William Rinehart

William Rinehart

My name is William Rinehart, but you can call me Will. Currently, I’m a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Growth and Opportunity (CGO) at Utah State. Previously, I was the Director of Technology and Innovation Policy at the American Action Forum. In my day to day job, I specialize on the public policy of telecommunication, the Internet, platform companies, and AI, with a focus on emerging technologies and innovation.

Fundamentally, I am interested in expanding human flourishing, reforming government to make it efficient, and learning.

My work has appeared in a lot of places, so I’ve tried my best to put everything in my publications page on this site. This site also hosts my personal blog and my digital garden, which is under construction. You can also see my work at the Tech Liberation Front, CGO’s Benchmark publication, and previously, at the American Action Forum.

You can contact me at will at thecgo dot org. Let’s build something together.

Guest Appearances
August 3, 2020

Big Tech Antitrust Hearings

William Rinehart at Utah State University discusses the news about big tech companies testifying before the House on antitrust, politics, and censorship.