Tom Mighell has been at the front lines of technology development since joining Cowles & Thompson, P.C....
Dennis Kennedy is an award-winning leader in applying the Internet and technology to law practice. A published...
Published: | January 29, 2016 |
Podcast: | Kennedy-Mighell Report |
Category: | Legal Technology |
Even lawyers start the new year with at least a few resolutions. Some are predictable, falling into the usual categories like exercise or diet. However, creating legal technology based resolutions can really help your practice and overall happiness. Have you been thinking about trying a new app or learning to use one you’ve already downloaded? Does the idea of starting a blog or finding a new podcast interest you? Do you need some ideas?
To help listeners with some ideas, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell discuss their 2016 technology resolutions in this episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report. They contemplate the usefulness of resolutions in general, examine their 2015 goals and whether they were completed, and make a new set of legal tech resolutions for the upcoming year. Using a system of threes, Dennis and Tom set up general and specific resolutions including online content and engagement, learning to use new tools, digital organization and pruning, and collaboration with other lawyers. Tune in and compare your goals with theirs; maybe you’ll decide to add one more!
In the second half of this podcast, Dennis and Tom recommend previous Kennedy-Mighell Report episodes that new listeners might want to try. Sometimes legal technology discussions don’t stand the test of time, but many of their previous podcasts are still applicable today. As always, stay tuned for Parting Shots, that one tip, website, or observation you can use the second the podcast ends.
Special thanks to our sponsor, ServeNow.
Recommended Previous Episodes:
Parting Shots:
Kennedy-Mighell Report: Dennis and Tom’s 2016 Technology Resolutions – 2/4/2016
Advertiser: Got the world turning as fast as it can? Hear how technology can help – legally speaking. With two of the top legal technology experts, authors, and lawyers: Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Welcome to the Kennedy-Mighell report, here on the Legal Talk Network.
Dennis Kennedy: And welcome to episode 164 of the Kennedy-Mighell Report. I’m Dennis Kennedy in St. Louis.
Tom Mighell: And I’m Tom Mighell in Dallas.
Dennis Kennedy: In our last episode, we shared a ton of our best technology tips as our send off to the year 2015. In this episode, we continue our annual tradition of sharing our New Year’s technology resolutions. Tom, what’s on our agenda for this episode?
Tom Mighell: Well Dennis, in this edition of the Kennedy-Mighell Report, we will indeed discuss the whole idea of technology resolutions and boldly share our own. In our second segment, we’ll discuss some of our old podcasts that newer listeners might want to give a listen to. And as usual, we’ll finish up with our parting shots, that one last tip, website or observation that you could start to use the second that this podcast is over. But first, let’s talk about New Year’s technology resolutions for 2016. I have to say, this year – I’ll be honest – I haven’t really read a lot about the usual making your New Year’s resolutions articles or blog posts. Usually there’s some link bait or clickbait out there that would talk about resolutions, but I’m not seeing as much as I have in past years. But I guess whether you call them resolutions, whether you call them goals, whatever you wind up calling them, I think we still believe it’s a good idea to have some direction for your technology every year. But before we talk about this year’s resolutions, maybe we should revisit the past and see how we did. Dennis, does your apparent success with your 2015 resolutions make you an optimist or a pessimist for 2016?
Dennis Kennedy: I’m all in as an optimist this year, although I do want to go back to what you said about not seeing a lot of resolutions articles and I think we’ve talked about this in the past that there are sort of two options at the first of the year. One is to go technology predictions, the other is to go resolutions. And I think so many people want predictions this year and predictions are great because you have almost no responsibility, nobody checking if you’re right or wrong. Resolutions I think require you to go through and take on some accountability and think through what you want to do. But I was really happy for a change with what I actually accomplished, and the fact that I gave myself permission to focus on what it was that I accomplished rather than what it was I might have not got done. So I think from getting everything into a powerful to do list tool like Omnifocus to what I’ve done with Apple watch and some of the things I really wanted to do with technology, I’m pleased and it’s really given me a positive approach for the coming year.
Tom Mighell: I must say that I don’t want have less than a positive outlook. I still have a positive outlook on what’s coming this year, but I will say that my 2015 resolutions did not pan out the way that I expected. I partially completed a couple of them, I didn’t even get close to some of them. That’s why I think there’s one here. One of my goals for last year was to write more content on the blog which was just such a tremendous blog, and I will be talking about that more in my 2016 goals. But I’m starting to worry a little bit like writing more content is the technology equivalent of get in shape or lose weight that we always put on there and we never do as much as we want to or we never do anything. That said, though, I was pleased with having been able to learn more about tools like Microsoft Access and Microsoft Project, and then my something completely new for last year was to get and learn the Surface Pro 3. And I not only did that but I wound up getting a Surface Book and working with that new tablet convertible has really been both rewarding and I think a good and positive move for me in terms of the portable technology that I happen to use.
Dennis Kennedy: I totally rate you as a winner on the resolution side from last year.
Tom Mighell: Well, you’re a lot more gracious than I am to myself.
Dennis Kennedy: So one of the questions I think I alluded to this a little bit with people doing the technology predictions, posts, and stuff, is are resolutions really a useful exercise or is it just kind of a device that we podcasters use to create an annual episode?
Tom Mighell: Can we say both? I think that it makes for a good episode because we can talk about these things, but I do think that to a certain extent, it’s useful for individuals to set some type of technology goal. Now that I think probably one of the biggest and maybe most overused legal headlines of last year was around the fact that more and more states are adopting the requirement of some sort of technology competence as part of their ethics rules. And the fact that they’re doing that means that it’s far more important than it ever has been to understand technology. And that’s why I think that in the context of making resolutions or goals or whatever you want to call them, doing something around technology each year is probably something that most lawyers overlook. They don’t think about it, they’re more worried about their general practice, their finances and other things. And I think that having at least a couple of goals related to technology is really useful. What do you think about that?
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, more and more I think that is the case and I think the resolutions part is actually sort of the thing we do to make people more interested in the podcast. But I think it really does come to setting a just few technology goals that address some of the things that really concern you. And the good news these days is there’s a ton of information out there about how to set the so-called smart goals where there are systematic approaches to ways of setting goals. And the exercise of going through and saying, “Can I identify some things that I want to do with technology to make some improvements, try something new, to address a problem that exists?” I think can be really helpful. I also think that smart approach – and smart is an acronym – is it forces you to take a realistic approach to things. And to think in terms of timeframes, accountability – which is sort of the missing piece always on accountability. Tom, it helped us partway through the year, we went back and looked through our resolutions and assessed how we’re doing on them. And like I said, that notion of having timeframe and being realistic – because as you give a great example, because I used to do this too and say I want to write more on my blog, I want to create more content. And if you say, “Hey, what I really want to do is to do one blog post a week,” or something like that, then you have something that seems doable, that’s very concrete, that you can measure and be accountable for and then try to figure out the best way to hold yourself accountable. So it may be that you were in connection with somebody else who’s interested in the same thing that you have your own approach. I guess these days it’s not great to reward yourself to accomplish these things, but I think people have different ways that they can hold themselves accountable for achieving something. So I think it’s very concrete, very doable, and something you can measure whether you’ve done or not, usually in a fixed, set time period. I think that really helps you. Tom, I don’t know. Do you think your idea of creating content might work better for you if you framed it in a more concrete, specific time-delineated way?
Tom Mighell: That’s a good question. Last year on the podcast, I probably framed my goal as creating more blog content. Actually, I was much more specific. I said that I was going to write a hundred blog posts over the year, and the number of blog posts that I wrote was exactly two. It was not a good year for blog posts. So I made it specific. It might have not been completely reasonable given that that’s one every three years, maybe I should’ve cut it down to maybe fifty. But I don’t know, I’m not sure what it is. I think that where I fall down with my goals are I agree that they need to meet the smart criteria, they need to be realistic approaches. But I think that when it comes to technology, especially with folks who technology might not be natural for them, might not be something that they’re willing to go to or are a little nervous about; I sometimes think that a little trepidation or uncertainty about where they’re going is not necessarily a bad thing. I think that it’s okay if you’re a little nervous about heading into a new area of technology. I think that should be part of a goal that if it’s in your comfort zone then you’re probably not learning as much as you could. And so going a little bit outside your comfort zone to do something I think is also a worthy way of approaching these types of goals or resolutions.
Dennis Kennedy: I agree with that and I also think that for a lot of people you can pick a few things or learn something new, but it’s not like you have to learn everything about it. I say a great resolution for people is to learn how to get better with tracked changes in Word because it’s really something that can help you on a regular basis. Sometimes it might just be to fix a problem or try a new technique or take a class. And you can come up with a few of those things and make them concrete and make them very doable. I’m also a big fan of the rule of three, so I’m always saying what three things should I target. And then if I find those and focus those, then that goes really well. And if I finish them, then I can do three more. And so I think one of the things that I’ve been thinking about this year as I read up on this is that maybe the whole notion New Year’s resolutions is really too arbitrary. I saw somebody say that what they do is they use their birthday for the start point for what they would call resolutions. I thought that was really interesting because New Year’s is sort of an arbitrary day. You’re running around, you’ve got family stuff, you’ve got all these things going on. The first day on New Year’s day, you’ve probably got enough stuff going on that you can’t jump in and work on a resolution anyway on that first day and you’re sort of thrown in different directions. Or you go to something that’s quarterly and say here’s something I want to try to accomplish in three months and then if I don’t, is it something that I would roll over because it’s still a good goal, or does by making it quarterly give me a sense that it’s an ongoing process. Then I think the point you made, Tom, about the 100 blog post, that’s a tricky one because we both do that 52 books in 52 weeks reading idea – which I guess you could call a resolution. But I know that when it got to the 1st of December, I knew I could read whatever it was 8 to 10 books in December to get to my 52, which I did. But when you’re in December and you still have 989 blog posts to do, that’s pretty overwhelming.
Tom Mighell: And nobody wants to read your blog posts in like 30 days. The only thing I’ll disagree with there is that I don’t know if New Year’s is arbitrary. I don’t really care whatever motivates you, whether it’s your birthday, whether it’s a quarterly goal. To me, the idea of the New Year’s resolution, yep New Year’s day is kind of off limits and doesn’t really count for anybody. But I like the idea of New Year, new start, new beginning. It may be a false premise and it may be that it’s just kind of sitting there staring us in the face being so obvious that it’s never going to work; and that maybe using your birthday and using a different way of measuring it is appropriate. But I say use whatever motivates you. Use whatever is most likely to get you to do that sort of thing. So I’m not a huge rule of three person, although I’m happy to follow in your lead when we talk about resolutions. So maybe it’s time to start talking about our resolutions this year.
Dennis Kennedy: This year, I decided to try something new, which is I’ve been reading a lot about approaches where people say just pick one word for your year, and that will be the word that’s real important to you that will help you focus your year. Your actual word could be focus, but there’s another variation on that. Because I think it can be really difficult to say, “Oh, here’s this one word that nails just everything,” and then you can kind of procrastinate by spending a lot of time on the word as opposed to figuring out what to actually do about it. So there’s another approach that feels better to me which is the three word approach and I’ll just touch on that. So tentatively, I think it’s going to take some time for me to actually get this to where I want. But the three words I have are production, pruning and transition, and I’m going to try to organize my tech resolutions accordingly. So the first one is vision, and this comes up because I’ve been working with a personal trainer and she asked me one day if I have a vision of what it was that I was working for and she just assumed that I did. I’m actually really good at helping other people put together the vision and giving them some insights, but when it comes to myself I’m really pretty bad about that. So I said at this point, that’s something I want to do and can I do that in a sense of technology and a better way to use technology. So my resolution here is to say can I start to do even more with the mindmapping, the idea generation, and the tools that are designed to help you be more creative to put together things like mission statements, vision statements, and can I start to experiment with those and see how they may help me give some direction of what I’d call a vision that I’ll be working toward.
Tom Mighell: That’s a good goal. So my first one, I’m not going to use three words. That would take me too long and I would have trouble just deciding what my words are. So I’m going to say that my first goal goes to the general topic of content and engagement, and this is where I attempt to claim back what I didn’t get to do last year in part. Although Dennis already knows this, I think this will be the first time I announce this to anybody. I’m going to make a major content change and a major pivot on the blog. I’ve been positioned as a legal technology person, but if I’m honest with myself, I’m farther away from legal technology than I’ve ever been considering that I don’t practice law and I haven’t been engaged in that area. While I try to catch up and I see what’s going on, I really don’t consider myself a legal technologist in the same way that other people should consider themselves as legal technologists that Dennis would. So I’m going to start to make the blog about something I really enjoy talking about and enjoy helping people with and that is consumer technology. Phones, tablets, the equipment, the websites, the app, the things that people use whether you’re a lawyer or you’re not a lawyer. The thing that you use and the technology that you use both for pleasure and for getting things done. That’s really where I want to go with the blog this year; I’m working on a new design, I hope to roll that out here in the next couple of weeks. It won’t be a tremendous difference but it will be slightly different. The other thing that I want to do is I want to increase my online engagement but I think the better word is I want to balance my online engagement. I am not online as much as I could be. I post to Facebook occasionally. I forward a tweet of an article that I see occasionally. But I really don’t have the level of engagement that I’d really like to have. I don’t want to go all out. I don’t want to spend as much time on social media as I’ve seen other people spend. I don’t want to live-tweet the Golden Globes that I saw several people doing last night. I saw some people live-Facebooking the Golden Globes and making comments on every single award or every single person they saw. I don’t want to go overboard like that, I really want it to be a balanced approach to social media, and I hope to use the new format, the new approach for the blog to help launch that new approach that I’m going to look at for getting more engaged with social media but not overly engaged.
Dennis Kennedy: I think those are great ideas for you, Tom, and considering that you’re successful, I can see some of that going into the podcast as well. Resolution number two for me and the second word is pruning. It sort of comes from thinking about – I won’t call it an old house plan, but I have a house plan; there’s a tropical plant that its lineage goes back more than forty years to my grandparents. I really love this plant and it can go just wild. So last year, it was thriving and it was all over our sun room and it was driving my wife crazy because it was just all over the place. She wanted to cut it back and I didn’t want that, so here’s this notion of pruning. You can cut things back and they’re better as a result because they become more focused and truly in the sense of the plant. I cut that plant back and I’ve enjoyed it more now. It’s grown out a little wilder now, but then when it was in its wildest stage last year. So if you look at the number of apps I have and the number of podcasts I listen to, all the things that I do, it’s just sort of a wild mess in the same way. So the resolution for me is pruning, and so it’s taking a look at that stuff to say what makes sense and what can I cut out that will allow me to try new things to allow what I actually want to accomplish to thrive in a little better way. So the simple example that I’ve decided to do here is that last year or the year before I bought this word processing program for the Mac called Scrivener which a lot of people like. It’s really great for long writing projects. And I never came up with the way to use it. This semester, I’m teaching a class again at Washington University Law School on IP licensing and drafting. So what I’ve decided to do is put all my notes, everything I’m doing for that class into Scrivener to give it a real test to see if it’s something I can use and with the possibility of a result of that that teaching next year will be simpler and maybe I can do something that will evolve into something like a textbook for a class and then I can make the decision if it’s a tool that I need to use or not. So I think the whole notion I want to do is try to cut back and redirect, but I think my particular resolution is directed at this one program, Scrivener, and the one used in connection with my class.
Tom Mighell: I think that’s an interesting use of Scrivener. I used Scrivener on a couple of the more recent versions of my iPad books and I will say it was a great experience. It was really easy to use and I really enjoyed it and I think anybody that I’ve talked to who has used Scrivener has all sorts of great things to say about it. So if any of you out there are looking for a tool to help for a longer writing project, Scrivener is a great tool. Again, however, it is only available for the Mac, you’ve got to have a Mac; but it’s a great tool. My only complaint about Scrivener is there’s no iPad app for it, and that’s just one of the complaints that I’ve got about Scrivener, but otherwise it’s great. That’s what they say, it’s been rumored for a while now and it just hasn’t yet. My second goal this year is something that is the thing that gives me fear and trepidation, but it’s not fear and trepidation of learning something new, it’s fear and trepidation of doing something that I’ve been trying to do for a while and that’s get my digital photos organized. Really, it’s to get my paper photos into digital format and to get them organized. I’ve mentioned here on the podcast before another podcast from WNYC called Note to Self which I think is a really great 20 to 25 minute podcast on the social aspects of technology issues and they spent one episode talking about organizing your photos. They had a guy come on and he gave some really great suggestions about how to organize your photos. Then the host wound up basically – she and another person – said I’m going to live with the pain, I’m going to live with all the photos I’ve got. I really don’t think that’s a good decision, so my goal this year is – I don’t take a ton of pictures but I’ve got a decent amount of it in paper. There are still prints that I got from probably 30 or 35 years ago and I recently bought a photo scanner that can handle large photos because I’ve got a number of larger portrait sized photos that I want to scan and I’ve got all sorts of odd shaped photos and I plan to scan those, organize them. I’m using Google Photos, I really think Google Photos is really one of the better photo management tools that’s out there, especially with its ability to scan things and understand what it’s seeing in a picture and build that into its search functionality. And then get that to where I can create albums, I can start sharing it with friends, I can start showing pictures from a long time ago to people. I haven’t been able to do that because they’re sitting in a box in a drawer in my office. So I’m looking forward to it, it’s something that I just don’t ever quite have the time to do but it’s something that I need to get done this year.
Dennis Kennedy: And I’m looking forward to your learnings so that might be something I can do in 2017. So my third resolution, and the third word is transition, and I don’t think this is exactly the right word, but I have a sense of movement in a lot of the things that I’m doing. I think this goes back to the vision notion too, and even pruning. I think there’s good movement in what I’m doing for the most part, but I think the notion of from to to is kind of missing for me. That word is transition so I’m trying to say what can I do to help me with that notion of movement from to, and I think the answer is getting other people’s help through technology. So, Tom and I have obviously written about collaboration tools, but the one that people are really talking about these days is Slack. So I want to try to start using Slack but within the framework to say how can i use Slack and collaboration tools like Slack – but I think I’m going to focus on Slack – to help me with this notion of how do I get where I’m at to where I want to be or just to get that sense of transition. It’s a difficult thing for me to articulate, Tom, but I think you might have an idea what I’m thriving towards and why I think Slack might work for them.
Tom Mighell: You and our listeners might think this is a cop out, but when I saw Dennis’s third goal, I thought that’s actually a goal for me too. Not necessarily for the reason that Dennis mentions, but I really have two reasons for wanting to use or learn more about Slack. The first is it sort of satisfies our shared goal of learning something new. I want to learn about a new tool, I want to see how it works. But I also am incredibly intrigued. I heard about the ABA TECHSHOW board uses Slack and they’ve almost completely abandoned email to do that, and I’m really intrigued by the concept of a new communication channel that allows you to collaborate and allows you to pull in all sorts of different services to help you, whether it’s DropBox or whether it’s other tools that integrate into it. My only concern and the only challenge is that I’ve got no one except maybe Dennis who will work with me on this because I work at a business where we still very much live in the corporate world. Slack, for me, is very much a tool for smaller, more agile, more nimble groups of people who really are pretty much working as a team the whole time. If you’re more dealing with a synchronous communication or things like that, Slack, I’ve heard people say, isn’t necessarily the best tool for you, you’re still going to live in a world of both Slack and email, and that’s not necessarily a great environment to be in. So work is not probably going to be the place where I can explore this. So I’m looking towards some of my volunteer efforts, whether it’s the Bar show that I do here for the Dallas Bar Association, whether it’s something with the ABA’s law practice division. Maybe I can convince Dennis that the LTRC should start working in Slack. I’m intrigued about doing it, but I’m also challenged by the fact that to collaborate on something like this, you’ve got to have people to collaborate. And that right now is going to be the challenge is finding the right people to work and to learn about this with.
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, I think you’re exactly right on that, you hit some of the key points. And that’s maybe something where creating a personal group or this could be the case where we really just look to our listener base and find out what people are doing or maybe some of our listeners want to invite us to something they’re doing in Slack that’s really cool. Tom, I normally just pick one thing every year, the new technology that I’m going to learn, so I’ll just mention that 2016 to the extent of 2015 wasn’t already this is going to be the year of the block change in technology for me. I don’t know if you’ve picked something new or whether Slack is your technology.
Tom Mighell: Slack is going to be my new thing.
Dennis Kennedy: So I think that’s what we have for resolutions. I just suggest our listeners maybe think about our approach and see if we’re good role models. So hopefully we’ve given you something to hear about. By the time you hear about this, obviously, it won’t be January 1st, but I think hopefully we can give you the chance to rethink what your resolutions were and maybe get a fresh start on some things that might work for you.
Tom Mighell: And frankly, I would love you start out my blog post writing effort, restart it, by writing about your resolutions. So if you’ve got resolutions that you’ve set, share them. We’ve got the contact information that we’re going to give you at the end of the podcast. Share them and I will post them either on my blog, maybe on the Law Technology Today blog, but we’d love to hear what your resolutions are. Before we move onto our next segment, let’s take a quick break for a message from our sponsor.
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Tom Mighell: And now let’s get back to the Kennedy-Mighell Report. I’m Tom Mighell.
Dennis Kennedy: And I’m Dennis Kennedy. I tried to track down an old episode of our podcast for someone the other day and on Google, I noticed that some of it actually blogged about the episode and said that they had listened to the podcast expecting to hear what they expected, which was lawyers reacting negatively in all kinds of ways to new technology. Instead, they said they found just the opposite and found the episode really interesting and actually quite useful in practical ways. We occasionally run into listeners who are new to the podcast or want to know if we have some episodes that we might point to as the ones that would be good starting places since we’re on episode 164. Tom, what episodes do you suggest for listeners who want to dip into our archive?
Tom Mighell: So it’s an interesting time, and I found that this question that Dennis posed was really interesting because the challenge with the technology podcasts is that the key to getting value out of past podcasts is to find the ones that have more ever great advice. For example, our iPad podcast: they really aren’t that valuable now because technology’s changed, the information is stale. They’re just not as useful to people, they aren’t going to like that very much. That said, I’m going to choose a block of three podcasts and say if you want to get a flavor and dip into the archive, go and listen to our series on presentation tips. We did it last year, it was podcast number 125, 126 and 127. We did a series of podcasts on tips to giving good presentations, whether you’re on a panel, whether you’re just giving your own presentation, how to deal with technology, how to deal with other issues, and then whether you’re giving a webinar, how to give a good online presentation. I thought that that was full of really good information. Most of it is still, I think, right spot on for today and it’s not going to change. I think it gives a good flavor of what the podcast has been, at least in the recent past. Dennis, what about you?
Dennis Kennedy: Well first of all, I’m literally shocked that you picked the same three that I was going to.
Tom Mighell: We probably should have planned this ahead of time.
Dennis Kennedy: Actually that was my second set because the ones that I point to is episode 140 which is the first one we did on podcast listening and then we did one recently. Let me see if I have the actual number where – the title was called Golden Age of Podcasting. In those we shared our insights into the ways that we listen to podcasts, how you find podcasts, things like listening at double speed and all those sorts of things. I think those are especially useful. I think any of our episodes on our presentation tips, those are some of my favorite. I think there’s the run of the second half of 2015, I’ve been really pleased with those. And then I also suggest to people that it’s interesting to go back and look at some of the things that we did like say Shadow IT, Internet of Things, that we did quite a long time ago and see how those hold up because i think they really do. Then the last thing I would say is that any of the pardon the interruption approach podcast that we did are still going to be really fun at this point. Now it’s time for our parting shots, that one tip, website or observation that you can use the second this podcast ends. Tom, take it away.
Tom Mighell: So my parting shot is an interesting spreadsheet that I found on a Google Doc through a post with LifeHacker. But it’s really for those of you who either haven’t selected a to do list or a to do list app or cast management app or those who might be looking for a new one. And this is called the Ultimate To-Do List Comparison Chart. I imagine it’s a collaborative document because there’s probably more than one person contributing to this. Someone’s created a spreadsheet on Google that lists out probably the 20 or 30 or 40 different to do list or task manager apps that are out there, and they’ve added probably more than 100 criteria that are part of it. Could you sync to your calendar, can you share things to social media, can you email tasks from your phone to things. Any criteria that you would imagine a to-do list app needs to have, it’s on this list and they rank them and they try to weight them. And I was really surprised at how some of the tools that I really like didn’t score very well, which goes to show you that sometimes it’s what you happen to like and not necessarily what has all the different features and bells and whistles. But I think it’s really fascinating to look at the different to-do list apps, what their features are. It’s probably a really good decision making tool if you’re in the mood or in the search for finding a new task management app. Ultimate To-Do List Comparison Chart. Dennis?
Dennis Kennedy: Nice list, I was really disappointed in seeing Omnifocus in there, but I think that it’s actually a very useful list as you said, Tom, for all the reasons you gave. You mentioned earlier in the podcast the Note to Self podcast and I found another one. I always hesitate to recommend a podcast after just one or two episodes, but this one’s called Canvas and it takes a look at the iOS world especially. But the notion is what they don’t want to just run through a bunch of apps and just describe the apps, but they want to look at the actual work flow and try to answer the real questions you have. The first episode was how do I download and upload files on my iPhone or iPad, and it was just really practical and helpful because there are some things that seem like they should be really simple that when you actually try to do it, they don’t quite work the way you want. So great suggestions there, really practical, really easy, and I learned a lot from this podcast. So assuming they keep it going – knock on wood – I really like the approach they’re taking.
Tom Mighell: So that wraps it up for this edition of the Kennedy-Mighell Report. Thanks for joining us on the podcast; information on how to get in touch with us, as well as links to all the topics we discussed today, is available on our show notes blog at If you like what you hear, please subscribe to our podcast in iTunes or on the Legal Talk Network site where you can find archives to all of our previous podcasts. If you’d like to get in touch with us, please email us at or send us a tweet. I’m @TomMighell and Dennis is @DennisKennedy. So until the next podcast, I am Tom Mighell.
Dennis Kennedy: And I’m Dennis Kennedy and you’ve been listening to the Kennedy-Mighell Report, a podcast on legal technology with an internet focus. Help us out by telling a couple of your friends and colleagues about this podcast.
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Kennedy-Mighell Report |
Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell talk the latest technology to improve services, client interactions, and workflow.