Terry Bentley Hill

Terry Bentley Hill

Terry Bentley Hill is a nationally recognized mental health advocate and criminal defense attorney in Dallas. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin and a doctor of jurisprudence degree from Texas A&M University School of Law.

Hill’s focus on mental health issues occurred after the suicidal deaths of her first husband and 14-year-old daughter. It is her mission to help others suffering from mental health diseases by sharing her story of pain and healing.

As an attorney, she was named by her peers as one of Dallas’ Best Criminal Defense Attorneys for Mental Health representation, and she was awarded the Presidential Citation by the State Bar of Texas for her work with attorneys struggling with mental health and substance use disorders.

Hill is often a keynote speaker at mental health events and is a regular guest on the M2 the Rock radio show where she and host Michael Molthan discuss hope and healing to those experiencing depression and substance use problems and to family members who are trying to cope.

The deep desire to help prevent anyone from experiencing the devastating grief of suicidal loss motivates Hill to turn the pain into a purpose. Healing is a lifelong process, but service to others is the best recovery medicine.

Hill is married to Tom Krampitz and is the mother of four daughters.

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Guest Appearances
September 25, 2019

Suicide in the Law: A Problem We Can’t Keep Ignoring

Terry Bentley Hill and Chris Ritter share their passion for helping attorneys learn how to recognize depression and get help for those at risk for self-harm.