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Fresh Voices on Legal Tech with Amy Conroy
What Really Happens After a Trial: Taking A Closer Look at Post-Conviction Law with Professor Lee Kovarsky
#521: Avoid These Legal Pitfalls: Essential Lawyer Protections, with Jonathan Hawkins
ABA Journal: Modern Law Library
Legal thriller author David Ellis’s day job? Appellate court justice
In Dispute: 10 Famous Trials That Changed History
Why Abolitionist John Brown Became the First American To Be Executed for Treason
State Bar of Texas Podcast
The Untold Stories of Attorney Clarence Darrow
‘Shaping the Bar’ author says bar exam protects legal profession, not public
Lunch Hour Legal Marketing
How does Google know who you are? | Authorship v. Expertise
Why John Adams Defended the British Soldiers During the Boston Massacre Trials
Summer reading picks and why a YMCA-funded crusade against obscenity matters today
What’s the Spread? Legislating Sports Betting & Fantasy Sports in TX (State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting 2024)
Lawyer 2 Lawyer
Introducing: In Dispute: 10 Famous Trials That Changed History
Salem Witch Trials: How The Hysteria Went Terribly Awry
First Look at In Dispute: 10 Famous Trials That Changed History
The Official Trailer for In Dispute: 10 Famous Trials That Changed History
Legal Toolkit
Emerging Legal Ethics for AI; How-Tos for AI in Law Practice; & “Michigan Man”
‘In the Shadow of Liberty’ shines light on American immigration history