Chad Burton

Chad Burton

Chad Burton is a co-founder of Modern Law Practice, CEO of CuroLegal, and a legal futurist. He has been actively engaged in building the future of legal services throughout his career through his work in legal technology, creating ABA Blueprint – an A.I. driven interface to help attorneys select the best technology for their firms – and developing “new law” business models. 

Within Modern Law Practice, Chad becomes a law firm owners’ “BFF” and is essentially on call as the ideas flow. Burton’s obsession with exploiting every feature of existing technology helps owners maximize their resources. He is adept at lean operations management and leveraging virtual assistants and other outsourcing options. 

He serves on the Governing Board for ABA’s Center for Innovation and the Board of Directors for the Global Legal Blockchain Consortium. Burton previously served on the ABA Law Practice Division’s Council and as chair of the division’s Futures Initiative. He regularly speaks around the country on topics related to legal technology, virtual law practice, and the future of the legal profession. 

Burton has been quoted and published in national outlets including the ABA Journal, Inc., the Atlantic, and Entrepreneur Magazine. He was named to the Fastcase 50 list of global legal innovators in 2014 and received an award by ALM for the Most Innovative Use of Technology for Firm in 2012. Burton earned his bachelor’s degree at Miami University and his J.D. at Case Western Reserve University School of Law.

Guest Appearances
January 25, 2022

What’s Ahead in 2022 for Lawyers and Law Firms

Legal futurist Chad Burton examines today’s trends to predict what the future holds for legal practitioners.

October 28, 2019

Clio Cloud 2019: Legal Trends Retort Game Show!

Chad Burton, Erin Gerstenzang, Jennifer Reynolds, and John Strohmeyer compete to discover who is the ultimate master of Clio’s Legal Trends Report.

January 28, 2019

ABA Midyear Meeting 2019: ABA Blueprint

Chad Burton talks about ABA Blueprint and how lawyers can utilize it to enter information about their firms and get valuable recommendations on practice management.

September 6, 2018

Demystifying Legal Technology Trends

Chad Burton talks about legal technology trends and how law firms can step up their tech game.

March 20, 2018

Bringing the Access to Justice Twitter Rant Offline

Host Laurence Colletti gathers together some of the most vocal access to justice ranters on Twitter so they can share their ideas in real life.

March 22, 2017

#112: How to Ditch Your Computer and Work from Your Phone, with Chad Burton

Chad Burton, explains how (and why) he ditched his computer for an iPad Pro, and then ditched his iPad Pro for his iPhone.

March 21, 2017 How Lawyers can Respond to Trump’s Immigration Laws

This podcast focuses on, a website built to organize legal professionals who are seeking ways to help immigrants.

November 1, 2016

ATL APP 2016: Yes, You Are Competing With LegalZoom

Joe Patrice, Dan Lear, Larry Port, and Chad Burton discuss the importance of leveraging legal technology and the dangers to your business if you don’t.

September 30, 2016

Is LegalZoom Ruining The Legal Profession Or Enhancing It?

Joe Patrice brings on Chad Burton and Nicole Bradick of CuroLegal to cohost a wide-ranging discussion with LegalZoom General Counsel Chas Rampenthal.

August 31, 2016

Finding Alternative Careers in the Law

Joe Patrice, Chad Burton, Chas Rampenthal, Joshua Lenon, and Laurence Colletti talk about their own experiences using a law degree.

April 30, 2015

ABA TECHSHOW 2015: Cloud-Based Tools for Communication

Legal Talk Network producer Laurence Colletti interviews Chad Burton and Nicole Bradick from Curo Legal at the 2015 ABA TECHSHOW in Chicago. Together, they discuss Chad’s conference presentation on eliminating email and...

November 11, 2014

ABA Law Practice Division: Chad Burton and Adriana Linares on E-Lawyering

Legal Talk Network Producer Laurence Colletti interviews E-Lawyering Task Force Co-Chair Chad Burton and Vice-Chair Adriana Linares at the 2014 American Bar Association Law Practice Division Fall Meeting. Together, they discuss core...

October 22, 2014

Clio Cloud Conference: Adriana Linares Interviews Chad Burton

New Solo host Adriana Linares interviews Curo Legal co-founder and CEO Chad Burton at the Clio Cloud Conference. Together they discuss Burton’s speech about virtual communication and collaboration and highlights of the...