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Jon Asher

Jon Asher

Jon Asher was the Executive Director of Colorado Legal Services since its formation 23 years ago until his retirement in 2023. Jon was formerly the Executive Director of the Legal Aid Society of Metropolitan Denver from December 1, 1980 until October 1, 1999 when the Legal Aid Society was consolidated with Colorado’s two other federally funded programs—Colorado Rural Legal Services and Pikes Peak/Arkansas River Legal Aid—and became a single statewide program, Colorado Legal Services.

Jon is also an Ex-Officio member of the Colorado Access to Justice Commission and an ABA Delegate for the Colorado Bar Association’s Board of Governors. Additionally, he served as Chair of the Colorado Bar Association’s Availability of Legal Services Committee. He began his legal services career as a staff attorney with Colorado Rural Legal Services in Greeley, Colorado in August, 1971. Jon graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Law School.

Recent Episodes
March 26, 2024

Lessons from Decades of Legal Aid Leadership 

Former legal aid program directors discuss their lessons learned and current concerns on Talk Justice. Jon Asher, former executive director of Colorado Legal Services with 51 years in civil legal aid work,...