Gabrielle Kohlmeier

Gabrielle Kohlmeier

Gabrielle Kohlmeier is Associate General Counsel for Antitrust and Strategic Affairs at Verizon. Based in the DC metro area, Gabrielle is responsible for counseling all of Verizon’s businesses – from Verizon Wireless, Wireline, Enterprise, Fleet Management, to Oath properties including Yahoo! and AOL – on merger, litigation and other competition issues, including on blockchain initiatives, and representing the company before various enforcement agencies, and working on policy strategy. She is also actively involved in Verizon’s women and diversity initiatives, and pro bono programs. Before joining Verizon, Gabrielle practiced at the global law firm Latham & Watkins, where her practice focused on Antitrust and Competition, representing companies across a wide variety of industries in complex class action litigation, mergers, and agency representations. Prior to Latham, Gabrielle was a graduate fellow at Kissinger McLarty Associates, an international political and economic consulting group.

Gabrielle has served on the leadership of the ABA Antitrust Section for eight years. She is Vice Chair of the Unilateral Conduct Committee, leads several mentoring and diversity initiatives within the Section, promotes section initiatives as social media ambassador, and chairs a working group of the Compliance and Ethics Committee on Technology and Compliance. She co-authored a Special Report on Blockchain as part of the Tech Compliance Working Group, and is currently working on a Special Report on algorithms and artificial intelligence. She previously served as Associate Editor of the Antitrust Law Journal and Young Lawyer Representative for the Economics Committee. Gabrielle is also an active member of the Women’s Bar Association of the District of Columbia. Gabrielle graduated summa cum laude and Order of the Coif from the George Washington University Law School, and simultaneously completed a graduate degree with concentrations in Technology and International Economics from George Washington University in 2008. She is admitted to the bars of New York and the District of Columbia.

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April 26, 2019

ABA Section of Antitrust Law March 2019 – Women of Antitrust

Tara Isa Koslov, Deona Kalala and Mika Clark talk about what it’s like to be a woman in antitrust and the challenges and benefits they face.