Featured Guests
Giovanni Mosiello

After graduating with a Master’s degree in management and automation engineering, Giovanni Mosiello participated in the InnovAction...

David Santucci

David Santucci is a computer science engineer with more than eight years of experience in designing and...

Daniele Briggi

After graduating with a degree in computer science in the city of Romeo and Juliet (Verona), Daniele...

Roberto Calabrò

Roberto Calabrò is a marketing and communication psychologist specializing in music marketing. He has been involved in...

Anna Chiettini

Anna Chiettini is a graduating law student at Bocconi University, currently working as a trainee lawyer. Her...

Stefanie Gummerer

Stefanie Gummerer is a student at Bocconi University, where she majors in business law and is a...

Your Host
Laurence Colletti

Laurence Colletti serves as the producer at Legal Talk Network where he combines his passion for web-based...

This Episode
Published: May 8, 2019
Podcast: On the Road
Category: Legal Support , Legal Technology & Data Security

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