William Dillon

William Dillon

William Dillon is a man who served 28 years of a life sentence for a murder he did not commit. The State of Florida set him free when DNA testing proved he was not linked to a key piece of evidence that was used to convict him. William is a singer and songwriter. His work was inspired by his long incarceration in one of the nation’s most dangerous prisons.


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July 12, 2024

Revisiting Wrongfully Convicted: William Dillon and His Life in Prison

While Craig is on vacation, we thought we’d bring back one of our favorite episodes from the Lawyer2Lawyer library so you can re-listen or be introduced for the first time if you’re...

October 17, 2014

Wrongfully Convicted: William Dillon and His Life in Prison

Imagine being 20 years old and being investigated for a murder you didn’t commit. Would you know what to say or do? Failure to react correctly could cost you a lifetime in...