Sally Pissetsky Steele

Sally Pissetsky Steele

Sally Pissetsky Steele attended the John Marshall Law School and is now a partner at Pissetzky and Berliner, LLC where she practices domestic relations law, criminal defense law, and real estate law. Sally is also an experienced actor and singer.  She currently performs in the cast and serves on the writing committee of The Chicago Bar Association’s annual “Bar Show” comedy revue, was previously a member of the University of Illinois Rip Chords a cappella group, and graduated from the Second City Conservatory, Music Conservatory, and Writing Program. She also enjoys volunteering for various local organizations, event planning, personal shopping, and playing with her three dogs.

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March 7, 2018

The Fear and Loathing in the Law Edition

Attorney Brian Cuban, discusses his latest book, The Addicted Lawyer, Tales of The Bar, Booze, Blow, & Redemption, which details his struggles with substance abuse and recovery.