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Adam Camras

Adam Camras

Mr. Camras received his BA from the University of California, Berkeley. He is the Chief Executive Officer of LAWgical, the company that owns and operates leading legal brands, including Legal Talk Network, ServeNow and ServeManager. The Los Angeles, California native has been involved in legal since 2001 and enjoys learning about the latest technology and trends affecting the industry. Mr. Camras travels the country for speaking engagements, CLEs, attending conferences, and meeting with members of the legal community. You can follow him on Twitter at @AdamCamras.

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Guest Appearances
November 13, 2017

Evolve Law’s Access to Justice Through Technology Event in Denver Live

In October, Evolve Law hosted an event in which a panel discussed potential technological solutions to the access to justice gap.

March 20, 2017

ABA TECHSHOW 2017: Time-Saving Apps that will Boost Your Productivity

Tech tips, life hacks, and useful apps that can increase lawyers' productivity while also helping them manage security and marketing.

March 17, 2017

ABA TECHSHOW 2017: How to Pitch to the Media and get Exposure for Your Firm

So you want to get the name of your firm under as many eyes or into as many ears as possible. You know some sources that can accomplish this but what is...

January 26, 2017

Time is the New Green: Tips and Tools to Optimize Your Life

In this episode of The Paralegal Voice, host Vicki Voisin talks to Adam Camras, CEO of Lawgical, about managing your law firm’s time effectively with apps and technology.

May 27, 2016

Evolve Law: Client Driven Technology Solutions

The Evolve Law Client Driven Technology Solutions panelists on data security, advancements in artificial intelligence and legal tech, and how attorneys and technologists can work together to best shape the future of...

March 17, 2016

ABA TECHSHOW 2016: Creating Compelling Podcast and Video Content

Have you been listening to podcasts and watching online videos and think you have valuable content to share with your peers or clients? In this Special Report, Legal Talk Network producer Laurence...