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Wendy Parmet

Wendy Parmet

Professor Parmet, a renowned expert in health, disability, and public health law, directs the Center for Health Policy and Law at the law school and holds a joint appointment with Northeastern University’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs. She has received prestigious awards for her interdisciplinary leadership, including the Jay Healey Health Law Teachers Award in 2016 and the Lifetime Achievement in Public Health Law Award from the American Public Health Association’s Law Section in 2022. As a prolific author, her work spans public health, bioethics, discrimination, health law, and AIDS law, with notable books like Constitutional Contagion: Covid, the Courts and Public Health and Populations, Public Health, and the Law.

Professor Parmet’s legal career includes impactful cases, such as Bragdon v. Abbott, the landmark AIDS/HIV case before the US Supreme Court, and Finch v. Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, a pivotal case addressing state-subsidized health insurance for legal immigrants.

Guest Appearances
November 7, 2023

When Religious Ideology and Public Health Collide – We All Lose! with Wendy Parmet

The COVID pandemic exposed weaknesses in our public health system and exposed the lack of trust in science and government. The change in the Supreme Court’s interpretation of public health law has...