Tom Holder

Tom Holder

Tom Holder graduated from Case Western Reserve University and received his J.D. from Emory University School of Law. He practices with the well-respected Atlanta work injury attorney Ben Gerber in their firm Gerber & Holder, with a practice exclusively devoted to the representation of injured workers in Georgia workers’ compensation cases. He is the president of the national organization Workers’ Injury Law & Advocacy Group (WILG) and is a fellow of The College of Workers’ Compensation Lawyers. Tom is a past chair of the workers’ compensation section of the State Bar of Georgia, the founding chair of the WC section of the Atlanta Bar Association, and a longtime member of the Board of Directors of WCCL, the WC section of the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association. He also works as a mediator for workers’ compensation cases. Tom is a nationally known expert in workers’ compensation law.

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Guest Appearances
April 25, 2019

Drug Formularies in Workers’ Comp—Good for Injured Workers?

Tom Holder talks about the role of drug formularies in workers’ compensation.