Greg McLawsen

Greg McLawsen

Greg McLawsen is the founder of Sound Immigration where his job is to work behind the scenes to ensure their clients have an outstanding experience with the firm. He’s passionate about reinventing the practice of law to make it work better for those he serves. He works hard to identify the best available technology to make the firm convenient for clients. He looks to other industries, like real estate and the restaurant business, to learn about practice that will help serve the clients better. The focus of his leadership in the broader legal community is using technology and innovation to serve clients. He has chaired the 1,000-member Solo and Small Practice Section of the Washington State Bar Association, where he helped attorneys learn about ways to help clients more effectively with technology tools. For two years he served on the Washington State Bar Association’s Future of the Profession Workgroup, which explored the future of the legal industry. And he chairs the Technology Committee of the American Immigration Lawyer’s Washington State Chapter, and formerly served as Treasurer and Secretary of the Chapter.

Guest Appearances
January 9, 2019

Why the Client Experience Matters

How can your law firm succeed like Amazon? With a focus on the client experience. Greg McLawsen and Joshua Kubicki explain.

May 29, 2018

The Secret Life of a Mobile Lawyer

Greg McLawsen talks about the life of the nomadic attorney and shares how he built his law firm around his desire to travel.