oct 9, 2024

EP 820- Asking for Help

It may feel awkward or uncomfortable to ask for help. But if you try our tips, you may be surprised by how pleased people are to be asked to help you.

Sep 25, 2024

EP 819- Emotional Trial Support Animals

This episode is dedicated to Amy Gunn’s beloved Sun Bun Gunn, who recently crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We’ll talk about the special place pets hold in our lives and why we think...

Sep 11, 2024

EP 818- Opposing Counsel Conditioning

Opposing counsel is telling you all the problems with your case for the 800th time. When he starts up again (yes, we think it’s a guy thing) should you shut it down...

Aug 28, 2024

EP 817- Conversation with Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court Part Two

Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Mary R. Russell offers her thoughts on how to conduct yourself in court and why we must retain confidence in the judicial system.

Aug 14, 2024

EP 816- Conversation with Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court Part One

Missouri Supreme Court Chief Justice Mary R. Russell shares her inspiring path from growing up on a Missouri farm to leading the highest court in the state.

Jul 31, 2024

EP 815- Pro Tips for Exhibits

Streamline, clarify and de-clutter your exhibit list by incorporating our top tips for preparing and presenting exhibits for depo and trial. We’ll discuss proper procedure on how to mark, submit and enter...

Jul 17, 2024

EP 814- Coping With Conferences

Summer is conference season, and whether you love them or dread them, it’s wise to prepare a positive mindset before you go. Learn how to enjoy and benefit from the “forced fun”...

Jul 3, 2024

EP 813- Mentorship Within The Firm Part Two

Listen up, clerks! Today we’re talking about what makes a clerk (or any mentee) stand out in the crowd.  We’ll wrap up our discussion with top tips for making mentorship in your...

Jun 19, 2024

EP 812- Mentorship within the Firm Part One

You, your firm and the legal profession will benefit when you make mentorship a meaningful experience in your firm. We offer tips on how you can enhance the mentee’s learning experience, help...

Jun 5, 2024

EP 811- Difficult Clients

Are you dealing with a client who is needy, mean, lies to you or is just plain unrealistic? Boy, we have too. Today we’re talking about how to serve difficult clients while...

May 22, 2024

EP 810- Sorry, I Can’t Take Your Case

You want to help that friend of a friend with their minor auto accident settlement, but taking the case is not a good business decision. However, there are things you can do...

May 8, 2024

EP 809- Define Success

What does success mean to you? Is it a monetary goal?  A safe and comfortable home? Or simply the ability to shop at the “fancy” grocery store? Take a moment to re-evaluate...

Apr 24, 2024

EP 808- Book Report: The Checklist Manifesto

Checklists help us avoid mistakes and allow our brains to focus on higher thinking. Follow along as we use pro tips from a checklist expert to create a fail-safe prep list for...

Apr 10, 2024

EP 807- Mentorship with John Simon Part Two

Our goal is to lift you up with every episode, and today we are sharing our mentor’s most valuable life lessons. We hope these ideas help you get through the day with...

Mar 27, 2024

EP 806- Mentorship with John Simon Part One

Mentors help you build skills, gain confidence and are there for you when you need trusted advice on practically anything.  Mary brings her mentor (and Dad) Attorney John Simon into the discussion...

Mar 13, 2024

EP 805- Handling Tough Emotions

Frustration. Guilt. Anger. Loss.  It’s hard to stay focused when so many powerful emotions come at you in a single day. Listen in as we discuss our recent rides on the emotional...

Feb 28, 2024

EP 804- Dressing Intentionally

Many female attorneys agonize over courtroom attire….but does it really matter? Intentional dressing really does communicate an attitude to the jury and imparts a first impression that can impact you and your...

Feb 14, 2024

EP 803- Sexual Assault Verdict for the Plaintiff Part Two

The one fact that will convince the jury your client is telling the truth is right there in the records….you just have to find it and present it in the most impactful...

Jan 31, 2024

EP 802- Sexual Assault Verdict for the Plaintiff Part One

Our latest trial win involved a sexual assault case between a woman, her supervisor, and what really happened after he knocked on her hotel room door. We’ll share the facts of the...

Jan 17, 2024

EP 801- Preserving the Record for Appeal

In the heat of trial, your mind is on the moment, not always on the potential for appeal. Failing to preserve the record can be a costly mistake. Get in the weeds...

Jan 10, 2024

ENCORE Jury Instructions

Jurors need legal guidance when deliberating a case because, duh, they aren’t lawyers.  Jury instructions are their roadmap, and it’s definitely in your client’s best interest to be sure those instructions are...

Dec 27, 2023

EP 742- New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is a good time for reflection even if you don’t do resolutions. To kick off 2024, we checked in on last year’s silly and serious resolutions and made some...

Dec 20, 2023

EP 741- ‘Tis The Season

The holidays can be stressful but sharing the joy of traditions like making memory books, traveling home and tying the hugest tree you can find on the mini-Cooper make it all worthwhile....

Dec 13, 2023

ENCORE Mean Mugs and Shoulder Shrugs

Seriously, opposing counsel is making faces during a tragic trucking case that involves the death of a child?! Erica Slater managed to overcome eye rolls, shoulder shrugs, claims of phantom vehicles and...

Dec 6, 2023

ENCORE How to Cross Examine a Nice Person

Not every cross examination has to be adversarial. If you come on too strong with a witness who is trying hard to be helpful, you may prove your point but lose your...

Nov 29, 2023

EP 740- Information Overload

Bing. Another email. Bing. Update on disturbing international unrest. Your heart hurts but…. Bing. Your exercise app interrupts with a workout nudge. Bing. Meeting reminder, and you realize you forgot to send...

Nov 22, 2023

EP 739- Give Thanks

Most of us get so caught up in our hectic day-to-day world that we forget to appreciate our achievements and the people who bring us joy.  So slow down and share a...

Nov 15, 2023

ENCORE EP738- Anatomy of a $10MM Verdict Part Two

In Part Two of our winning case analysis, Amy Gunn and Liz Lenivy discuss witness prep, damages and dubious defense tactics. Win or lose, big cases can take a toll on attorneys,...

Nov 8, 2023

ENCORE EP737 – Anatomy of a $10MM Verdict Part One

An inspired approach and darn good discovery skills led to a big med mal win for our client. In this encore episode, Amy Gunn and Liz Lenivy discuss their pre-trial and courtroom...

Nov 1, 2023

EP 734- Consumer Legal Funding

Is your client considering taking out a lawsuit loan to pay medical bills or other expenses? How can these loans impact the case, the settlement or even you as the attorney? We’ll...

Oct 25, 2023

EP 733- Called To Serve

Got room in your hectic schedule for another “obligation”? Think “opportunity” instead. Taking on a leadership role in a professional or community organization offers connections and insights you won’t find anyplace else....

Oct 18, 2023

EP 732- Mind Your Manners

Being polite when opposing counsel goes low doesn’t mean you’re a pushover. It’s a savvy strategy both professionally and personally. You know somebody’s gonna get snarky sometime soon, so tune in for...

Oct 11, 2023

EP 731- Slip and Fall on Ice

Prepping your next slip and fall on ice case? The Heels in the Courtroom trial team just won a significant verdict for our client, and we share tips on outlining a winning...

Oct 4, 2023

EP 730- Preparing Your Client for Trial

As trial approaches, most clients are scared and vulnerable. How can you help? You might have to take off your attorney armor and be vulnerable too. This emotional episode offers ideas on...

Sep 27, 2023

EP 729- Inspiration from the Next Generation

No matter where you are in your career, your time and experience can benefit a younger attorney. But if you think mentorship is all about giving, hear how a recent mentorship experience...

Sep 20, 2023

EP728- Artificial Intelligence

Are you tempted to use AI to write a brief or do your research? You should know what happened to some attorneys who tried to save time and got sanctioned instead. We...

Sep 13, 2023

EP 727- Thinking About Law School?

Whether you are in college or considering a mid-life career change, choosing to go to law school is a big decision. We’ll share some of the pros and cons of our profession...

Sep 6, 2023

EP 726- Delay Tactics

It’s infuriating when opposing counsel refuses to pick depo dates, makes excuses to delay proceedings or just plain ghosts you. We believe justice delayed is justice denied, and hope today’s tips can...

Aug 30, 2023

EP 725- I’m Sorry for Apologizing

Do you apologize for moving a meeting or asking a legitimate question? Apologizing can be a knee jerk reaction that implies a weak position, or it can be a powerful tool to...

Aug 23, 2023

EP 724- Responsible Pet Ownership

According to the Humane Society, 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs every year in the United States. Today we take a look at the laws regarding responsible pet ownership, including what...

Aug 16, 2023

EP 723- But I Signed a Waiver…….

Liability waivers appear all around us…..on amusement park tickets, at ax throwing establishments, prior to medical procedures and maybe even as a requirement from your son’s friend’s parents before that weekend party...

Aug 9, 2023

EP 722- I’ve Had It!

We’re done with opposing counsel’s snarky emails, loud yawners, attorneys who think their years of experience means the law should be bent for them and people who creep out our kids. Laugh...

Aug 2, 2023

EP 721- Calling An Adverse Witness

Under what circumstances should you consider calling an adverse witness?  Today’s discussion examines the risks involved and offers tips on how to be successful if adverse witness testimony is critical to your...

Jul 26, 2023

EP 720 – Father’s Day: Working with Your Dad Part Two

Can the attributes of a good trial attorney run in the family? Part Two of our Father’s Day discussion about practicing law with your Dad talks about the decision to follow your...

Jul 19, 2023

EP 719 – Father’s Day: Working with Your Dad Part One

If given the opportunity, would you say yes to working with your Dad? In recognition of Father’s Day, father-daughter trial lawyer duos John Simon and Mary Simon, and Judge Jack Garvey and...

Jul 12, 2023

ENCORE “The Big Hot Mess”

Erica has “thunder tears.” Liz becomes “hot garbage.” We’ve all had days where life is a big hot mess. In this encore episode, Amy, Mary, Erica and Liz talk about how they...

Jul 5, 2023

ENCORE “Who are you calling ‘Little Lady?’”

Our Heels in the Courtroom community has grown to thousands of downloads since our first episode. Tune in to hear a reprise of EP101 and get a little background on who we...

Jun 28, 2023

EP718- Mistrials

The judge says “mistrial” and Poof! Your half-argued case just became a do-over. What now? It recently happened to us and we want to supply some insight into what can cause a...

Jun 21, 2023

EP717- Get to Know Me

Which attorney has jumped out of an airplane? Had an invisible friend? Or was required to wash rocks as a child? We went around the table using a fun life experiences questionnaire...

Jun 14, 2023

EP 716- If I Had a Million Dollars

Everyone daydreams about winning the lottery and never “working” again. That fantasy probably won’t happen, but thinking about it can help you recognize some passions you might want to make room for...

Your Hosts
Amy Collignon Gunn

With a focus on personal injury cases, Amy Collignon Gunn is a caring, trial-tested lawyer serving clients...

Erica Blume Slater

As a compassionate and dedicated personal injury, medical negligence, and product liability lawyer, Erica Blume Slater provides...

Elizabeth S. Lenivy

Elizabeth Lenivy provides excellent, detailed representation in the areas of product liability, medical malpractice, and personal injury....

Mary Simon

Mary Simon is a devoted advocate of the injured, particularly those suffering from serious injuries related to...

Elizabeth McNulty

As a dedicated and passionate advocate, Elizabeth always goes the extra mile to ensure that her clients...

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