Tara Hughes

Tara Hughes

Tara Hughes, PP-SC, ACP is employed as a paralegal at Jennings, Strouss & Salmon, PC, in Phoenix, Arizona where she specializes in Family Law. Her certifications include a PP-SC Family Law/Estate Planning from NALS and her ACP from NALA. She has an AAS Legal Secretary and a Paralegal Certificate. Tara was the winner of the 2014 NALS Award of Excellence. First awarded in 1957. this is the highest award that can be given by NALS. She is a member of NALS, the Association for Legal Professionals, and serves as the organization’s president for 2018-2019 term.

Guest Appearances
September 28, 2018

NALS 67th Annual Education and Networking Conference

The magic of paralegal conferences is that you can learn new things about your profession and make connections that you couldn’t have otherwise, all while actually having fun. In this episode of...