Wendy Wayne

Wendy Wayne

Wendy Wayne is the director of the Immigration Impact Unit at the Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS) in Massachusetts. She has been an immigration law specialist for CPCS since 2003, where she trains, advises and provides litigation support to court-appointed attorneys throughout Massachusetts on the immigration consequences of criminal and civil cases. She served in 2011 on the Homeland Security Advisory Council Task Force on Secure Communities. In 2004, she received the Political Asylum and Immigration Representation (PAIR) Project’s Detention Attorney Award. Prior to becoming an immigration expert, Attorney Wayne was a trial attorney representing individuals charged with serious felonies. She previously served on the board of directors of the Massachusetts Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and she currently sits on the American Bar Association Commission on Immigration and the Massachusetts Access to Justice Commission.

Guest Appearances
January 28, 2019

ABA Midyear Meeting 2019: ABA Public Interest Law and Pro Bono Opportunities

A panel at the ABA Midyear Meeting talk about their varying involvement in public interest law and pro bono opportunities.