Featured Guests
Ron Flagg

Ronald S. Flagg was appointed President of Legal Services Corporation effective February 20, 2020, and previously served...

Kathy Steinberg

Kathy Steinberg began her research career at Harris Interactive (now The Harris Poll) in 2004 as a...

Your Host
Lee Rawles

Lee Rawles joined the ABA Journal in 2010 as a web producer. She has also worked for...

This Episode
Published: August 13, 2024
Podcast: Talk Justice, An LSC Podcast
Category: Access to Justice , Constitutional Issues , Ethics , News & Current Events

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This Podcast
Talk Justice, An LSC Podcast
Talk Justice, An LSC Podcast

In each episode of Talk Justice, An LSC Podcast, we will explore ways to expand access to justice and illustrate why it is important to the legal community, business, government and the general public.

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