Pierson Grider

Pierson Grider

Pierson Grider is Denver based legal professional, technology enthusiast, and blockchain pioneer. He joined Integra in 2017 bringing his legal and technology knowledge with him.  As the Global Host Manager of Global Legal Hackathon, he organized and directed the 40 host cities across 22 countries. Pierson has a wide-range of experience from representing clients in various legal matters to managing the information technology department of a major non-profit. Pierson graduated cum laude from Western Michigan University Cooley Law School and received his B.A. from James Madison College at Michigan State University in International Relations with a specialization in Science, Technology, and Environmental Public Policy.

Recent Episodes
September 17, 2018

GLBC Annual Meeting 2018: Meeting Client Needs with Blockchain

Nita Sanger talks about how Wolters Kluwer is using blockchain technology to address client pain points.

September 17, 2018

GLBC Annual Meeting 2018: NetDocuments and Blockchain

Brad Clements and Peter Buck talk about NetDocuments and how it uses blockchain technology.

September 17, 2018

GLBC Annual Meeting 2018: A Blockchain Enabled Legaler

Stevie Ghiassi talks about what blockchain technology has made possible for Legaler, an Australian legal tech company.

September 17, 2018

GLBC Annual Meeting 2018: Creating a Cryptocurrency Marketplace

Elizabeth White and Edgar Radjabli talk about the ways their company, The White Company, is combating negative ideas about blockchain by creating a cryptocurrency marketplace and wallet system.