Dennis Kennedy is an award-winning leader in applying the Internet and technology to law practice. A published...
Tom Mighell has been at the front lines of technology development since joining Cowles & Thompson, P.C....
Published: | October 23, 2015 |
Podcast: | Kennedy-Mighell Report |
Category: | Legal Technology |
Apple recently announced the new and larger iPad, Pro which many in the tech community are considering a direct competitor to the Microsoft Windows Surface Pro 3. With Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4 available soon, is this a new battleground for Apple and Microsoft? Which of these devices makes more sense for lawyers in their personal or professional lives?
In this episode of The Kennedy-Mighell Report, Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell examine the features of these new devices, leverage Tom’s expertise on both platforms, and help listeners determine which choice might make the most sense for them.
Topics include:
In the second half of the podcast, the hosts talk through Dennis’ recent decision to purchase the newest MacBook after a crisis in confidence pushed him to consider the Air or Pro instead. As always, stay tuned for Parting Shots: that one tip, website, or observation you can use the second the podcast ends.
Special thanks to our sponsor, ServeNow.
Advertiser: Got the world turning as fast as it can? Hear how technology can help – legally speaking. With two of the top legal technology experts, authors, and lawyers: Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell. Welcome to the Kennedy-Mighell report, here on the Legal Talk Network.
Dennis Kennedy: And welcome to episode 160 of the Kennedy-Mighell Report. I’m Dennis Kennedy in St. Louis.
Tom Mighell: And I’m Tom Mighell in Dallas.
Dennis Kennedy: In our last episode we analyzed the recently published results from the ILTA Inside Legal Tech Survey and the ABA’s Annual Tech Survey, and what they might mean to lawyers and law firms. In this episode, we dig in to Apple’s newly announced iPad Pro and how it compares to the Windows Surface Pro. It might be time for a technology debate. Tom, what’s on our agenda for this episode?
Tom Mighell: Well Dennis, in this edition of the Kennedy-Mighell Report, we’ll be taking a close look at the recent iPad Pro announcement, how it compares with the Windows Surface Pro 3, which is already here, and the upcoming Windows Surface Pro 4 which is going to be announced right after we record this podcast. In our second segment, we’ll talk about Dennis’s decision to buy a new Mac Book. And as usual, we’ll finish up with our parting shots, that one tip, website or observation that you could start to use the second that this podcast is over. But first let’s talk about high end tablet wars. On September 9th, Apple announced the much rumored iPad Pro, a larger iPad to appeal to those who want to be more productive with their tablets. Many in the tech community are viewing the iPad Pro as a direct competitor to the Windows Surface line of tablet – specifically the Surface Pro. We thought it might be interesting to talk about similarities and differences between the two. Since we came up with this idea, Google has announced its own device that seems to compete in this area, the Pixel C, so we might want to throw that in there a little bit too. Dennis, are we going to have a big Apple, Microsoft, maybe Google battle here? We haven’t really seen or had one of those in a while.
Dennis Kennedy: It does sort of bring back memories to the days when people were really focused on hardware and all worked up about it. I sort of consider this as more of a little skirmish. I think the larger tablets and the Surface area, sub Notebook area, tablet with keyboard, is really a niche area. It might be growing certainly very interesting area for lawyers. I still think a lot of times that it’s not so much the hardware itself, but the real battle is for the ecosystem. So what apps do you get? What’s the app ecosystem? What are things that it ties you into? How does it fit with the rest of the technology you’re using? But I think the point that’s worth making here, Tom, is that these larger tablets are really an interesting form factor for lawyers. And I don’t know if we’re yet to the fabled electronic legal pad, but both of these products are interesting and maybe the third one as well are interesting as they evolve along those lines.
Tom Mighell: If we look at this whether this is a battle over ecosystem, whether this is a battle over the platform, I really think that in a sense, it’s both, or maybe the answer is unclear. Apple, in its presentation, they stated very directly that the future is apps. I think they were really talking about Apple TV, in that particular context. But I really think that for mobile operating systems, that phrase works just as well for the iPad and the iPhone and that they’re all in on apps, apps, apps. And there’s no question that iPad wins when it comes to the ecosystem that they have. They’ve just got so many apps, they’re very well designed, and my Windows Surface; I love the Surface and we’re going to talk a little bit more about why I love it and why I actually think it’s going to better than an iPad Pro. But in terms of their app store, the app quality is very poor, it’s not the same. It’s very interesting that the developers of tools who would make really well thought out apps that work well on an iPad, the apps that they create for Windows tablets seem to be an afterthought and they just sort of threw this on there and it’s just not that good. I think it was really kind of surprising that they wouldn’t want to have that kind of quality, or maybe they could only devote so many resources to a particular tablet. But then when it comes to platform, that’s ecosystem. But if we’re talking platform, I think the conversation gets more interesting, because you’re really talking about two very different approaches to using a tablet here, and I think that to me is where the main differences come down between the Surface Pro and the iPad.
Dennis Kennedy: I think that to delve into the platform issue and apps a little bit as well, you look to see what are developers most interested in. I think there’s a clear interest in the iOS system. I think that on the open source side, you have a big interest in Android, and that’s probably where the jobs are and where people who want to do app development are either going to want one or both of those. I think when you add the third one to say I’m going to do development in the Microsoft environment, it’s probably maybe the third option for some companies that are doing apps or they just may have trouble finding enough developers who are geared to that who say, “This is what I want to be doing,” rather than to be in the Apple app store or on Google Play. So you look at developers as in a way of they’re like musicians or they’re artists, so the audiences you get for your app is becoming quite an important factor in that. So I think a number of those things happen, which is sort of why I think it’s no matter how cool some new hardware is, it’s not enough in itself these days to really drive a lot. So you need to see how does it work within an existing app system. I think the Windows Surface world, what’s interesting is obviously going to be how, if not native, then certainly as close to native as can be to what Microsoft Office is. That’s very important in the business environment, and then I also think they all sort of exist as Cloud tools as well. I think it’s their transition device in some ways, but I think they also really offer a lot. Tom, I always think of you as the king of tablet computing for lawyers. So do you want to sketch out what the options are and maybe the similarities and differences between the devices to get us started?
Tom Mighell: I’m going to give a high level reaction and then we’ll maybe dig deeper into it in just a second, but obviously, Apple has announced the iPad Pro. The iPad Pro is going to be bigger than a regular iPad. In fact, if you turn it in a landscape format, it’s designed to look like two iPad screens sitting next to each other, it’s that big. It’s about a twelve inch screen and then some, I think. It is clearly designed to compete with the Windows Surface tablet, which is the same size. But the first question that you didn’t ask but which you maybe should is if I’m going to buy one. Every year when there is a new iPad announcement, I’m right down there at the store buying a new iPad. And this is actually the first year that I’m probably not going buy a new iPad immediately. I really don’t have a need for an iPad Pro. I don’t use the iPad for productivity purposes. I see the iPad Pro as serving mainly that purpose. I don’t see it being that content consumption device that the iPad Air and the iPad Mini have been for so many years. I see this as being something that people can use. And that said, I think this is going to have great application for I would think certain professions. Artists, people who want to draw on things. Architects, people who need to design things. Maybe doctors, having more space to look at tests, look at x-rays and more lab things. People who mix music I’ve heard, it’s going to be a really great tool. Will it work for lawyers? I think I want to talk a little bit more about that in a second. But I think that’s a really good question, and what I think it comes down to is what you’re looking for out of a computing device. And I think what it’s really going to come down to is whether you want a full featured application, like you’re more likely to find on a Windows device where you have full Windows and you have full applications, or whether you can operate your practice using an app that may not be as full featured but it gives you what you need. It gives you just the features that you need and that form factor and that it just works sort of functionality that Apple provides, is that enough for you. And I think, frankly for me, that’s where it comes down to is what are your needs as a lawyer because you’ve got both tools, they conserve both of those needs pretty well.
Dennis Kennedy: So a couple of things you said, Tom, were really interesting to me. I agree with you where if you’re a heavy, heavy Microsoft Office user where you’re using a lot of the tools and maybe use two big monitors and all these sorts of things, then I think to say, “I want to use a stripped down app on a tablet,” is a harder sell. But for people who are out, once you get mobile and once you’re using things in different place and on the fly and that sort of thing, then potentially, the way you look at it, it changes. And also to echo what you were saying about the iPad Pro in the medical world, I think this also shows the interplay of apps in these devices. I agree with you, I think that given the display, the size of the iPad Pro and Apple’s obvious commitments to health apps across the platform including the watch, I really see that these could make inroads, especially with the ease of use. Last time I was talking with my doctor and he was trying to work with the systems they have in the hospital system he’s with. They had just done an upgrade and it was obviously really clunky to work on a laptop for him and it wasn’t working quite right. You could see the doctor using an iPad would have a much easier time of that. So I think these larger devices do kind of appeal to certain niches. I think they also might make sense for people who want to watch their movies on a bigger thing. But I think the tricky part in both of these devices, Tom – and maybe you can touch on this – is the price is pretty significant. The iPad Pro and probably the Surface Pro are nothing you would buy for your kids just from the price point.
Tom Mighell: No, they’re not. They’re both expensive devices and what I think is really interesting is part of what makes them expensive is the fact that they’re selling the accessories separately, and for not inconsequential prices. So the new iPad Pro comes with a specially designed keyboard that many people have said is a direct ripoff of the Surface keyboard. And that’s a shame if it is, because that’s the one complaint I have about the Surface keyboard, it’s not my favorite accessory. But you’re going to pay $169 for the keyboard. They’ve come out with a brand new Stylus as if Apple invented the Stylus this time around, it’s always kind of how it seems. They call it the Pencil. It’s only going to work on the iPad Pro, at least initially, but you’re going to pay for that too. So you’re easily paying well over $1,000 for an iPad Pro.
Dennis Kennedy: Plus Apple Care.
Tom Mighell: That’s right, if you get Apple Care as well. But I’ll say, I went all out and I bought the best Surface Pro that’s out there and I spent easily $1,500. So that’s not any different from desktops that I would buy in the past. These are not cheap computing experiences, I completely agree. I’m going to push back on one thing that you said to go back into one thing where you talked about if you’re a heavy, heavy Microsoft Office user; I think that it doesn’t necessarily require you to be a heavy Microsoft Office user to appreciate the difference between Windows and the iPad and I’ll give you one example: Microsoft Outlook. If you used Outlook in a Windows environment, and then you switch over to the iPad version of Outlook, you will find that the iPad version offers maybe 5%of the functionality of what you get within the Windows version of Outlook. There’s just literally no difference there. When you get to Word and Excel and it acts like that, okay, we’re getting closer to 15% functionality on the iPad versus the Windows version, so it’s a little bit better. But there are some areas where it doesn’t even require you to be a heavy, heavy user. Even if you’re just a regular user of it, you’re still going to notice a significant difference using some of those apps. Do we want to dig deeper into some of the iPad Pro features at this point? Or Dennis, did you have anything you want to talk about there?
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, I think it’s time to dig a little deeper on that. I do say, and some of our friends say – it’s certainly not me but even 5% of the features would be 5 times what most lawyers are using.
Tom Mighell: None of them are good features, though. No, it’s not, nevermind.
Dennis Kennedy: So I think that is a thing with apps that the deeper you get into existing programs, unless the app is a great helper or helps you out on mobile, the apps are just not going to be a replacement for what you’re used to. And it’s another case where if you step back and say, “Here’s what I really need,” then I think you do step away from what the actual devices are and how cool they are and say, “If what I need is to use this device to work on documents and other things and spreadsheets,” you’re just going to gravitate to the Windows devices over the iPad. If that’s not the thing, if you’re using this device in addition to your normal laptop or desktop, it’s a different story. I guess some of the things we notice about these devices, Tom, are the size. They’re bigger than tablets and they’re smaller than laptops and I think for people who travel, people who are working outside the office, people who work out of coffee shops and other places like that, the size is very attractive. As you pointed out on the iPad, the ability to show two apps side by side or two different things happening side by side, it’s big enough to do that. It’s a significant issue. So I think the size is good for certain things, but I think if you’re saying, “I want to use the iPad Pro the same way I would use an Amazon Kindle to read in bed,” and stuff like that, I think you’re going to decide this is way too big. As we were talking about before we started recording, Tom, that if you’re reading and you started to fall asleep and you have this iPad Pro, you would hope that you didn’t knock yourself unconscious. So there are those issues. But I think the size is worth considering. There’s definitely been interest in Apple creating a larger device and I think some of that is driven by the Surface Pro.
Tom Mighell: I think if you compare the two, the iPad is slightly thinner, it’s slightly lighter. Because it’s an iPad, because it’s an Apple device, it’s naturally going to be beautifully designed. So I have to say that if I put my Surface Pro up against an iPad, the iPad’s going to win in terms of design and look and feel and it’s just going to feel better. My Surface Pro feels kind of clunky in my hand. I don’t mind it so much, and I’ll be interested to see what the Surface Pro 4 looks like when it comes out very soon. But I think iPad Pro wins in the size and design area. In terms of apps, I really think if we’re thinking about one area of the law that will benefit from something like the iPad Pro, I think it’s going to be litigators. I’ll stick on one of the things that you mentioned which is that Apple finally has joined the rest of the Windows world by allowing you to put two different apps side by side which we could have done in Windows for the past 20 years. And so now you can put two apps up. Although, this is going to be a somewhat slow progression because it’s going to depend on the app developers to do something about this. Right now you can do it with all of the Microsoft Office apps, you could do it with most of the iPad apps. I just got an email the other day that our favorite trial presentation software, TrialPad, now supports the side by side. And that’s where i think the iPad Pro is going to be great for evidence presentation. You can have two apps up, you can have an evidence presentation tool up and you can have maybe a note taking tool up so you can take notes at the same time. I think it offers a lot for the litigator that needs to have maybe a little bit more stuff going on on the screen to be able to find stuff or get to the right resources. So I’m really intrigued for litigator use for the iPad. We talked about the keyboard. I will say it’s an intriguing keyboard. I think it’s better than the Surface keyboard, but for all intents and purposes, I’ve heard reviewers come out and say they’re not really big fans about it. We talked about the Pencil already. In terms of that, what’s interesting to me was I was at a meeting a couple of weeks ago and taking notes of a panel that was speaking and I noticed one immediate difference between the Surface and the iPad is I can write in just about any app on the Surface. And when I say write, I can use my Stylus and I can write it in and it will turn it into text as I’m writing it. The iPad, you’ve got to have individual apps that do that. Again, they say it’s an app world where you’ve got to be in the individual apps. On the Surface Pro, I can use my Stylus in every single application on the entire computer if I want to, and I’m able to have that turn into text. So a little bit of an advantage there in terms of using the Stylus. That said, I’m sure the Pencil’s going to be a very beautiful device; I’m sure it’s going to work great, people are going to love it. And again, I really think it comes down to personal preference and choice and whether or not people need the bells and whistles of full Windows versus having a device that has slightly less features and slightly less functionality but just good enough for what people need.
Dennis Kennedy: I think in the Apple announcement people seemed really wowed by the Pencil and some of the features in it. When I think of the Stylus or Pencil, I go back to my HP Tablet PC from many years ago and where I thought the greatest feature when you have a Stylus was the tethering of that Stylus. That’s what the HP tablet had and I loved it because I never lost the Stylus. So I think that’s always an issue with the Stylus. Neither of those really appeal to me because I’ve found myself going more towards voice for input, especially in the last few months. So that Stylus Pencil thing is not as big a deal to me. But I could see where if you’re doing something where you’re asking people to sign things – like even in the Apple store, they ask you to sign and you’re signing with your finger and it’s a weird experience. So a Stylus or a Pencil I think is good in that scenario. And I suspect that if you’re just writing notes, having a Stylus or Pencil would be a good thing. That’s not typically how I’m using an iPad, but I see the benefit there and I think that does, Tom, to touch on the notion of is either these devices potentially electronic legal pad. I think we’re probably closer to the answer being yes than we ever have been.
Tom Mighell: I think that’s true, and where it comes from me is that my – and I’ve probably said it a dozen times on this podcast – my handwriting is horrible, but I still want to write; I still like the idea of being able to put a pen onto the tablet and actually be able to write and be productive with it. I think a lot of lawyers like that idea too. I think it is as close as we’ve gotten and now that Apple has embraced the stylus, that’s something that Steve Jobs would never have done, I think that represents an interesting and potentially important shift in how people use the device. What do you think, Dennis? How are IT departments going to react to that? Is there a hope that lawyers are going to be able to convince their IT departments to start buying these iPad Pros?
Dennis Kennedy: I think the iPad Pro is going to be a tough sell in most law firms unless there’s already some sort of significant amount of Apple in the firm. I think that as you’ve said, what I’ve heard is that the price point makes it a tough sell, whether it’s the IT departments or the financial people at a firm to do these because I think the Surface Pro, to me, costs more than a traditional laptop at this point. So I think that’s going to be a hard sell for a lot of lawyers because it focuses on the bottom line rather than what necessarily is the best tool for lawyers, unfortunately. So I think that that part of it is potentially an issue on the budget side. So I think that it’s not like I’m saying, “Oh my god, there’s going to be so many lawyers switching to this.” I suspect we’ll see more of the solo and small firm level than big firms with some exceptions. And then in the bigger firms, I expect it would be the Windows Surface that we would see but reluctantly because of cost.
Tom Mighell: I’m really interested to see how the iPad Pro plays out. Because clearly, my guess is that Apple decided to roll this larger one out for two reasons. I’m going to make a leap here and say that what we’ve been seeing as part of the ABA Legal Technology Survey, that tablet use has sort of plateaued over the past couple of years. It’s now almost right at 50% of lawyers using them and it looks to be that all the lawyers who are going to be using tablets already have tablets, and nobody’s going to buy anything else. So this is, I think, Apple – in one respect – their attempt to jumpstart new sales of an iPad by making something that’s a little bit different that might be a little bit more appealing for certain demographics, for certain people who want to look at it. And I think that it’s also Apple’s recognition that the iPad can be a productivity device, which we’ve had so long not thought of it as being productivity but more of a content consumption device. But now they’re trying to make it look more like content creation. I think it’s going to be interesting. I think that where the lawyers may have success in convincing their IT departments or their firms to buy iPad Pros is in the area of litigation, and I’ll be interested to see how that falls out over the next couple of years.
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, I agree. Tom, as you know, I just came back from a business trip to Singapore and I was showing my wife some of the pictures I took. They were on my iPad and I put them onto my Apple TV to show her and it really is amazing how in presentation, how easy it is to use the iPad going to bigger screen. So I understand why a lot of presenters have now taken that approach. Just my experience the other night was almost enough to make me say, “I just want to present this way from now on.” To wrap off with the couple of thoughts I had as we were talking, I think that the potential of these devices – and especially the iPad Pro – is actually outside of legal when we touched on it, Tom. Healthcare, designers, real estate people, you just see the use case all over the place. But with lawyers, I think it’s a harder sell, and then to get the approval, I think it’s going to be really hard for lawyers to make a case of what they’re doing is really different. Tom, I’m like you, in case you haven’t asked me if I’m going to buy an iPad Pro, but what I think I’ve decided is it doesn’t fit into any category that I want because I sort of have everything covered at this point. I’m Apple Watch, I’m iPhone, I’m iPad and I’m on my new Macbook, and that I think gets me covered. So for the price, I don’t see where the iPad Pro fits into anything. Now, at work, I think I would like a Surface Pro, having traveled with a standard laptop recently. I think that as we always say, Tom, we step back and say, “What is it that you need to do and what you need to accomplish and what makes sense,” and I think that these big tablet categories I think can make sense in a lot of places but I don’t know how many lawyers in a law firm can make that argument to the people who are writing the checks.
Tom Mighell: I think we will leave it at that. Before we move onto our next segment, let’s take a quick break for a message from our sponsor.
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Dennis Kennedy: And now let’s get back to the Kennedy-Mighell Report. I’m Dennis Kennedy.
Tom Mighell: And I’m Tom Mighell. I got a frantic email from Dennis a couple of weeks ago saying that he had a crisis of confidence about his decision to buy a new Macbook and he was desperately seeking my sage advice. Fortunately, I was able to talk him through it, although I don’t think I said anything that was particularly sage. We always think that talking about our own technology decisions is helpful to our listeners. Whether that’s true or not, we’re going to do it right now. Dennis, what got you so freaked out about your Macbook decision?
Dennis Kennedy: You sort of alluded to it right there. What happened was I made the decision to get the newest Macbook. It’s twelve inches, it’s got retina display, the new keyboard is insanely thin. So I decided this is a perfect travel device, it would do everything that I thought I needed. I was all set to buy it and then I saw something where somebody said, “Well, you know that Macbook is underpowered,” so of course I started to look into that. I started to compare the Macbook Air, the Macbook Pro, and the Macbook and the Macbook Pro held a lot more power and they all sort of run at the same price for what I was thinking of buying. So I sort of had this crisis of confidence, as Tom said. So I was like, “Well, I can go the Macbook Pro route which will give me more power,” and part of the reason I was switching away from my Macbook Air was that the hard drive was full, the memory was all being used all the time that I was using, the laptop was starting to run slow. So I said if I get this more powerful, more memory device and I go with the Macbook Pro, then I eliminate the problem that I have of the sort of swirling beachball when the computer’s chugging away. Then I started to look and I said, well, the Macbook Air may kind of get moved into one of these other categories. It’s slightly older technology wasn’t refreshed recently. The Macbook, brand new technology, different plugs, the CUSBC port, this amazing keyboard. Like I said, it’s so amazingly thin, so I reached out to Tom, which my question was – as Tom interpreted it – was, “Tom, I’m a new technology guy, right? And the best choice for me is the newest technology, not what might make slightly more sense now for a problem that may not really exist for me.” And so I think that once Tom basically kind of went through his thinking on it and layered it out for me, then I came back to the Macbook, which was where I had started, but it’s sort of interesting even when you make a decision about technology, how even at the last minute, just some review or some comment can kind of throw you off track. But it gives you a chance to rethink what it is and the reasons for buying it. So maybe, Tom, I sort of stated things in a way that makes me seem more reasonable than I was at the time. But what were your reactions to my approach to that question?
Tom Mighell: I think that your reactions were normal. Well, let me back up. They were normal for people like you and me who agonize over a technology decision like this. But I think there’s a lot of people out there who agonize in different ways over technology decisions. I had a very similar issue come up in the past week or so. I have not been happy with my current phone. I have a relatively new Samsung Galaxy S6 that in one respect I love to death because it takes the best photos of any camera I’ve ever used. I went all over Eastern Europe and took pictures and people when they found out I took those pictures on my phone, they were frankly amazed because the pictures were so good. In every other respect, I hate this phone, it’s not working out for me. I’m agonizing over what other type of phone to get because I can’t find a phone that meets all the requirements that I have. So I am constantly second guessing myself. And so I think that’s perfectly normal, and I think that really it’s a matter of stepping back and saying what’s important to you, what are the things that you’re interested in, and what are you willing to sacrifice. If you’re willing to sacrifice newness for stability or vice versa, or that stability is actually coming with something new rather than something old, it’s really that decision that you’ve got to make and that’s why I think it makes sense to reach out to other people to ask their opinion of things. Whether they know the answer or not, whether they provide any advice or information that’s helpful. I think that friends can be a good sounding board and can talk through the different parts of those decisions. But I think that you handled it the way that anybody looking at technology would handle it and ultimately you calmed down and you stopped freaking out and I’m assuming you think you made the right decision.
Dennis Kennedy: Yeah, I’ve been totally happy and the things that I thought I would like, the keyboard – like I said, it’s small – the resolution is so great and it’s so thin and I just look forward to traveling with it. So in terms of all that I wanted and then I got a bigger hard drive than I had before so that eliminated that problem and I’ve got more ram in it. So so far, everything has been great.
Tom Mighell: You can send my commission check to my address here in Dallas.
Dennis Kennedy: Just put it on my tab. So now it’s time for our parting shots, that one tip, website or observation that you can start to use the second that this podcast ends. Tom, take it away.
Tom Mighell: So as most listeners here will know, I am an Android user on the phone. I have been sitting with jealousy watching or hearing about my iPhone friends going out and using Apple Pay to pay for things. And so I was extremely excited a couple of weeks ago to see that Android Pay has finally rolled out. It’s very similar to Apple Pay. You load your credit and debit cards in there when you go to pay something electronically, it generates an anonymous token that gets sent out. So it’s not actually sending your credit card information out. I’ve had the opportunity to use it only two or three times, not many of the stores I’ve gone to accept either Apple Pay or Android Pay, but I did find a code machine that would use it. I did find actually an air machine at a gas station trying to fill up some tires. I put my phone right up to the dial, my phone lit up, a little check mark appeared, and I purchased it. Literally it was three seconds and out and I was done with that. So I’m all in on mobile payments like this. I’m really impressed by how the technology works and I’m just looking forward to seeing more places use stuff like this. Apple Pay is free to use, but you obviously have got to use your own credit card or debit card.
Dennis Kennedy: Well, as being part of the Mastercard legal team that works in the mobile payments area, Tom, I totally enjoy hearing your feedback on that.
Tom Mighell: You’re welcome.
Dennis Kennedy: And I will also tell you that the next step of using your Apple Watch to pay, which I do, is even more awesome. What I wanted to talk about in my parting shots are I have – probably more so than anybody I know – I like to update quickly, because I always figure that part of the update is a security improvement, so I like to install updates as soon as possible. Most of the time that works great, but you do have to be a little cautious. Sometimes, despite my usual approach, it does make sense probably on some of the bigger things to consider waiting a day or two and see what’s happening out there. So I installed iOS 9 right away. Probably one of the big things I was using my phone and my iPad for is podcast listening and the first iOS 9 update totally trashed the podcast app. So basically, the way that I traditionally listen to podcasts was absolutely gone. So it’s now taken care of in the second iOS 9.0.2. So if you had the issue, that should take care of it. But I still think it’s a great idea to update early and often. But keep an eye out there because sometimes things can go wrong. And the other thing that I wanted to mention is that sometimes you get the feeling that everything’s perfect in the Apple world and people are likely to think that, but sometimes you do run into things. So as I near the end of life for me of my Macbook Air, it tended to be a little slow. So the always usefull blog – and we’ll put this in the show notes – has a post called Ten Quick Ways to Speed up a Slow Mac. So these things do happen and there are tips for it and some of these tips were actually very handy to help me kind of speed up and take care of some problems that I had developed over time on my Mac.
Tom Mighell: So that wraps it up for this edition of the Kennedy-Mighell Report. Thanks for joining us on the podcast; information on how to get in touch with us, as well as links to all the topics we discussed today, is available on our show notes blog at If you like what you hear, please subscribe to our podcast in iTunes or on the Legal Talk Network site where you can find archives to all of our previous podcasts. If you’d like to get in touch with us, please email us at or send us a tweet. I’m @TomMighell and Dennis is @DennisKennedy. So until the next podcast, I am Tom Mighell.
Dennis Kennedy: And I’m Dennis Kennedy and you’ve been listening to the Kennedy-Mighell Report, a podcast on legal technology with an internet focus. Help us out by telling a couple of your friends and colleagues about this podcast.
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Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell talk the latest technology to improve services, client interactions, and workflow.