Corine Rogers

Corine Rogers

Guest Corine Rogers is a marathon crusher, IRONMAN finisher, and cupcake demolisher. She’s a lover of Clio, a fanatic for systems optimization (ask her about the laundry system), and an efficiency beast. With experience in customer service and more than seven years in the legal industry, Rogers flexes her skill set supporting firms that want to commit to building sanity – and their business. She can often be heard asking “what is the highest and best use of your time?” as she reveals opportunities for increased efficiency. Rogers wants you to stop trying to figure out your law firm’s situation and start building a system team members can support. She earned her bachelor’s degree at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh.

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Guest Appearances
December 27, 2022

Business Systems: Stop Trying To Do Everything Yourself.

In this episode: Law is intense, and you love your business. But are you trying to do everything? Trust the team you’ve hired. You can do too much, and you’re not that...