Amber Knee

Amber Knee

Amber Knee is an urban planner with the Division of Traffic Planning and Management at the New York City Department of Transportation, where she focuses on major bicycle network development and other street safety improvement projects.

Ms. Knee previously served as the Philadelphia LandCare program manager at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS), where she oversaw strategic interventions that helped mitigate the impacts associated with vacant land. She also led the development of a re-entry training program that connects formerly incarcerated individuals with jobs in the green industry. Ms. Knee holds an M.C.P. from the University of Pennsylvania and an M.S. in Landscape Design from Columbia University. Her graduate work focused primarily on vacant land reuse and increasing public health in urban areas through planning and design interventions.

Guest Appearances
August 12, 2019

ABA Annual Meeting 2019: Taking a Bite Out of Blight

Lin Chin, Amber Knee, and Jessica Bacher discuss the issue of blighted property found in many US cities and how to get involved to solve the problem.