For The Innocent
For The Innocent
For The Innocent
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For The Innocent


Hosted by Michael Semanchik, For the Innocent features heartbreaking first-person accounts of exonerees like NFL Football player Brian Banks about their experiences of being wrongfully convicted. Then legal and criminal experts help us understand what went wrong. Expert guests provide insights about our criminal justice system and how wrongful convictions become a terrible reality.

Hear why innocent people falsely confess, what causes misidentifications, and how our science like bitemarks, shaken baby syndrome and DNA can used to convict people. Season One and Two are now available.

Thank you to Clio for their support.

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More Episodes
Jun 20, 2024

Plea Deals: Why Innocent People Give Up and Go to Prison

Believe it or not, there are many reasons to plead guilty when you’re not.

Jun 6, 2024

Marilyn’s Story: A Plea Deal Turned Deadly

From a False Accusation to a Coerced Plea for the Death Penalty.

May 23, 2024

Junk Science – Undoing the Damage

When forensic evidence gets it wrong, how do we free the innocent?

May 9, 2024

Junk Science – Shaken Baby Syndrome

Circular logic and blind faith sent many innocent parents to prison for the rest of their lives. Here’s why.

Apr 25, 2024

Junk Science – Bloodstains & Bite Marks

What happens when forensic science is later found to be false?

Apr 11, 2024

Zavion’s Story

A Minor Accident Turns Fatal

Apr 8, 2024

Season 2 Begins

The Lives and Stories of the Wrongfully Convicted

May 24, 2023

False Confessions (Part 2)

Children in Crosshairs & Innocent People with Guilty Facts

May 24, 2023

False Confessions (Part 1)

Why Innocent People Do It

May 24, 2023

Marty’s Story (Part 2)

Proving His Innocence, Unwinding Corruption, and Getting the Hell Out

May 24, 2023

Marty’s Story (Part 1)

Organized Crime, Questionable Officials, and a False Confession...

Apr 25, 2023

More Episodes Dropping Soon!

False Confessions, Junk Science, and Deadly Plea Deals

Apr 14, 2023

False Accusations

Jailhouse Snitches & Confidential Informants: Why the Innocent are Falsely Accused

Apr 14, 2023

Brian Banks’ Story – Part 3

Starting Over, Clearing His Name, and Making it to the NFL

Apr 14, 2023

Brian Banks’ Story – Part 2

Surviving in Prison and Fighting for Freedom

Apr 14, 2023

Brian Banks’ Story – Part 1

From Wrongful Incarceration to Playing in the NFL: A Story of Redemption

Mar 31, 2023

DNA Evidence (Part 2)

Preserve your evidence and never give up on your innocence...

Mar 31, 2023

DNA Evidence (Part 1)

Law Enforcement’s most powerful tool is not always reliable.

Mar 31, 2023

Uriah’s Story

A series of remarkable coincidences can send any of us to prison for crimes we didn’t commit.

Mar 30, 2023

Welcome to the California Innocence Project Podcast!

The innocent, a system that put them away, and the people who set them free...

Your Host
Michael Semanchik

Michael Semanchik is the Executive Director of The Innocence Center (TIC), a formidable national legal institution dedicated...

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