Ten famous court cases come to life through reenactment of actual conversations preserved through trial transcripts and court reporters to explore the foundations of our current legal systems.
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Have you ever wondered how landmark legal decisions shaped the America we know today? In Dispute takes you on a thrilling journey through ten famous court cases that redefined our legal landscape.
We’ll use actual conversations preserved from trial transcripts and court reporters. Actors will bring these historical moments to life, reenacting the heated exchanges, impassioned arguments, and pivotal testimonies that unfolded in the courtroom.
This podcast goes beyond the theatrics. Expert legal commentators will provide insightful analysis, dissecting the key arguments and legal principles at stake in each case. You’ll understand the historical context, the competing interests, and the lasting impact these decisions have had on our society.
Immersive reenactments: Feel the tension rise as lawyers clash and witnesses take the stand.
In-depth analysis: Gain a deeper understanding of the legal issues at play.
Historical context: Learn how these cases reflected and shaped the times.
Enduring impact: Discover how these decisions continue to influence our legal system today.
In Dispute is not just a history lesson; it’s an exploration of the foundations of American law. It’s your chance to witness the drama of the courtroom and gain a deeper appreciation for the legal principles that govern our lives.
J. Craig Williams is admitted to practice law in Iowa, California, Massachusetts, and Washington. Before attending law school, his education began in media studies with an interest in journalism, radio, and film.
Williams has incorporated those interests into his blog, May It Please the Court. He is a Top-Rated Criminal Defense Lawyer – White Collar Crime as selected by American Lawyer Media and Martindale-Hubbell.
J. Craig Williams has released a companion book titled “How Would You Decide?” This book explores these landmark cases in rich detail. Packed with primary source documents and engaging narrative, it’s your chance to become a legal scholar in the comfort of your armchair. Grab your copy of “How Would You Decide?” and continue the conversation!
Hear arguments that changed the course of history.
Salem Witch Trials
Released June 18
Boston Massacre Trials
Released July 16
Trial of John Brown
Released August 20
Trials of Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp
Released September 17
Chicago Black Sox Trial
Released October 15
The Scopes Monkey Trial
Released November 19
Lindy Chamberlain Trial
Released December 17
The McMartin Preschool Trial
Released January 21
Listen as these voice actors bring every episode to life.
Voice of John Hathorne, John Brown & Attorney General Stewart
Episodes “Salem Witch Trials,”
“John Brown Trial” & “Scopes Monkey Trial”
Voice of Bridgett Bishop
Episode “Salem Witch Trials”
Voice of Cotton Mather and Judge Raulston
Episode “Salem Witch Trials”
Voice of Judge and The Appeals Court
Episodes “Salem Witch Trials,”
“John Brown Trial” & “Scopes Monkey Trial”
Voice of Captain Thomas Preston
Episode “Boston Massacre”
Voice of British Soldier
Episode “Boston Massacre”
Voice of Daniel Calef
Episode “Boston Massacre”
Voice of Richard Palmes
Episode “Boston Massacre”
Voice of Witness
Episode “Boston Massacre”
Voice of Benjamin Lee
Episode “Boston Massacre”
Voice of Samuel Quincy and “Sleepy Bill” Burns
Episodes “Boston Massacre” &
“Black Sox”
Voice of Josiah Quincy
Episode “Boston Massacre”
Voice of John Adams, Wesley Fuller & Clarence Darrow
Episodes “Boston Massacre,”
“O.K. Corral” & “Scopes Monkey Trial”
Voice of Ebenezer Bridgham
Episode “Boston Massacre”
Voice of Dr. John Jeffries and Superintendent White
Episodes “Boston Massacre” & “Scopes Monkey Trial”
Voice of John Hogsdon
Episode “Boston Massacre”
Voice of Wyatt Earp
Episode “O.K. Corral”
Voice of Prosecutor Lyttelton Price and Reverend Cartwright
Episodes “O.K. Corral” & “Scopes Monkey Trial”
Voice of Sheriff Johnny Behan
Episode “O.K. Corral”
Voice of H.F. Sills
Episode “O.K. Corral”
Voice of Judge Spicer
Episode “O.K. Corral”
Voice of Newspaper Journalist
Episode “Black Sox”
Voice of Radio Broadcaster
Episode “Black Sox”
Voice of Carl Victor Little
Episode “Black Sox”
Voice of Radio Broadcaster 2
Episode “Black Sox”
Voice of James “Ropes” O’Brien
Episode “Black Sox”
Voice of Shoeless Joe Jackson
Episode “Black Sox”
Voice of William Jennings Bryan
Episode “Scopes Monkey Trial”
Voice of The High Court
Episode “Chamberlain Trial”
Voice of Sally Lowe
Episode “Chamberlain Trial”
Voice of Ian Barker, Sr. Prosecutor
Episode “Chamberlain Trial”
What other trials do you think changed American history? Tell us!
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In Dispute: 10 Famous Trials That Changed History will be promoted among Legal Talk Network’s current audience to attract working lawyers and legal practitioners.
Given its historical components and our legal expertise, the show will appeal to a wider audience of well-educated, high net-worth professionals aged 35-54.
Email Lisa at lkirkman@legaltalknetwork.com.