Law Student Podcast
If you haven’t listened to Law Student Podcast, please spend a few minutes with the show.

The ABA Law Student Division, in partnership with Legal Talk Network, is looking for two student hosts to join the ABA Law Student Podcast for one- or two-year terms. As a host for ABA Law Student Podcast, you’ll work with a law professor mentor host, your fellow student host, ABA Law Student Division staff, and producers and engineers at Legal Talk Network to help develop monthly episodes on subjects that will excite the passions of law students, illuminate exciting career opportunities, and afford guidance on dealing with the struggles many law students face.

A host of the ABA Law Student Podcast will be expected to conceive of a topic and execute that topic by finding guests, scheduling interviews, and interviewing industry experts and luminaries to create engaging, entertaining, and informational episodes.

This position is open to all law students. Though this is a volunteer position, ABA Law Student Podcast hosts are afforded the exceptional opportunity to network with notable members of the legal community, are presented with a platform to get their own name and passions in front of a broad audience, and will develop new skills that will help them in their career.

Join ABA’s Law Student Division for free! Click here for ABA’s member benefits.

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In Fall 2023, where will you be in your law school timeline?*
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