Tish Vincent

Tish Vincent

Tish Vincent, LMSW, Esq. recently retired as the Director of the State Bar of Michigan’s Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program (LJAP), one of the oldest lawyer’s assistance programs in the country. She is currently the Chair of the ABA Commission on Lawyers Assistance Programs, and works as a healthcare provider and health law attorney by consulting with lawyer assistance programs, physician health programs, and other professional associations across the country, on issues of well-being, illness, and impairment for safety- sensitive professionals and others.  Tish was appointed by the Michigan Supreme Court to serve as an attorney member of the Attorney Discipline Board for a three-year term, ending September 30, 2025. Fun Fact: Tish is also a former co-host of the State Bar of Michigan On Balance Podcast here on Legal Talk Network.

Guest Appearances
December 9, 2022

The Life of a Lawyer, Start to Finish: The Aging Lawyer & Exiting Gracefully

Tish Vincent discusses senior lawyers, possible warning signs of cognitive decline to look out for if a co-worker is suffering, how to approach, and where to go for help if you...