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Patrick Palace

Patrick Palace

PATRICK A. PALACE is the owner of Palace Law and Palace Personal Injury Law Group. Palace Law is a workers’ compensation firm and Palace Personal Injury Law Group is a firm dedicated to personal injury matters.  He is and has been a partner in a number of joint ventures with tech companies developing new tools for lawyers. Patrick was the President of the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) 2013-2014.  He is a member of the National Conference of Bar Presidents (NCBP)(2014-present) that prepares and trains Bar leadership nationwide. He also Chaired the 21st Century Lawyer NCBP committee which produces monthly national webinars for bar leaders.He currently serves on the ABA Center for Innovation Board and on the Data Standards Committee which is tasked with creating the standards by which legal innovation shall be measured.

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Guest Appearances
September 2, 2021

#344: Life as a Law Firm CEO, with Patrick Palace

Patrick Palace joins us today and discusses how he’s created a successful firm that can run on the day to day without him. He shares how he spends some of his extra...

May 13, 2020

Workers Compensation Claims during COVID19

Patrick Palace discusses workers comp claims during COVID-19.

June 24, 2019

Elevate 2019: Using Data, Process Review & KPIs to Drive Growth and Productivity

Jack Newton, Mary Juetten, and Patrick Palace discuss how data, processes, and KPIs can help law firms drive growth and productivity.

June 10, 2019

Why Robots Matter

Three experts on legal robots—legal technologies powered by Artificial Intelligence—discuss chatbots and other tools that have major long-term implications for the industry.

May 9, 2019

Better Together: Cultivating Partnerships with Legal Tech Vendors

Patrick Palace give tips on how lawyers and legal tech vendors can develop better working relationships.

April 25, 2018

#169: A Recipe for Affordable Legal Services, with Patrick Palace

Patrick Palace talks about how lawyers can help make legal services affordable to all consumers.

March 20, 2018

Bringing the Access to Justice Twitter Rant Offline

Host Laurence Colletti gathers together some of the most vocal access to justice ranters on Twitter so they can share their ideas in real life.

February 16, 2018

Recap and Update: What are LLLTs and How will they Improve Access to Justice?

Patrick Palace talks about what LLLTs are and how they provide access to justice in a unique and powerful way.

November 5, 2015

Clio Cloud 2015: Washington State’s Limited License Legal Technicians

In 2012, the Washington Supreme Court adopted the Limited License Legal Technician (LLLT) Rule, making it the first state to authorize non-attorneys who meet certain educational requirements to advise clients on specific...