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Chelsey Lambert

Chelsey Lambert

Chelsey Lambert is Founder of Lex Tech Review, a legal technology blog and learning center. Her mission is to help attorneys, and legal professionals understand the technology that is available to them, how to use it, and the positive impacts it can have on their business. Both a former Practice Management Advisor for the Chicago Bar Association, and Vice President of Marketing for a case management provider she is an expert in small law firm processes and practice management topics. Chelsey recently published the nearly 200 page 2017 Legal Technology Buyers Guide, which has been downloaded by thousands of law firms around the world. She regularly writes and teaches on law practice management and technology on her blog You can connect with her there, or follow her on Twitter

Guest Appearances
October 23, 2019

Clio Cloud 2019: Media Panel

A panel of legal media representatives discusses their interest in the Clio Conference and what content they hope to bring back to their audiences.

March 16, 2018

Lawyers and Leads: How to Effectively Develop Business

Chelsey Lambert talks about marketing automation and why it’s worth the investment.

January 18, 2018

All You Need is New Technology

Jared and his guest host/wife Jessica talk to Chelsey Lambert about how and why law firms should invest in new technology.

December 19, 2016

Marketing Game Plan for 2017

Marketing Vice President Chelsey Lambert from How To Manage a Small Law Firm talks about building successful marketing campaigns.

May 13, 2016

Three Marketing Tools Small Law Firms Can’t Live Without

As more and more clients find us online, it’s imperative that small law firms have the basic tools in place to capture and capitalize on potential opportunities. In this session we will...

October 22, 2014

Clio Cloud Conference: Chelsey Lambert on Law Firm Culture and Technology

New Solo host Adriana Linares interviews Chelsey Lambert about culture in the law firm workplace and small firm technology. Lambert discusses translating tech company cultures like those of Google or Zappos into...