Lisa Kloppenberg, a distinguished Law Professor and Dean Emerita, also holds the role of Special Assistant to...
Mitchel Winick is President and Dean of the nonprofit law school system that includes Monterey College of Law, San Luis...
Jackie Gardina is the Dean of the Colleges of Law with campuses in Santa Barbara and Ventura. Dean Gardina has...
Published: | September 19, 2023 |
Podcast: | SideBar |
Category: | Access to Justice , Career , Constitutional Issues |
Professor and Dean Emerita Lisa Kloppenberg, author of The Best Beloved Thing is Justice: The Life of Dorothy Wright Nelson, discusses her mentor, colleague, and friend. Judge Nelson was a true trailblazer for women in the legal profession. She was one of only two women in her class at the UCLA School of Law and one of the first 14 female tenure-track law professors in the United States. She became one of the first women to lead an American law school as Dean of USC Gould School of Law and later became a distinguished jurist on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. An inspiring story shared by a nationally renowned scholar in her own right, Santa Clara University School of Law Professor and Dean Emerita Lisa Kloppenberg.
Special thanks to our sponsors Colleges of Law and Monterey College of Law.
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Co-hosts law school deans Jackie Gardina and Mitch Winick invite lawyers, authors, law professors, and expert commentators to discuss current challenges to our individual constitutional and civil rights. Educators at heart, this “dynamic dean-duo” believe that the law should be accessible to everyone.